Traitstone Drop-rates

tempted to do the same, but will probably get sick of it and annoyed by the lost glory from pvp and wait till the arcanes are in the rewards… but it might be like 6 months??? :o:

I’m being indecisive…

So based on the data gathered, we can be 95% certain that the average drop rate of the traitstones is within + / - 3% of the figures in the table.

Another 800 samples before we can get to + / - 2% (but I’m not sure being any more accurate is worth it).

It is clear that you may as well be farming the moon if you’re trying to farm arcane traitstones for a base level Epic or Legendary character. I think the better strategy may be to gather Glory, and use it on the the weekly bundle (such as Arcane Blood) this week.


Quote from Namour :

“It is clear that you may as well be farming the moon if you’re trying to farm arcane traitstones for a base level Epic or Legendary character. I think the better strategy may be to gather Glory, and use it on the the weekly bundle (such as Arcane Blood) this week.”

I completely whole-heartedly agree.

What’s the rate increase, exactly?
And can you change “slight amount” to “good amount”?
I believe the current drop rate chance is something like 50% ish per battle?
So can you spread the Difficulty % bonus spectrum across to outright 100% at the highest Warlord IV setting?

Honestly, I don’t see how this can be unbalancing. Warlord IV is NOT a walk in the park, even if we’re just running Challenges. And even if the drop rate is at 100%, assuming I play 300 games a week (and I don’t), then according to the statistic table that’s …

186 Minor Stones
81 Major Stones
27 Runic Stones
5 Arcane Stones
2 Celestial Stones

This could probably only support three Tier 1 Traits + one Tier 2 Traits and roughly 0.5 Tier 3 Trait a week.

Since there are… what? roughly 170 creatures and increasing in game?
That means at 100% drop-rate, playing 300 Games of Warlord IV Difficulty Every Week, a player can fill out

All the Tier 1 Traits in 56 Weeks
All the Tier 2 Traits in 170 weeks
All the Tier 3 Traits in 340 weeks

I think this is still acceptable? If a player is willing to stick out 6 years of non-stop farming on Warlord IV to max out all the Traits, then I would just take off my hat and say kudo to em. Where as right now, at 50% drop rate setting, the number of weeks essentially doubled… that’s a little scary to think about. Not to mention the last time I checked the guild roster, on avg most players probably play no more than 100 games weekly.

Give us a little candy break, please? :sweat_smile: TYVM


I just have already fixed it in my mind that I will never have any of those expense troops traited up. I’ll probably buy trait stones when they appear in glory packs for the troops I want, but I don’t even know which ones I WANT to trait up.

Very nice statestics, Namour! 60-30-10-2-1 (%)

Yeah pretty much the only time I bother to farm challenges now if it’s turns out I only need one arcane stone to complete a trait, even then it’s an incredible chore unless you get lucky early. Glory packs are the only way to go currently…

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Likely 59 - 29 - 9 - 2 - 1, adds to 100

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Another 100 drops to add to the data:

Minor - 59
Major - 33
Relic - 6
Arcane - 2
celestial - 0

My relics are a touch low, but it matches the 59, 29, 9, 2, 1 expectation fairly close.

Updated sample size of 200 (including the previous post):

no traitstone: 15.5%
minor: 53%
major: 23.5%
runic: 5.5%
arcane: 2%
celestial: 0.5%

Another 100 drops

minor 52
major 37
runic 9
arcane 1
celestial 1

Got a lot more majors than I expected

I think we, I think we sussed it out guys

Total statistics for the thread:

Minor - 889
Major - 440
Runic - 134
Arcane - 29
Celestial - 12
Total - 1504

With 1500 samples, that is a 2.6% margin of error

Minor - 58.3 - 59.9%
Major - 28.9 - 29.6%
Runic - 8.8 - 9.0%
Arcane - 1.90 - 1.95%
Celestial - 0.8%


Don’t say that … They’ll go and change it on us now!!!

Record here, 100 matches played 2 arcanes and 3 celestial stones.

200, 0 arcane or celestial >.>

kinda off-topic :wink: : Which types of traitstones and how many of each is needed for Hydra’s 3rd trait? Thanks.

Use the wiki that’s posted on the main of the forums, It’s VERY informative about everything you need to know.

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Here’s the wiki link you need:

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Haha maybe, guess we will start counting again in a few days just in case.