Upcoming Epic Guild Tasks (in 4.7)

Nonsense. Beyond what others have already said in reply… I’ve given GoW a thumbs-up on Steam, and have close to 5K hours of play logged on my Steam account. I won’t hesitate to change my review to thumbs-down if the new player experience doesn’t improve dramatically, and soon. Spend some time doing what I do, trying to hold a casual guild together, and then get back on your soapbox and say you know more than the rest of us how the game actually works.


And yet, this discussion has nothing to do with selfish endgamers. The original 6 tasks will be the most useful to a newcomer because they include universally useful resources like keys that lead to troops they don’t have as well as gems and diamonds

As the devs own announcement stated, the epic tasks were supposed to target endgamers. It was just an epic swing and miss for the targeted player.


Anyone who thinks this update hurts endgamers in order to help newcomers is mistaken.

The truth is, epic tasks gating Legendary Tasks hurts everyone in at least equal measure.

BUT (the caveat to this) is that a few endgamers are the only ones who will be able to weather the storm (mostly) unaffected. But not everyone has the gem stash of @UKresistance to fall back on.

Anyone who doesn’t loses, period. There’s no way to spin this in a positive light that makes true the statement this helps someone new to the game catch up.


Hello, I would have liked to know the release date of Update 4.7 ?
Thank you :slight_smile:

Release date for the update hasn’t been announced. Probably at some point before the end of the year.

Well GW is in 3 weeks, so 3 weeks?


i also said the rewards/prices may not be final along the way if things don’t go the way the dev envisioned which from reading this thread it doesn’t seem like it will they’ll probably tweak it a bit which is why I had said we should wait for it to drop and give it time before we pass judgment and start sending people to the block do i see this update going the way they planned not really but i don’t argue it because it’s been said multiple times that there’s nothing we can do to stop it as such i just accept that it’s going to happen and will adapt accordingly i for one don’t really care for LT’s cause 1 i my guild is small and 2 i play for fun not to be the best and my whole guild is aware of it

Just a naive question - what is the intended target audience for the new epic tasks?
You must’ve had some group of players on mind, who “will be ecstatic and over the moon at the inevitability of exchanging 30 million and keys for some amount of a few (lesser) resources”. Or is it a closely guarded business secret?


Multiple people have suggested tweaks, myself included.

I don’t think any of us is holding our breath that it’ll happen, is sort of the point, and that’s because we’ve been here years and know the routine by now.

But I also don’t think it’s fair to say we’re cynical as a result or that people are kvetching for no reason—people are simply reacting with the information they currently have at-hand. It’s not toxic (you’re veemon657 on discord, no? Might just be coincidental that you share a profile picture, so apologies if I’ve drawn a false connection) to voice concerns given past (and current) evidence and information. Toxicity can be found on these forums, sure—but this thread, I’ve felt, has been pretty measured and respectful, especially by internet standards.

But anyway, if the information given to us changes—if it’s announced, “Hey, LTs are going to be behind 20 million gold, rather than almost 50,” then so would the reaction from the bulk of people in this thread. :man_shrugging:


If “don’t do it at all” can be called a ‘tweak’ …


I’d consider it a small rebalance :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:.


It’s true: It targets endplayers. I don’t see where early- or midgamers are affected in any way - they don’t come to a point to do Legendary Tasks anyway. Epic Tasks do not have the intention to give ressources that are gated (even if they tell us this is the intention). The only reason is to gate Keys for endplayers. And they (the Epic Tasks) will do the job.
Of course nobody of the Devs will say this loud.

There is no audience for them. It’s only to gate LT.


I think from what we know so far of this update, it actually does a good job of targeting endgamers. However, as this thread has made abundantly clear already, that’s miles away from saying that epic tasks will benefit endgamers.

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4.7 targeting end-gamers:


I think that question already got answered. Target audience is supposed to be those guilds that spend very little on tasks, they will have more options on which rewards to get (e.g. tier 1 of an epic task instead of tier 2 of a normal task).

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As for me, It seems like a crazy idea with unidentified target audience.
Be honest, how many guilds doing 15 leg.tasks currently so that they will be able to pass through epics to reach legendaries in the new system? I think very few. For most others, like my guild it will be replacement of leg.tasks with epic ones.
Well, maybe it’s at least a more useful replacement? Shards, ingots, pet food… is it end-game bonuses in your point of view? Nah. It maybe interesting for a new player, but for 1000+ LvL how playing regulary it doesn’t matter a bit. For example. I have 60k+ shrads, 2k mystic and 3.5k gold ingots, 1k+ white food and some coloured every kind. What sense of these epic tasks for me? On other hand, a new player will never reach them because of 15M which necessary to pass normal tasks. So, what is target audience? Newbies will not reach them, old players don’t need them but they will have lose tasks with keys which at least have universal use.
Current plan to add them seems having a sense only if you intend to trim key drop for most players. But this obviously will not please the community. :roll_eyes:


30+ Legendary tasks.
If I recall correctly, the math said epic tasks will require 30-something million to complete.

Newbie guilds are much better off completing as much normal tasks as they can and saving gold to maybe complete more normal tasks another week. Epics are simply not worth the effort.

Well, then this idea is even more mad than I thought before :hushed:

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Almost 47 million total.

If it were just double, there’d be a lot less anger.

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