Translation Errors Masterthread

German version of the game:

The title from the reminder message (that you don’t have enough shards to open portals in the underworld) is incorrect (or rather not translated at all).

The oracle (Orakel) class name for the XP (EP) gain has its last two letters swapped.

:x: Orakle
:white_check_mark: Orakel (like everywhere else in the game)

The third time posting this

Some Chinese localization errors

Green Golem’s spell
:x: 爆破一颗宝石。每爆破一颗绿色宝石则缠绕一名随机敌人。 [1x]
:white_check_mark: 爆破一颗宝石。每爆破一颗绿色宝石则缠绕一名随机敌人。获得 [魔法值 + 1] 点生命值。 [1x]
Gain Life is missing

Hyndla Frostcrown’s spell
:x: 并对相邻的敌人造成半数伤害。冻结所有敌人
:white_check_mark: 并对相邻的敌人造成半数伤害,冻结所有受法术影响的敌人
Should be a comma instead of period, causing misunderstanding, hence I suggest rewrite the spell as above.

Silent Sentinel’s spell
:x: 爆破一行
:white_check_mark: 爆破一
Should be 列(Column), not 行(Row)

Spellblade’s spell
:x: 对一名敌人造成 [魔法值 + 1] 点伤害,伤害值因拥有法印效果的盟友数而增强。 [5x]
:white_check_mark: 对一名敌人造成 [魔法值 + 1] 点伤害,伤害值因拥有法印效果的盟友数而增强。 赋予一名随机盟友法印效果。[5x]
Enchant a random ally is missing

Sylvasi’s spell
:x: 将所有黄色宝石转换成紫色以增强效果
:white_check_mark: 将所有色宝石转换成紫色以增强效果
Wrong color, should be 蓝(Blue), not 黄(Yellow)

Divinia’s 3rd trait Dragon’s Blessing
:x: 在配对 4 或 5 颗宝石时,使随机一名敌人获得一个随机的正面增益状态效果。
:white_check_mark: 在配对 4 或 5 颗宝石时,使随机一名盟友获得一个随机的正面增益状态效果。
Should be 盟友(ally), not 敌人(enemy)

The Worldbreaker’s 3rd trait Insane Growth
:x: 在配对 5 或 5 颗宝石时,获得 4 点随机技能值。
:white_check_mark: 在配对 4 或 5 颗宝石时,获得 5 点随机技能值。

Sylvanimora’s 1st trait/Dragotaur’s 2nd trait/Prince Ethoras’s 3rd trait, Dragon Boon
:x: 在身亡时有 25% 的几率召唤一只德拉贡特。
:white_check_mark: 在身亡时有 25% 的几率召唤一只小飞龙
Not using in-game troop name

Nysha’s Skull
:x: 随机创造 [魔力值] 颗的骷髅头。
:white_check_mark: 随机创造 6 颗的骷髅头。
Should not be affected by Magic

Owl Rider’s name
:x: 仓鴞骑手
Should be using Simplified Chinese character

Guardian LV10 Talent Vanguard
:x: 在每个回合开始的时候获得屏障效果
Should be 战斗(battle), not 每个回合(every turn)

Water LV1 Talent Snap Freeze
:x: 在战斗开始的时候冻结一名随机盟友。
:white_check_mark: 在战斗开始的时候冻结一名随机敌人
Should be 敌人(enemy), not 盟友(ally)

German version of the game:

Sharptooth (flavor text)
English original: If you’re happy and you know it, clap your… oh.

:x: Wenn du glücklich bist und die weißt es, … (If you’re happy and the/that? know it…)
:white_check_mark: Wenn du glücklich bist und du weißt es, …

Simple spelling mistake.

:de: German version of the game:

Dark Pits story quest mistakes:

:x: das
:white_check_mark: dass

:white_check_mark: Osten

:x: deal
:white_check_mark: Deal

:x: weg
:white_check_mark: Weg

:x: großes
:white_check_mark: Großes

:x: gutgeschulter
:white_check_mark: gut geschulter

:x: Keine
:white_check_mark: Keiner (or: Niemand)

Troop: Sledgepaw (Abrisspfote):
:x: bluten
:white_check_mark: Bluten

Troop: Hex Rat:
:x: Hex Rat (troop name is not translated)
:white_check_mark: Hexratte

Area name has not been translated:
:x: The Dark Pit
:white_check_mark: Die dunkle Grube

Missing letter:
:x: Dein Team bleib…
:white_check_mark: Dein Team bleibt

Wrong word translated:
:x:historisches (Original: hissterical )
:white_check_mark:hyssterisches (normaly no double s but to keep the pun :wink: )


:x: Verwandele
:white_check_mark: Verwandle

:x: dem
:white_check_mark: den


Weapon name should have no apostrophe in German + the word Fan is not translated
:x: Titania’s Fan
:white_check_mark: Titanias Fächer

Weapon name should have no apostrophe in German
:x: Titan’s Fluch
:white_check_mark: Titans Fluch


:x: Rätzel
:white_check_mark: Rätsel


:x: x&1
:white_check_mark: x1

Xbox, French version

On mechanist class lvl 100, the names Robots (Constructs) and Méchas (Mechs) have been inverted.
On tree “Gardien” (Guardian) lvl 100, it say “Les Robots alliés gagnent 2 d’armure par tour” (Allied Constructs gain 2 armour each turn). In reality it is the “Méchas” (Mechs) who gain 2 armour per turn.
On tree “Savoir” (Knowledge?) lvl 100, it say “Les Méchas gagnent 10 de vie” (Mechs gain 10 life). In reality it is the “Robots” (Constructs) who gain 10 life.

