Updated Mab in PvP graphs

my head asplode


what seems to be the problem?

The problem is that I don’t understand your call to action here. Players are picking defenses that are easier for you to overcome (as you are very vocal about your disapproval of the current meta), as she is the current flavor of the day. It is making your life easier, as measured by the win streaks, yet you appear to be displeased by the lack of variety in your competition. Since these Mab teams are experiments in the current fad, I fail to see what this week’s doom-and-gloom report is intending to convey. If I were a developer, influenced by the whales, what would I get from this?


I’ll tell you the truth, I’ve been trying to think of a snarky comment about this for a while & the best I can come up with is something Goldilocks related–‘not too hot, not too cold’.

But then I end up concluding that yeah, pleasing players probably IS a lot like cooking for Goldilocks and nobody likes their food to be either too hot or too cold.

Doom and gloom of the week is nice, though.

You are reading far too much into this, and this isn’t a call to action, this is just sharing what I am seeing.

All defences are easy for me to overcome, except for coin-toss-RNG-maw-mercy teams, where I might lose to pure 15% RNG rolls.

Of course I am, that’s my whole sodding point. I play this game for fun. It would be significantly more fun if I didn’t constantly face the same three troops in different permutations. I had 50 matches in a row where 39 of them had Maw or Mab or Mercy or some combination of the three.

Hopefully the Mab fad will pass as everyone realises it has no impact on defence success as the AI doesn’t play her well. Sadly though, most will return to Maw defences as they’re the only ones that can actually win at top tier pvp.

It’s conveying what I am seeing and how I feel about it. Nothing more and nothing less. Devs will run their own data and make up their own minds. It would suit me better if that was sooner.

I also appreciate that I get a very distorted picture of the pvp draw and current meta. I hope that lower tier players (95% of the player base, according to @sirrian) get a far more varied experience than I am getting. For me, I have the bizarre sensation of longing to see Goblins again…


Well, you’re not writing this in your diary, so you’re writing it for an audience. Phrases like “here are my rather depressing results” are clearly intended to influence someone’s opinion. I’m not reading into anything, I’m taking your words at face value.

If players are playing suboptimal teams (by your own measure, mind, I have no idea how well they do against “mere mortals”) and they are doing so without any variety, that’s either because they have a shiny new toy, or there’s a herd mentality of, “well it worked for them so I will do it myself.” The former will naturally pass as new toys emerge. There’s nothing the developers can do to shake up the mindset of the latter.

So, “depressing” it may be, but (aside from a forum consensus leaning toward Maw being too powerful) I think things are working as intended.


@Sirrian Would it be possible to insert a bunch of bot teams for us to face like you do on the test server to make some more variety in the teams?you know since all pvp is vs ai anyway i dont really care if its a “real” persons team im facing or not.


Like maybe a weekly challenge team? Perhaps: Based on the current kingdom, higher than normal stats, limited number of times you can face it daily, but wins/losses against it still impact pvp ranking, etc.

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I’m level 360+ and I’m going to do an experiment, I’m on the bus right now on my way home, I’m going to spend 20 gems rerolling my selections, and I’ll screenshot the 3 trophy result (as that’s what most people aim for) and I’ll post all 20 pictures in a new thread, people who can spare 20 gems of different levels can feel free to do the same so that we can get a feel of how often certain teams do indeed show up

Edit, as soon as I get home I mean

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I’m level 302 and I’m still seeing about 70% goblins. I do see a lot of Maw / Mercy / IK but nothing like Goblins. In fact I’d say a good 40% of the time my hard AND medium matches are BOTH goblins.

Yeah, I’m ~250 and it’s goblins goblins goblins.

The backlash, concerning Queen Mab’s OP-ness, is becoming abundantly clear.

Well to be fair, considering she was available from day one of 2.0, Queen Mab was pretty low profile until she was hyped and deemed overpowered in this very forum.

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It’s like a self fulfilling prophecy!

Not really though. As soon as 2.0 dropped I was running a double mab team.

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I wasn’t saying she wasn’t strong and fun from day one, i was just pointing out it was rather rare to meet her on the battlefield the first two weeks and some. :stuck_out_tongue:

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It took two weeks for a blue/purple event before most could afford to trait her, though.

I think that her prevalence in defense teams is due in part to the fact that she’s a solid offensive choice, and that the AI can’t screw her up too badly on defense. (It sure as hell tries to, though…) That said, the cries of “OP” have probably fueled the flame.


As per usual.

I may have added to that a little posting screenshots of an entire encounter using Mab… Eventually I plan on having a filter installed between my brain and texting fingers… Perhaps Siri can kindly remind me “You remember last time you didn’t think a post through right?”

I do. Level 234, I see a pretty wide variety of goblins, Knight Coronet, Gorgotha, the odd actual Valkyrie soul team (with Alchemist and Banshee), and the occasional Maw or Mab team. Surprisingly(?), last night I scouted a 194 player who had a fully traited double Mab team.

I am getting way more goblins than anything else but the variety is so diverse that it makes you wonder why people complain about the meta when there is hardly one to speak of at lower levels.