Update 4.0 Suggestions and feedback

First thoughts on the New Update

What I like:

  1. The Faction quests and stories. I’ve always liked this part of the game. You guys do pretty well with the story telling and all that

  2. We have more troops via the Factions. Some of them are rather interesting and I got into this game for the troops. So, always nice to see more of them.

  3. The loading screen. Very well done. Vibrant, colorful, and I like how they “flow” into each other.

What I’m indifferent about:

  1. The individual troop balances. Some are good, some are not that great. Same as always.

  2. The Soul Gnome. Cute idea and I like that we are expanding the Vault. But, I got souls coming out of me by the Thousands. The possibility of a vault keys is nice though.

What I dislike:

  1. The Map. Everything about it. How does it look? Like something that came out of a cartoon from 2002. How do you move around on it? With the most awkward imitation of a mouse and scrolling technique I have ever seen. I would like the ability to move around the map with my D-Pad back please! (especially, when that’s the way I’ve moved around the map for almost two years now. Its in my “muscle memory” to use that D-Pad. So, that scrolling is beyond awkward to me. Not to mention super slow.

  2. The troop color restrictions. I get it, it’s a gimmick. Same as Invasions and Raids and Class Events, and even GW (if you want to get good scores). I get it. But I don’t like it. I hate that those other games restrict me, and I hate that this one does as well. Personally, I think it’s “handcuffing” us for the sake of “because we can”, and I don’t like it. Never have, never will.

  3. The portals/shards. Another currency to use, really? I just… I can’t even… Sigh.

  4. The treasure/hoard/Gold Sink/Whatever you bloody call it, thing. Not only is it a Gold sink, it’s just needlessly complicated (like most of GoW for the last year or so). Remember the days when you just got troops, leveled them up, traited them out and just battled for basic stuff that you used to level kingdoms, open chests or complete tasks? I do.

  5. The Exploding Gems/Exploder troops nerf. Yeah, that’s just… No.

  6. I’m sure there is more

All in all, another fitting update for Gems of War 2.0. I’m not sure how much more of this I can take. But, it could be worse, I guess.

I give it a 3.5/10