Things That Make You Irrationally Angry

My wife and I are avid WWE fans, so we are VERY familar with this term :wink:

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Good ol JR!

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It is the only way to describe a back and forth where you never know who is going to win.

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When you are trying to craft a team that sounds powerful just to see it nerfed right before you can get the 4th troop. RIP 4x dust devil team.

Not really Angry but its funny when little jealous People hate your Guild in PS4 Communitys just because its the best :smiley:

Trying to get copies of Green Slime and Rowanne has been quite annoying…

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I know the feeling. I think everybody has some troops they desperately want. I still need Infernal King and also wants that extra copy of Psion :slight_smile:

To devs: a guild bank/trade house could solve these irritations :wink:

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When all you need is one more !%$# Arcane Storm Traitstone, and you’ve thrown yourself at Adana challenges for over 100 levels (no joke) and the game sees fit to reward you with Celestials instead. RAGE


I once got not one but two Celestial by the time I got the arcane I was looking for, I get your feeling, but now I’m quite happy I got those 2, Celestial!

It was back when I was farming to trait Valkyrie at the beginning of traits so I had absolutely no use for Celestial back then (and legendary traits were nothing but “Daemonic Pact”…), so I was quite angry indeed :stuck_out_tongue:

When your Shadow-Hunter uses his skill and there is still 4 enemy troops left, but since his skill is random he hits Celestasia that has barrier on. Have happened twice now…


Her skill isn’t random, she targets the healthiest target.


Spot on! :slight_smile:

i got mine from a map.

When you forget that one of your Troops is frozen and you automatically grab a match-4 in a colour you don’t need but is one of the frozen colours… :rage:


When you get the bouncing beach ball screen.

When there is a couple of 3-skull matches available, I choose the one that should compromise the other opportunity, but new gems from off-screen fall in such a way that the opp can match skulls anyway… :frowning:
And if he gets a 4-match I just go like “Arghhhh, damn you, RNG” :rage:


When you just entangled the top enemy, get an extra turn and ignore the skull match to grab mana to cast Crescendo for the win and the opponent recover on their first turn and kill your green seer and hero causing you to use real words that posting on this site would require Innuendo and asterisks


Evolved Golgatha. Need I say more?

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It would end up on too many teams, and by too many i mean defend teams.

irrationally angry - missing a fully traited maloc and losing magic before i saw it!