We heard you like Gnomez?

Does anyone know if Treasure Gnome and Sparklesack will be added to chests? And Valraven too for that matter. I’ve been lucky and got 1 Gnome from a vault key but I can’t imagine how long it will take to get 191 copies if it’s vault only. @Ozball

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Lol i only want 1 copy of each, getting them to mythic is not realist

That’s what those ascension orbs will be useful for :wink:


Yup true i forgot these orbs

So there is my first event vault i let you judge

5 gems 2500 gold 13 gem keys

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Don’t think I could complain about those drops.

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First gnome dropped a vault key then 2 x 100 souls

lucky. mine dropped 5 diamonds. 100 souls, and 2 minor magic traitstones. zzz

Yup i just been lucky people in my team getting same crap then before event

Also i feel lucky i found a vault key nobody else in my guild one yet

Seriously i would remove the souls and minor stones from the pool at least during vault event, i don’t see how vault key get more chance to drop if they added also the small rewards from gnome nerf


Looks like we were right @Rickygervais. Same crap rewards even during the vault event. If devs hadn’t changed anything we would be having much better rewards now. Not even close to comparable to the rewards before the nerf.


Yup that suck it could have been fixed before event but they just didin’t want

shortly after my msg, I found a vault key and got 100 gems, 2 minor earth, 2 minor fire, 100 souls. So mixed about the results

I just got lucky with the gems keys the 5 gems and 2500 gold are from the nerf

Well we now know that change nothing to wait to open vault

Its exactly what they said: more gnomes, more vault keys. nothing more, nothing less.

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On a positive note i catched a 2nd vault key and 1 guildmate catched 1 also so that’s 3 in 1h so the drop rate is clearly better

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Almost 1 hour of hunting gnomes in explore, 0 found. Can any dev confirm the drop rate has been increased and not decreased? :stuck_out_tongue:


counter-balances your 50 gem keys for 1 CoA pull lol

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Second vault not bad at least i got a gnome card

But 3rd vault is a joke lol 4 minor stones