Until Bone Dragon gets re-adjusted

That’s a special weapon that not all players have access to.

I don’t know anything more than that, but I don’t think it’s possible for me to ever own it.

I also think it MIGHT be pretty easy to go wrong with it, considering that it is a Turn-ending weapon, doesn’t create enough gems to really do anything (unless you’ve pre-saturated the board), creates 3 fewer Mana gems than it uses, affects a random trait which is really hard to plan for, and does no damage. But that of course is based on the game showing me that it only creates 7 Blues not [Magic + 3] Blues. This could just be a “typo” but I am dubious because I can’t see how anything is going to let you create 30+ Blues for 10 Brown Mana.

First, I’d like to ask what other weapon you would use.

Second, I’l like to point out that it’s a low cost weapon that you will PROBABLY fill off random cascades or start of the game four matches with no overlap with any troop in the team whatsoever.

It doesn’t slow you down at all, which can’t be said for many weapons, as you need red, yellow, and blue open and probably want purple open for Mab just in case.

Then, you look at the rest of the team, which functions without ever having to cast anything but Valkyrie and Justice. Doesn’t deal damage? That’s fine! It doesn’t need to. You have Bullseye as a trait and if that fails probably around 100 attack because of Justice buffing you. The main point of the team is to spam skulls, not kill with Mab, as I have seen Tacet try to do way too often. Mab is a trap. Don’t cast her, she’s only there as insurance. As Farsight is.

Increasing a random stat is just a bonus. What it is there to do is, in the case that you get an extra turn without getting enough mana for Justice (say, only getting a four match on casting it), or god forbid you lose a turn and Mab keeps them from clearing the board of blue, it creates more blue and will ALMOST DEFINITELY give you an extra turn as the board at that point is already full of blues.

The point of the TEAM is to saturate the board with blues and skulls. It’s a weapon used as insurance, just like Mab is. You don’t need to cast either, they are just there to make the team even harder to lose with.

Also, it used to be Magic+3 blues. God, that was ridiculous. I’m glad they changed that. Old Farsight, people. This is why gem creation can’t scale on magic any more.

But it doesn’t need to be that ridiculous to be a good insurance policy.

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That’s just too open-ended a question. And I can’t comment on how something used to be that isn’t’ that way any more.

I’ll specify. With Hero in that slot, what other hero weapon would you use? It’s not open ended, there are a limited number of answers.

And I linked the old Farsight more for nostalgia. It doesn’t need to be that broken. It’s niche right now, and the niche that it has just so happens to be “insurance policy to keep your turn going if the board is already saturated with blues”

Which this team does well.

With hero in slot 1, there are 300 other troops I can put in. So what are you asking exactly?

Or are you just triggered because you think I’m criticizing your former choice of weapon?

This is ultimately what makes Justice and Courage teams so effective as well. Generating that many gems at once can have a “waterfall” effect and if the targeted gem is skulls, it’s game over really fast. The only reason it isn’t a huge issue in defend teams is because the AI almost never targets skulls. If it did, you could nerf Bone Dragon into uselessness and people would find a way to recreate the effect.

No, I am asking this because the hero has access to both Assassinate and Bullseye traits, as well as fairly high base stats. All of which hasten the win.

To criticize my “former choice of weapon”, you would have to be targeting Sun and Moon, which is, yes, I know, far behind the power curve these days. Farsight orb is not a good weapon now, I’ll be the first to tell you that.

If anything is “triggering” me, it’s that you’re evading questions. Yes, you can use LOADS of troops in that slot. Hell, right now I’m using Incubus. Anything can work in that spot if you want to make it. Except like… Moloch, Terraxis, or Gard’s Avatar.

Old Maw would have worked. You can make Kruarg work. But the reality is that having 15% chance to instantly kill a troop at the front of a skull spam team with no overlap in the team is probably the single most powerful thing that you can put there. So you’re most likely going to want Hero with the Archer or Assassin class, using a weapon that is some combination of brown, green, and/or maybe purple. You will want this weapon to be able to charge quickly and synergize with the rest of the team if you happen to get the mana to cast it without interrupting the rest of the team if you do choose to cast it.

You have completely lost me.

What question am I evading? You’re asking a totally open-ended question and I’m not going to type 30 paragraphs and hope that I address the thing you’re thinking!

They’re not hard, they’re annoying. More importantly they’re everywhere. PVP is f-ing boring.

How is asking what hero weapon you would use open ended? There is a limited range of responses and I just want simple reasoning other than “No, X weapon isn’t as good as it used to be, and there are other things you can use in that slot”

I am literally just asking what you would use.

edit: Now you’re editing comments to mean completely different things after I’ve already replied. I can’t keep up. Good night :slight_smile:

Changing the entire thing that I have already replied to is kind of bad form. I can’t find your channel via search.

Tacet gets the synergies from looking at other teams that are already in use, and just uses his fame to bring them to more public knowledge. Overall strategy is something he has never seemed to be really good at, anyway.

You still haven’t answered the “what would you use” question. And at this point, I’m just going to stop trying because it’s really starting to seem like you’re just out to be a troll, which is not the vibe I got from you at all at first.

I put up with you this far, but this is where it ends. Don’t come to me for help in future.

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That confirms it for me, then. Have a nice night, and see you in the place we’ll both surely end up some day. Ttfn.


Or maybe not…

I think they meant the grave?

no idea.

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Creepy as…

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FFS where’s Harold already Eika!

It’s been like 2 whole minutes :laughing:

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Gustav Bruvik you mean? :relieved: