What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened?
Effects of traits to end at death of silent one. as you can see in the picture the trait was still giving mercy a boost to water matches…while my dead valk was not.
What are the steps to make it happen again?
No idea, so far a one off but haven’t played many silent ones recently.
Do you have any screenshots or video you want to share with us so we can see the problem? Attach them to your post!
I just saw this happen as well. I had eaten the Silent One with my Maw, and it was in the first slot. Later on in the fight, blue matches were giving Mercy the same extra mana. (I suspect I was fighting the same defense team as @Mufasha; it was Silent One, something, Ice Witch, Mercy.)
@Nimhain, weird coincidence here also I did not have the error happen in this instance. However there are other issues in play and I killed Mercy first.