We heard you like Gnomez?

Don’t you have any seals @Rickygervais?

Yeah but not that much only 7k +200 guild keys, last mythic cost me alot

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Ouch, I think I’ll go for him but save gems.

I’m going to take a run at the new mythic. I haven’t decided how many gems I’ll limit myself to, but probably between 5 and 10k if I don’t get anything with my keys (and I don’t have many keys). I’m expecting the gem costs and rewards of invasion to be similar to raid, so I won’t spend a lot there. I think bounty will be different, but I have no idea what it will be like yet. Overall, I’m not going to change my plans much and I’ll keep investing my gems to maximize my troop count and hope to farm anything else that I need or want.

I have around 20,000 seals too and now that it looks like we won’t get a new set of GW troops anytime soon, I might use them to go for the mythic before I use gems, assuming that my guild can hit 40,000 (we did last week, but it was the first time ever apparently).

I’ll probably ignore most of the new weapons unless there is something that I think will genuinely be useful (I’m regretting spending the gems and glory this week to get the two new weapons).


Yeah i don’t mind to use the keys but gem is another story :slight_smile:

Yeah i agree i think i will also forget the weapon unless it is awesome, i might just go for tier 2 to unlock special troops if it’s similar as raid. But if the rewards worth it maybe a little more but i won’t go crazy on it


Now I pulled two orbs of wisdom and my divine ishbaala needs the last two traits, I’m really thinking of using them since I only have six arcanes. What do you think?

Or would they be better for a mythic?

Depend if you want to craft zull, yeah i know he will take awhile but i think if you want him you better not touch your orbs

But if you don’t care go for it, they are made for this no?


Yeah, I don’t know if I’ll care about him yet.

that’s 16 arcanes worth, which you can farm in 2 hours with a good team. It would be 42 arcanes if you used them on a mythic, which would take you 2.5 times as long to farm. If you want her traited now, maybe that’s worth it to you, especially if you don’t have any mythics to trait or already have the stones for tomorrow.

Or you could use 1 orb to skip the 12 arcane step and only have to farm 4.


One orb on a mythic can save 24 arcanes and 4 celestials. That’s a lot of Explore grinding.

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Right now, the climb to craft that guy looks ridiculous unless something changes in the way they either hand out orbs or they change the recipe.

Do you have any extra celestials to craft some Arcanes?


That’s a lot of great tips, thank you all, maybe I’ll wait and see what my keys pull because I’m not really a arcane farmer at all.

Yeah the 480 orbs of growth is a real joke

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There is a Stormheim Epic (2 Arcanes) with Arcane Plains coming in the next two weeks. You’ll regret to use the orbs if you do so.


If you’re looking for gnomes this weekend (does this get us back on topic?), it is an ideal time to farm arcanes, even if it isn’t normally your thing.

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No, lol, all my mythics are traits tho and I only have 7 troops I traited tho so I am happy about that.

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You’re right, it maybe time to try it out. Good luck to everyone who is gnome hunting!! Sorry for the detail. Carryon.

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So whatever you guys think about the vault rewards, we will quickly know, i got a key ready to test when event start, crossing fingers so we see decent rewards


I saved my one vault key too - just in case the rewards are better. Nothing to lose by waiting a few days.