WAR! HUH! What is he good for? Absolutely nothing!

I feel the same way, but I think it should be s a cool unique trait that does damage mitigation, and damage reflection to keep with the theme of him being an offensive troop.

Oh? Nice find, hope it gets better though. The bonus does not seem mythical enough or apocalypsey enough though.

I like that idea. Maybe something like: redirects 25% of skull damage to the attacker. Sort of Armored with 50% of Thorns?

Yes! Exactly!

I think we would be much improved just by lowering the spell cost. I don’t really like the idea of giving him Stoneskin or such since it would make him too well-rounded.

I don’t know, maybe. I would say, rip out the
damage of the spell keep the burn all and lower it to 18.

His third trait feels pretty lackluster in general to me though.

Hehe, this is actually kinda fun playing war as a caster!

I’ve won 79 out of my last 80 battles with war (although war died 2 of those times but the damage he did let me hammer it home)

If people want the troop to be just a little bit stronger, how about if the burn from his spells didn’t wear off, once he casts the enemy troops are burned for the duration of the game (unless they are cleansed at least (checks and balances of course))

@Cell what team are you using?

War is performing wayyyy above standards in my team compaired to everyone else. The 2nd thing is that people were discussing possible trait changes to better him but I like his traits, I think is the burn from his spell were permanent he would be sooooo much cooler

I think The Great Maw is ‘maw’ mythic than War.

  • He takes more than two Crimson Bat casts to be taken down.
  • Definitely takes out one of the opposition and boost/heals himself in the process
  • Can Devour more troops with his third trait (and while you may think 15% is low, most battles use more than 6 skull hits to finish the battle)
  • Only requires 80% of the mana of War

Only mythic thing is three mana colours - which can just block others if he’s at the front. Other multicoloured troops/weapons (prismatic orb and Imperial Jewel) are normally put at the back. I look forward to a mythic that focuses on casting.

My I ask what level you are, and what team you use war on?

I’m level 330 my team is

Yellow/Yellow banner

War (1)
Valkyrie (3)
Valkyrie (3)
Mercy (3)

The idea here (which does work) is if Mercy can fill up a Maw 1shot (24 mana) then she can fill up 2 Valkyries (20 mana total (12x2)) so work the board, get Mercy to go off then cast your first Valkyrie on any gem but yellow (unless you’re near the end of the match) get at least a 4 of a kind (the 2 Valkyries give +2 to blue mana too) then sometimes
War is already full, if not cast 2nd Valkyrie and then he is for sure. With the 4 magic kingdoms at level 10 and 3 attack kingdoms level 10 (but not five starred yet) a lv 20 War shoots a troop for 36 (+possible blessing buffs) and burns everything not immune. I only have his 1st trait but matching skulls after his spell causes him to deal 2x damage for up to 52 skull damage.

As of yet I haven’t had too many difficulties with him and with 4 magic kingdoms at level 4 and a level 10 and Valkyrie fully traited you hit the soul cap with 2 casts at 3x souls, and 3 casts with 2x souls… I only use (I use a 3x bonus so perhaps someone with better math can square that aside)


Perhaps …



Deep Borer,

Did devs already said when other mythics will be released?

They mentioned one a month i believe

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According to the previews, the first four mythics are expected to be the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse – War, Famine, Pestilence, Death – and to be released one a month with no order yet specified. It’s anyone’s guess what might be next after that.

I like your war deck, how’s it’s success rate?

Against everything but the maw it is about 90% (maybe a little less since I have recall bias towards a fun deck). The other 10 percent is mostly made up by Queen Mab battles that went the wrong way with RNG mana. Against the Maw it is more 60-40 because Mercy/Maw is Mercy/Maw.

It is what I am primarily playing this week and I am rank 9 (? may have changed since I have been typing).

If War is a good indicator of how strong the other horsemen will be then I’m not massively excited with eager anticipation for the new next one… Which is a bit sad really for the Mythic additions to the game… War definitely needs son bufflove… #MakeLoveForWar