What do you think about 1.0.7? ;)

Indeed, once you figure it out, the search box works great. I very much like the new team building UI. It is playing the game I am having trouble with.

It look good for new patch except web spinner too much powerful than before more attack more feeder itself non stop ruin the game easier due to bonus mastery green and blue almost mana surge every single gem match.

Am I the only one with frequent crash issues with this new patch?

Gem creators in general have gotten more powerful, and the Webspinner was already way too powerful. I just got my butt kicked by 3x Venoxia and Celestasia. Venoxia never used to have the ability to go over and over like the Webspinner can. I can’t even imagine what facing a Webspinner will be like now. The changes that buffed these guys absolutely suck.

I don’t mind going up against a webspinner team. I use Jarl and 3 goblins so I loop a lot myself. My frustration is when I go up against a bunch of webspinner teams in a row. Kills the variety.

This is exactly the point I’m trying to get across.

The new patch utterly killed PvP for me. As a new player I don’t have any kingdoms fully upgraded (and with the changes to kingdom upgrades I never will have), so trying PvP means facing teams with double the stats of mine - I basically have no way to compete. There was already a massive advantage to higher level players in terms of card selection, and availability of overpowered cards like goblin rocket that I have literally no way to obtain ever, as well as the way high tier weapons are superior in every way to low tier weapons, but it’s just unplayable now. I imagine I’ll play a little more PvE before I get bored and uninstall the game. If you were intending to cap your player base to existing players only and freeze out new players then well done, massive success.

I do agree, I talked about it with LegendMaker who is 400 levels behind me, and it’s harder for him to level his kingdoms. Also, I let him play some pvp battles on my account with the exact same team he was using on his, and it was so much easier than when he did it from his own account, since I had all kind of bonuses from kingdoms (not even taking masteries into account). I agree that it makes the game feel a bit more unfair towards new players.

I partially agree, the new kingdom levels do feel slanted towards the older players who get even MOAR powerful. However there should be SOME way to show progression for those that have played the longest/most also. Perhaps being able to set PVP level rules so for example you can set it to never fight someone more than 50 levels higher than you or something. That way lowbies wont feel the pain quite so much.

A long time ago, when top player were 400s level, there was such a rule that made players fight only other players near their level… It didn’t work… People on the forum complained (shoking, I know) that they were always fighting the same people. So they changed it to what we have now.

My suggestion then, was to calculate the power of your attack team and only match you against defense teams with similar power… I still think it was a good idea…

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With zero kingdoms leveled I’ve been wrecking all comers at Warlord I difficulty with Boar Rider - Alchemist - Valkyrie - Sunweaver. Game balance: transforms are powerful

The first two are Rares (one step above common, you’ll have them before long if you don’t already), Valk comes from the tutorial, and SW comes from the Wild Plains quest line. Caveat: this team does NOT play itself.

Being in an advanced guild lends masteries which does help a lot, but I’ve raised my difficulty two levels to compensate. :smile:

arena is a good place to start, you can get gold, souls, and if you have the gems - you can get the cards you play. the cards you are choosing from do not come from your troops but from all the troops in the chests. they are also lvl 10 no matter what level you have. It does help even things out.

Ummm…not totally converted yet. There are some things I like:

  1. Hero screen. Stats right out were you can see them.

  2. Battle preview and its inexpensive cost. Nice!

  3. Bonus hero multipliers reported on home screen.

  4. Ability to sort weapons and troops.

  5. Kingdom screen and leveling changes. I was just starting to explore the benefits of leveling Kingdoms. It appears to be much easier to do so now, so I suspect this will work to my advantage. I also like all the information on the kingdom screen. Can’t recall what it was like before, but it seems much more informative now.

And there are a few changes I do not like.

  1. The new PvP button. It now takes twice as many clicks to do an invade or defend (now called Revenge). Plus every time you do so you have to repick your team (rather than have your default team loaded.) Then, after you finish the battle, you are returned to the home screen so you have to drill back down again. The change would be fine if you stayed in the PvP screen until you were finished with all your invading and revenging (with the same team loaded), but as is, it is clunky and cumbersome to do much battling. This may sound a tad petty, but some of us don’t live in lightning-fast internet land, and those extra clicks are annoying (and time-consuming–probably negates the battle-speed increase for me.)

  2. Speaking of which–Battle speed. I’m in the too fast camp. I am a slow and thoughtful player. I like the chess-like nature of setting up for drop-down matches and hidden extra-turn moves, so I take my time. When I finally make my move, the speed of the game still gives me a start. Also, it goes so fast that I can’t see what happened. I want to see the gold I am earning from multi-matches and the results of my carefully planned strategy. If the game is going to move so fast, why show the moves at all? Just make your move, have the AI calculate the results, and directly load the new screen. That would be even faster, and yield the same result.

  3. The attack screen. As noted, your default team does not stay loaded like before. Apparently, once you start a battle, you keep the same selected team for subsequent battles, but every time you return to the home screen, your team clears. It should be fast and easy to switch (which I think it now is) but when preferred team is number 11 (like mine is) why do I have to keep selecting it for every invasion and defense? Also, nowhere on the battle screen does it say what kingdom each banner is for. Alphabetized kingdom names would be much more helpful than numbers, and would not make things any more difficult.

  4. Which brings me to the Troop screen, which is now the same as the battle screen. Too much on one screen. Fine if you play on a PC with a 32" display, but difficult to read on an ipad, and don’t even bother trying to make out 8 cards on an ipod touch. Half the fun of the game is collecting the cards, and collecting anything is no fun if you can’t look at your collection.

Anyway, I have played very little since the update. I used to fight up to rank 1 every week, but I’ve hardly earned my guild a trophy since the update. I’ll probably be kicking stones soon. I’m sure I’ll get back into it again, but right now I’m still pouting.

Banners only control the flow of mana gain (+1 Brown & +1 Blue, +2 Brown etc.), and really have no purpose other than influencing mana. So naming the kingdoms as well would seem quite pointless and only cause further clutter.

For the troop build screen, it would be nice if you could slide through the banners, instead of clicking the arrows one by one. But that’s just a nitpick of mine.

As a fairly new player. I’ll say that 1.07 made me come back to the game after months of absence. The SCOUT ability is probably the biggest reason - Now I can see if my team is hopelessly outclassed, and can skip the fight . It is a fantastic addition for those of us with low level (<15 ) teams. Thank you, devs! Secondly, the speed increase in battles - takes long fights from agonizing to tolerable. Now please make PVP skips as speedy! So much unnecessary decolletage - SHOW ME THE NEXT FIGHT, already!

Actually, Zelfore, you support my point. Banners do control the mana bonus earned. If you want blue mana, you fight under the banner of a specific Kingdom (can’t recall which one.) But how do you know which Kingdom that is when they are no longer identified by name? As is, you have to memorize each Kingdom’s banner and mana bonus if you want to easily take advantage of that aspect of the game.

Replacing the number with the name would not make the search feature any more difficult, and would make it easier to figure out what banner you were fighting under. If space and font size are an issue, a three-letter abbreviation would work as well (Kha, MW, DF, Sto, etc.) I know my #11 is Divinion Fields, but only because that is what I chose initially when I set up my team. I might withdraw my objection if you were told what mana bonus each selected banner provided. But I can’t find that. Am I missing something?

@IronyMan, the colors on the banners indicate the bonus they give… You don’t need to remember anything.

If it has only one color, it gives a bonus of +2 per matches for that color.

If it has two colors, it gives a +1 bonus to each color.

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I’m not fond of the delay finding an opponent, but understand it’s necessary whilst your device contacts the server and a match is found…

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Of course, but the animation takes longer than the actual communication. I understand the point but I do not see why making it two seconds faster should have a higher priority than other stuff mentioned around here.

Sometimes theres threading going on (usually) so the animation is there so you don’t look at a blank screen