EDIT: this inverted mechs/robots prob is now fixed on the xbox french version (1st Oct 2019) :+1:

Also the Legendary troop Roi des profondeurs (The deep king from Merlantis/See of Sorrow) have a missing description: He deal pure splash damage but on the french version “purs” (pure) is missing.


PC/Mobile maybe XBOX too… German version

Deeds are translated as “Taten”. That is technically not wrong, but it simply is not the translation intended. It means “actions” or “doings”, “acts”.
What really was meant is “Urkunde” like a “title deed” for a piece of land. The other is simply wrong.
@Kafka, @Cyrup, @Saltypatra

As I’ve mentioned elsewhere, we’re a small team and can’t possibly respond to everything. You can bring stuff up again (if you’re nice about it :point_up:) if it’s been awhile and you haven’t received a response.

I’ve passed these on.

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As of sep 19th, all Chinese translation errors mentioned in this thread are still not fixed.

Many of the phrasing and capitalization errors in English have been fixed recently (Infernus finally reads Splash Damage for example).

However, other languages have not been fixed as stated by aluoaniki.

If there are any other translation/wording problems you can list them here.

As a start, there are still a large number of traits which use the old wording of triggering on “4 or 5 Gem matches” (which implies 6+ gem matches do not trigger the ability, which is misleading) instead of the new “4 or more Gem matches.”

I’d really like for the team to ensure consistent and unambiguous phrasing and localization. The spell and traits are the most important parts of any troop, and having poor wording has resulted in a LOT of confusion over the game’s lifespan.

Take a page from Magic: The Gathering! They have a highly consistent grammar to the point where an ability basically writes itself.

From what I’ve read, they’re actively working on this and rolling out changes as they go. There are just so many troops and languages, it’s not going to be done in a short time span.

I just wanted to give you all a quick update and also explain how we use this tread and the suggestions in it.

We add the translations suggestions to our bug board, but rather than sending them one by one to our community translators, we send them in batches. Not all of the suggestions pass at the end of the day, and we leave it up to the translator to decide whether one is valid or not, and then act on their feedback.

This means that some of the suggestions get implemented, while others don’t.


I would be more than happy to give directly to your french translator all the translations mistakes I have noted. I could send him all in 1 time and for free.
I hope he/she still have not examined the 2 mistakes I alerted you 3 months ago because if he did and found nothing wrong, that would mean he either dont speak french (that of course cant be possible) or he dont play the game (which is much more possible).
The mistakes about King of the Deep (Roi des profondeurs) dont require to be an expert of the game, its just the word “purs” (pure) that is missing as King of deep deal PURE splash damage and not NORMAL splash damage. All cards in Gems that deal pure damage have it specified in french so no reasons for this troop to not also have it specified.

The mistake about inverted word “Robots” and “Méchas” (in english Constructs and Mechs) is impossible to realize for your translator if he dont have Mechanist class at 100. I can understand here his confusion mistake. Very understandable because from English “Construct” = “Robots” in French and from English “Mechs” = “Méchas” in French in your game is indeed confusing for translation. A Mécha can be seen as a Robot after all…
To resume, all your translator have to do is invert at lvl 100 skill in tree “Savoir” (knowledge in english?) and tree “Gardien” (guardian?) the words “Méchas” and “Robots” because right now your game state that the “Robots” (constructs) gain 2 armor per turn. WRONG! Its the Méchas (Mechs) that gain 2 armour per turn. And it state that the “Méchas” (Mechs) gain 10 life. WRONG! Its the “Robots” (constructs) that gain 10 life.
But again, if your translator dont have Mechanist class at 100, it will be very hard for him to understand that…
I will wait for next update with curiosity to see if these 2 gets fixed. But, please, consider my offer to send him directly in one package the mistakes I see. (I still have a few others mistakes like the decription of Dragon eye weapon or a few things still in english in the game like the phrase about exchanging useless pet copies once mythic,…etc…) (Again if your translator dont have any pets at lvl 20 with useless more copies, how could he see that this phrase about exchanging useless pets is still in english? :thinking:) That would probably mean only 1 or 2 sending per year. That could also save you time which seems important for your team by what I have understand. After all we both want the best possible French version of Gems of war possible, no? :slightly_smiling_face:


I can confirm that the inverted words problem on the french version about méchas (mechs) and robots (constructs) for the lvl 100 bonus in skill trees “Savoir” (Knowledge?) and “Gardien” (Guardian?) is now fixed. Thank you! :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

Now onto the Roi des profondeurs (the deep king) prob who still have the word “purs” (true) missing in its cast description.

Actual french description of the deep king (just the 1st part, because the 2nd one about submerge is correct): “Inflige 27 dégâts de zone à 2 ennemis aléatoires. …” (Inflict 27 splash damages to 2 random enemies. …).
Now the correct french description: “Inflige 27 de dégâts PURS de zone à 2 ennemis aléatoires. …”. (Inflict 27 TRUE splash damages to 2 random enemies. …).



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Thanks! Interesting to see that in the english version its TRUE damages when it remove directly the life. For once I think its better worded in the french version with PURE damages.
I mean, I find a little strange to use True. Opposed is “False” I think so any damages dealt to the shield of ennemy should be False damage? :smile: But Im not native english speaker so there are probably subtleties I dont understand. :innocent:


We could easily have used a better wording, instead of true damage, direct damage.
Still, it’s a matter of opinion on this one. That’s just mine.

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