[Not a bug] Incorrect spell on Invasion weapon

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What you were expecting to happen, and what actually happened:

The current Invasion event was supposed to feature this weapon:


Players pointed out that this is an exact copy of an already existing weapon and asked that the mana colors should be changed to make it more unique. Jeto jumped in and got it done, from green/brown to brown/yellow.

Unfortunately, this also resulted in the spell effect of the weapon getting adjusted:


A weapon exploding gems and summoning troops is considered highly useful, a weapon dealing low damage is considered is borderline worthless. This doesn’t just apply to Invasion but also to other restricted modes, like Underspire. I’m assuming that the weapon wasn’t intentionally made useless, that the spell effect was rather modified by accident while adjusting the mana colors. Please restore the spell effect to what it was supposed to be, exploding purple gems and summoning a Mystic troop.


Yes. All the Mydnight weapons are so dire I had to construct an Underspire team without a Hero/weapon.
A few days ago I noticed Arcane Edge (exploder) due for release today and easily amended my team to include it.
Then we had reset and this ridiculous situation.

They should have left it alone bearing in mind the not so impressive track record modifying things.

As it is (deal 53 damage to the first two enemies) it’s as much use as a chocolate teapot.


This needs to be put in proper perspective.

Usually, when we ask for something remotely in the area of design decisions to get changed, one of two things happens:

1.) It gets ignored entirely.
2.) It eventually gets flagged as working as intended, then ignored entirely.

Except this time we not only had someone immediately respond to our request, but also somehow manage to get things changed on short notice. That’s pretty much unheard of in Gems of War, where everything takes years of advance planning, even communication. I really, really appreciate the effort on our behalf, even if the result has some rough arcane edges.


Yes, and it was changed from a very very good weapon to be used this week in Underspire to a very very bad useless weapon in respect of exploding gems. We still have NO exploder weapon in Mydnight.

I don’t see how that remotely garners any praise.

I would rather the forum comment had been ignored in, as you say, the usual fashion. Green/brown. Yellow/brown. Who really cares.
We would have had an exploder to play today,


The spell as it is now (post-modification) is the paradigm we’ve seen the developers utilize for the “third generation” of Raidboss/Invasion weapns. The first iteration was “deal damage boosted by kingdom/class troops; create 6 gems of (two colors) for each of thsoe troops”, the second iteration was “explode, summon and grant a status effect”.

The third iteration is what the Arcane Edge has now, and it’s not the first of those weapon types that we’ve seen. Yes, it is useless to advanced players the way most weapons and troops are useless to advanced players other than the possibility that it might satisfy a kingdom power level requirement for “own X weapons at maximum enhancement”, but it is what it is.

And, sure, it would have been easier for a lot of players if it were the original weapon, nevermind that it was almost completely identical to a previous weapon. But “easy” doesn’t mean “good”.

The point is it had been posted as an EXPLODER weapon !! Therefore useless for exploding gems. There is still no EXPLODER weapon at all in Mydnight.


Mydnight is not the only kingdom lacking an Exploder weapon.

And this has only become an issue for the Forums crowds because it was originally mentioned as an Exploder weapon in the release notes and over on the spoilers pages. Had the development staff done their minimal proof-reading ahead of time and announced it as what it is now, these complaints either would have been substantially muted – in the sense of “Mydnight doesn’t have an exploder!!!1!11!one1one!” – or been completely non-existant because hopes wouldn’t have been raised in the first place.

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Please give us our explody summoning weapon. The kingdom needs it.

Please read the bug report, this isn’t a proof-reading issue. Arcane Edge was supposed to be an exploder weapon, it somehow changed as part of the community requesting a mana color adjustment. Current assumption is that whoever changed the mana colors copied a bit too much from some other weapon by accident.


I saw your comment in the other thread @Fourdottwoone, I will confirm later but I believe the total change of the mana and the spell description was intentional

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Virtually every prior Raid Boss and Tower Invasion featured a weapon of the specific archetype of Explode Gems + Status Buff + Summon Troop. Obviously, this pattern can only persist for so long until the weapons become more or less duplicates of another – is that part of the reason for doing something different?


Except that we’ve seen the start of that “third paradigm” that this week’s weapon duplicates. We have one of those in Hellcrag, from the last time we had a Daemon Invasion. There may be another one that I’m not thinking about at the moment, but it’s not like this week’s weapon breaks brand new ground.

I suspect that somebody who was supposed to proof-read this stuff simply didn’t, or this would have been caught earlier in the process. I couldn’t tell you why QA failed, just that it has. As it all too often seems to do.

The playing community shouldn’t have to be the ones catching these sorts of issues.

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OK, but if so, you just changed the weapon from one we could use to one that is utterly useless. Please give us a useful weapon for Mydnight.