Underspire - MAUGRAM WOODS teams


At first glance this team doesn’t look like it would work at all but it is a fun team that is also pretty quick as it turns out :grinning:

Fill Timberwolf first to explode brown gems on the board. Concentrate on filling Midwinter next which when popped should not only refill Timberwolf (with freeze gems) but give him plenty of brown (curse gems) to explode.

Use Lunarelleon every time he is full.

So mainly the rotation is Midwinter followed by Timberwolf.

You probably won’t need to use Wolf Hammer much but it can come in handy for blue & green gems if the board needs revitalising.

This team beats E12 in all kingdoms so will be good to the final boss.


For those without access to Maugrim Mythics, here are some other ideas you can run with:

  • Kerberos + Fenrir (Devour and buffs)
  • Tracker (Armor Piercing AND Eagle Eye)
  • Spiritwalker + Wargare Totem (Barriers for days)