Weekly Event Post: Wet Wet Wet

Still no official weekly event post :man_shrugging:

Would be nice if @Jeto or @OminousGMan could take a couple of minutes to create one and also fully explain the World event scoring in it :wink:


This assumes someone on the team knows how the scoring works :no_mouth:


With the event now having been live for 2 days, and given it would take about 30 seconds to post “hey, we missed some scoring info from our post, sorry, it scales with level and has a random multiplier” - it’s hard to avoid the conclusion that they genuinely don’t understand the scoring themselves


At this point, I’m thinking they contract out all of the coding to some group in another country that doesn’t speak English. Nobody in the office knows how to write or read any software, and they have troubles with translation between the two countries, so that’s why there are so many errors and why it’s impossible to get them fixed.


This is genius!!! Then the scores don’t mean jack! Keep this one quiet though, if the Devs see this…

Elbonia? :wink:

(Dilbert cartoon strip reference for those who don’t know it)

This weapon gives +3 magic, but the cast has no effect depending on magic. Brilliant