Underspire 10 room road?

Is this normal? I’ve never seen a section in underspire 10 rooms long. And then ending into a dead end without sentinel is just…as expected

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I had a twelver :scream:

It’s the return of the return. :thinking:

I suspect it has to do with they fact that this road was on the bottom of the field and could not be splitted with an intersection. The code probably needs to put a certain amount of rooms after each intersection on the main path

Tricky, but here goes.

Side paths branching off the main path are guaranteed to not be longer than 6 rooms. This was originally broken, got reported and was eventually partially fixed. It still happens whenever a side path hugs the border of the map.

The official stance is that the 10 room side path you are seeing is actually only 6 rooms long, it just happens to get extended by another side path that is 4 rooms long. This can happen repeatedly any number of times, so you may have to pass through several dozen rooms to reach the end. However, when counting rooms and reaching 7, you have to continue counting with 1 instead. That way you are always within the guaranteed length, so nothing has to be fixed.

To sum it up:

You can also read up the rest of the story there, it’s actually a very creative approach to redefine math. You’ll notice that the bug report is still open after a year. Apparently the official reasoning was considered too controversial to continue, so the bug report was rather left to gather dust instead of actually addressing the issue.

This may count as “spreading lies”, so this post may spontaneously disappear.


Awww lvl 1350 “just got Dia” - I was so young back in Nov 2023!!!

I agree it’s not a bug, didn’t post this as bug as well.Just a bit strange behaviour to solve hitting the limits of the underspire playfield. Thanks for the replies!

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I could be wrong, but it seems, in my experience, that only the boss and merchant paths can go out to 6 rooms (sometimes, they’re shorter). Sentinel paths and dead ends only seem to go out to 5 rooms at most.

That said, I have no idea how this 10 room dead end happened. By everything I’ve seen about the path constructions, this makes no sense.