What's your fastest invade team? ***UPDATED - check 1st post ***

Tried IK/Sheggra/Mercy/Courage, but it was very, very weak to Khorvash.

Currently giving Sylvanimora/Valk/Justice/Mab a spin, and it’s not bad.

My fav this week, abusing the event bonuses, is Khorvash/Valk/Bat/Mercy.

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My fastest team:
Lion Banner
Hero with Black Manacles and Bullseye

My most reliable team:
Abyssal Banner
Soul Dragon*
Giant Spider**

xD even w/o the event that is a very fast powerhouse team and extremely dependable on top of that.

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Khorvash/Valk/Mercy is probably the best trio in the game.

Bat(or Justice, or Mab)

Any of those combos wins almost every game, quickly. Definitely troops you want to level and trait.


I have been experimenting with

Dragon Banner

Very high risk/high reward. But generally ultra fast with turn one wins being somewhat common.

Fairly straight forward, get hellcat charged asap, but if the board doesn’t suit that than work towards courage.

EDIT: I do not recommend it against salad dragon, it can win anyway but it’s slowed down drastically

Dark Banner (+1 brown +1 purple)
giant spider
bone dragon

Could you please share this much faster team?

Wait… is this it? Sorry if so. I should’ve read the whole thread first.

Yep! :+1:

Have you tried it yet?

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Yes. I did. I like it. But, it is a little hit or miss with honor’s spell. It is the one thing I don’t like about the guardians. They can often misfire, and it will come back to haunt you. Your team is fast, but I think the mercy, alchemist, hellcat, gard team is more consistent. And it can be fast also.

Yes, definitely more consistent but overall not nearly as fast, at least not for me. I often use Mercy with that team to fill Gard fast. If you get Honor off once, it doesn’t matter if you lose your turn unless he has a mana drainer charged and ready to go.

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im working on humility traits today then gonna run
giant spider
bone dragon

Humility / Sylvanimore / TDS / Venbarak

That one is ridiculous. Cycle Sylv and TDS and then fire off Venbarak to cleanup with 45 damage per enemy.

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This is a bit of a waste of humility, as none of those other troops really benefit from the magic increase that you get from humility’s third trait

i still need sylvanimore, want that one badly

Venbarak most certainly does.

well basically i was using terraxis as tank but rarely used his spell and he died sometimes so im thinking that humility would just make an overall better tank and still have all mana type covered cuz i like to do that usually. honestly i smashed my way into second place last night on pvp and was continually irritated by the new battle bug so wanted to take a break today and work on another guardian as well as getting kingdoms to 5 star. idk if i will keep humility as tank or not yet

two humility crimson bat and the orc that deals one damage to allies might be fun xD

The team I’ve been using for months now is:

The Yellow/Red Banner for Valkyrie.


This team is excellent for explore and pvp. I run into some issues with Ek and Bd teams sometimes depending on the board. I usually finish a match with in 1-3 minutes or less.

You mean Gar’Nok? It might have been fun if he dealt true damage. As it is I don’t think it can work…