What's Next for GoW?

Yes @Sirrian, I agree with Lyya. Will we get to glimpse the personalities of our apponents through seeing their choice of avatar in pvp?

I would support having many more cosmetic options, for sure - including a little real money purchasing, fine with me.

@sirrian Would like to see it taken even further so cosmetics can include extra elaborations, like:

  • changing hat and helmet
  • decorative wings, spurs, spikes
  • maybe a banner on the back, or cloaks
  • facial things, scars, tattoos etc as above

I’d also like to see heroes get even stronger, as they’re still far from being top tier usable cards. With many more level-ups to play with, can we get greater stat boosts - to put a hero at level 5000+ stronger than any mythic troop, etc…

Logic being (1) heroes are hardly seen in end game play and so need some buffs to be competitive again, and (2) what’s the point having all the cosmetic options if we don’t see the heroes in battle? (yes, we see them between battles, but still…)

Lastly I’d rather appreciate if those hilarious people that have copied my avatar would change back to something else now… very droll, you made your point, but now it’s confusing… @robert @Yyurgas :slight_smile: I see direwolf already changed :smiley:


I want that one on the left! Pretty!
Now how much will it cost me? :stuck_out_tongue:

Quite simply, the people that ask for the cosmetics are not the people that are complaining about the team focusing on cosmetics.

Believe it or not, everyone doesn’t want the same thing :stuck_out_tongue:

I really love alternative visual for troops (Santa Clauss Mab ;-), Knight Tau or whatever troops). The community can also decide with a poll what they want.
These visuals could make a great way to give you some dollars (5$ each).

Just to be sure: did the troop visuals are drawn by another team and so cost some dollars?

Just no, please no…

Yes, the art is outsourced, and has a cost… some cost more than others, as there are different studios… some recent art seems less well-rendered or less attention to detail than others… (but still good)… and the Reaver is still rubbish…

I vote for:

  1. more mini-games!
  2. something to do with souls!!
  3. 1 and 2 combined together!!!

I would like to get some of the Special Weapon cards and so does mom, brother also that we have missed out on. I want to request that you put special weapon cards in chest bundle a lot more often in your weekly events in the shop. Also as a change, perhaps you could win them in some (not impossible to achieve) task or earnings. The $15 dollar bundle cost is a little high considering the 4.99 dollar weapon bundle is available on consoles and easier to buy. :slight_smile:

The statement above is referring to PC Version. Not Console. :slight_smile:

Nice to see the cosmetic options, but can we have different skin colors too? I don’t have milky white skin so it seems weird to put my hero in that pigment.

Like the other ideas too, so love to see all the changes.


I chose the furry so that i did not have to stare at skin colour

We are looking at the possibility of different skin colors for human avatars. We have to do some testing but looks good at the moment.


How about a Silverback type in my honour? :+1:

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I’d like to see a mustache on Gorgotha, that’s all.
I dreamt I was battling a team with two (2) Gorgothas, both had a mustache.


This man knows how to deliver.

Imagine if that level of cosmetic customisation was available for troops!

Mustachio’d Couatl?


That is amazing. Then I’m 100% pleased!