Translation mistake EN -> FR

Mang : the description it’s in spanish and not french

The french traduction :
Détruis l’armure de l’ennemie. Distribue XX dommages. Augmente mon attaque par le montant d’armure détruite.


Nécrophage :
you say in french : “vole X points de vie à un ennemie . Créé 5 gemmes vertes”
Or in real the good traduction is : “vole X points de vie à un ennemie . Créé 5 gemmes violettes”

You can add this troop too (among other) :
Emperina skill : “Accorde un point de vie à un ennemi …” should be “Accorde un point de vie à un allié …”

This one was introduced with 1.0.8 I think, it was one of the reasons I decided never to turn the game in French again !

Well, on Android,I don’t have the choice :frowning:

You do !
Settings => hit the flag in the top left corner.

That’s the same for every devices ! (well, I didn’t try the PS4 / XB1 version)

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To be thorough, it should be :

[quote=“zann0t, post:1, topic:5257, full:true”]
Mang :
Détruit l’armure de l’ennemi. Distribue XX dommages. Augmente mon attaque du montant de l’armure détruite.[/quote]

And for the Wight :

But you are right. There were many problems with the french translation at the beginning. Fortunately the translation for the new kingdoms seem to be a lot better.
That being said, I play mainly in English, simply because it was the only language that was available when I started playing and I am used to it.

We were using a different translator at the start.

You are my hero :smile:

I’ll just wait a WiFi connexion, I guess I’ll have to re-download all the assets :stuck_out_tongue: