Void Rage

New Invasion Troop: Lady of Ruin

The Lady of Ruin will be available in the Invasion Shop, and will appear in Glory, Gem, Guild, and VIP chests in 3-4 weeks’ time.

New Epic Troop: Void Manticore

The Void Manticore will be available this week for 400 Glory in the shop as well as in Event Chests, and will appear in Glory, Gem, and Guild chests in 3-4 weeks’ time.

New Weapon: Arcane Edge


This week it will be available in both the Invasion shop, and in the Soulforge.

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This week’s/event’s weapon is a sign of developer laziness. Other than being from a different kingdom, and the possibility that there are different affixes at +6 and above, this may as well be exact clone of the Mythic Manuscript (Bright Forest). Right down to identical colors.


@Kafka can you ask the people in the back to please swap one of the colors on the new weapon?

same effect, same mana cost and same color is just overkill.


I’ve let the team know!
They are working to change the mana colours before the event begins but if it cannot be changed in time, they will aim for next weekly reset. Should anything change or delay that getting resolved, one of the team will jump back in and share an update.


Hi @Jeto

Could you please hang out in this forum more often? Your responsiveness (both in tone and frequency) is highly appreciated :pray: :blush:



I’m around when I can be :sparkles: a few of the team out are sick at the moment, so I’m a little more visible in their stead & grabbing what I can.


change will go out tonight and the blog will get updated - will be yellow/brown


Still sick? Last month there were sick people too. You are always understaffed, and if you are often sick and also take vacations, how can you solve the problems they report to you?

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I see the new graphic. did they change the weapon effect too? that’s…

well, its different at least…

I can’t see it mentioned but there is a new weapon for Mydnight in the Soul forge.

Mydnight’s Terror


Mydnight still has no Exploder weapon…wish it was an Exploder.


It feels like you have been responding to more things in a day than the regular team in a month. Any chance they could call in sick a little longer? :woozy_face:


Really wish the weapon would have been left as it was. A second Mystic Manuscript but available with Mydnight restriction would have been great for Underspire this week.

Those weapons that hit two enemies boosted by troop type are never worth using.

Zaejin has two explodey summon weapons that do the same thing, why wasn’t that changed? At least this time it was for a different kingdom.


I was looking forward to the explody weapon. Has someone made an error and put the wrong weapon in please? Underspire is a drag without the explody weapon.


Hey dude, thank you for ruining an exploder weapon to make things miserable for mydnight. Now I know why folks hate the forums.


Why do people complain about everything? Why but why?

Maybe because there’s so little in Gems of War that doesn’t warrant complaining?

I’m kind of torn here. I really appreciate Jeto jumping in and getting the mana colors of the weapon changed fast. However, this also changed the weapon effect, from highly useful exploder to borderline useless damage dealer.



Maybe the second part wasn’t intended, it’s a really terrible change. I’ll open a bug report for it.

Edit: Bug report is here: Incorrect spell on Invasion weapon


Nobody was complaining about the spell, just pointing out that it was an exact copy-paste of another weapon. They suggested a perfectly good change, to swap mana colours, and instead the whole weapon got thrown away and another one was put in its place. Nobody asked for that.
I get the devs wanting the weapon to be a little different, after their laziness was pointed out, but swapping the weapon for an almost useless one wasn’t the answer.
I’d suggest making the spell do the following: “Explode 23 purple gems. Deal 25 damage to the first 2 enemies, boosted by gems exploded. Summon a random mystic troop.”
A least that would be a bit different, without making the weapon useless.


Be careful what you wish for applies 1000% to gems devs. Think twice before you a sk for something


Just read the opening Campaign Lore and this seems to explain why Void Manticore looks like something that belongs in Darkstone.