Upcoming Epic Guild Tasks (in 4.7)

Fair point, was not trying to sell false hopes. Fixed.

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After every kingdom gets an underworld delve, there will be some over world sky realms for each kingdom. And the new troops and new ‘whatever replaces treasures’ you will buy using a brand new currency. And no, you will not be able to convert anything into that new currency, except maybe gems.


Yep it will take gems or cold hard cash. Your choice. :slight_smile:

I’ve thought about it and while I’m not happy about epic tasks, I’ll still buy the missing weapons after all. Basically, I’ll adapt to the nerfs with one exception.

If they ever ever ever ever ever ever ever nerf tributes then it will be war. There will be one star reviews, organized boycotts, and that is the one thing that could break my addiction to this game. As long as the devs don’t cross that line we’ll eventually fall in line. We certaintly won’t be happy with any nerfs, replacing useful resources with unneeded resources. So I’ll complain, but that’s where the line really is.


I don’t mind spending money on this game, and current count is 56k gems. Keys… I have enough for the next two dozen mythics on hand.
I’ve beaten the game; my loot pile is so large they can never drain it. I only spend keys to get the monthly mythic, and event keys on the monthly legendary that I minor blue to mythic.

Some people are unhappy with loot reductions and changes, but that wont change what happens. Persevere, practice proper loot management, and toss the devs some cash even if you don’t have to.

What if the devs said, hey everyone, give this guy’s books a one star review?
You’ve played the game for years, a one star review would be dishonest.


Playtime has nothing to do with rating. That has more to do with the 5-star community and the addictive aspects designed into the game specifically to make money from people like me. It’s also why I’ll never play another free-to-play game in my life. They’ve gotten over $3200 from me so far.

My experience of the game has gone from 5 stars to 3 stars to 4 to 5 to 4 (currently) based on changes in the game. Taking away all that I’ve worked on for years would certainly ruin my experience and easily rate a 1. There’s nothing dishonest about that. Even a favorite restaurant can go downhill and lose that status. I know quite a few people lowered their score when the game was literally making people sick from the UI changes, until they fixed it some time later.

I’ve been trained by this game to revolve my life around tributes. It’s a core game mechanic and has a huge affect on enjoyment of the game. I would certainly feel tricked if that were changed. Besides, that’s not even under consideration unless you know something I don’t.

Also, my point was that all these nerfs, like epic tasks, we’ll ultimately come to accept, as long as they don’t mess with tributes, despite all our complaints, including mine. I’ve already come to terms with the epic tasks nerf and dropped another $5 on the steam pet today. Why do I need to compete on all these gowdb.com leaderboards? It’s ridiculous, but I have poor impulse control anymore.


I know who you are. You are at the top of the top of players in non-xbox land gowdb rankings.
Nerfs happen, and when you are the best of the best and richest of the richest. You stay that way.

I suppose you’re right. Thanks for putting it in perspective.

Perhaps even in the worst-case scenario I’ll adapt after going through the stages of grief. I hope we never find out.

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Game is changing over time, so can be your experience with it.
Adjusting rating towards the current state is not dishonest, it’s the perception of what is atm.
If I think the game has gone from “lot of fun” to “insane amount of grind daily”, shouldn’t I say it because of time spent ?


One of our guild members was asking about the Team Synergy Trophy - Complete all guild tasks in a single week and I had no answer. Does anyone have an idea if epic tasks are being included for this trophy?

Exactly. My ongoing rating went to 5 when adventure board came out despite the event key nerf because it improved on the grind of daily tasks and was a time saver.

My current rating went down to 4 after explore rework because of the inefficient UI that slowed things down and the endless demoralizing grind it introduced. I eventually just gave up and care a little less about the game overall, which is honestly not a bad thing.

Examining my ongoing reactions it would seems more grinds and additional currencies are a negative that outweigh a resource nerf towards my enjoyment of the game. More grind would probably drop this game to a 3 for me.


Only if the game has not changed since that original review. This is NOT the same game when I started playing 2.5 years ago. All of the added grinding, the gem sink events, the nerf of resources after EVERY update, the addition of troops that are useful for one week and then never seen again. The direction this games has been going, and it seems will be going into the far future gives me ZERO incentive to support it at all.


If someone’s opinion of the game changes, it’s definitely valid to update one’s review of the game. This is no different than a restaurant whose quality goes downhill over time - you don’t owe them a 5-star review in spite of the garbage you were served yesterday because you had a great meal there 5 years ago. It doesn’t work that way.

If the people producing the game (or in my analogy, the restaurant) want customer loyalty in the form of steady 5-star reviews, they need to consistently provide a 5-star experience. For myself and a lot of other people, GoW has not done that. For other people, maybe it has! I’ll never dump on someone else’s opinion of the game, but I also expect the same respect in return.



So quality of meal isn’t worse then before - we just get potatoes instead of caviar, don’t we?
But they’re very good potatoes, believe me!


Well I guess I’m one of the few who’s saved n prepared for these days
Good luck devs, seems u have 99.9% disapproval for this one

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Which is still a decline for most people, no matter how good the potatoes are, if they really enjoyed the caviar.

A local restaurant here advertised a dish served with a side of wild rice. I ordered it and was given a side order of regular white rice with some seasonings on it. When I asked the server about it I was told that they didn’t carry wild rice anymore but they never got the menus updated. There was no discount on the bill from advertising a more expensive ingredient and serving a cheaper one (for clarity: in our area, wild rice is considered more of a “premium” type ingredient, and white rice is dirt cheap) and it didn’t sound like the owners had any intention of changing the menu. They advertise quality and serve cheap.

The meal still tasted alright, but we’ve never gone back.

Will I quit GoW over this change? Probably not, but every nerf that hits nudges me more and more in that direction. I’m fortunate in that I’m not addicted to the game or the gameplay. I stay for the community and because in spite of the increased greediness, I still enjoy the gameplay. Imagine a balance-style scale with positives on one side and negatives on the other - when the negatives outweigh the positives, I’m gone, with no regrets.

When it becomes time for Tributes to be “reviewed” for “the sake of the economy”, it’ll be an entirely different story. That’ll be like dropping a boulder onto the “negative” side of the scale.


For years … I haven’t considered actually recommending this game to anyone. The simple fact that I am in and have resources and connections and so on makes it a much better game for me, but I can’t really suggest anyone pick it up.

And if the devs and/or publishers don’t want me to say that, they can stop nuking the game from top to bottom. New player experience (collection building from scratch, essentially) has been rough for a long time, and now we get epic fail tasks.

Oh and for what it’s worth, if they change these things in the beta (to not suck) and don’t update the public, hmm, I’ll at least stop rioting if not say something directly, but, well, they’ve not done that as far as I know…


for the sake of devil’s advocate, I think we should wait for the update to drop before passing final judgment and even then once the update drops the epic task prices/rewards are not necessarily final on top of that you end gamers need to stop being so selfish while yes there are many end gamers there are a lot of newcomers they’d need all the help they can get to play catch up. so while a lot of the rewards from epic tasks may be useless to some, maybe invaluable to those farther down the pecking order.

Hello, this Update, is scheduled for when?

P.S: I’m a PS4 player.