Things That Make You Irrationally Angry

When you wait for the computer to finish its turn but then your computer restarts while you are in the bathroom.

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When I have multiple spells loaded and cast one when I intended to cast another. Some spells are order-important, and this little mistake really gets me off my game.

I do this a lot, especially during this Runefest, because I had to reorder my team to fit the Runemaster in. I’m so used to a troop being in one slot that I cast that spell thinking it will do what it usually does and it’s the wrong guy. Seems like an easy thing to avoid, but apparently not, because I keep doing it. ARRRRRGH.


When you try to get double trait stones during the event then find out that the event is pvp only.

When you are short souls, go to a troop to disenchant the extras, and accidentally upgrade it instead, spending souls instead of generating them. UGH.


Elections, it seems… :smiley:


in all seriousness, I have a coping tactic for this and it is: don’t look.

If I’m playing against goblins and any goblin has a spell queued up, when my move is over I look somewhere else and keep my eyes occupied until I am 100% sure that the goblins are done.

It’s so much better. So, so much better.


Yep, I totally agree. That’s why there should be an option (option only of course) to make enemy turns 5 or even 10 times faster. I really, really hope the devs will come to it sometime…

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Toiling for a vault or two in Treasure Hunt, only to be awarded gold (or souls) for them…

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I hate when i …
All my units a just barely scratch ed.
I smile ,
My opponent has a Deep Borer
(With 10 health left)
Then as if magic…
Im down to my last unit wit 2 health left…



Well, I guess it was magic, wasn’t it? :wink:


No @GemsCollector
I just slacked off lol

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Fighting a fully traited Great Maw with Bone Dragon behind him.
Bone Dragon casts, the first skull hit kills the initial troop and devours the next troop that shouldn’t have been touched…
…and all you can say is, “Seriously…?”


Moloch’s Suppression trait minuses one health at the same time as a four/five skull match which keeps the enemy alive at one HP when they should have died… Again… and again…

Oh and anyone that uses Zaejin defence teams, learn2findadamnedtroopcombination people!

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When your goto team dies to a fortress gate.

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Did u play the Fortress Gate/Star Gazer combo?

no it was a team that used fortress gate, sunweaver, alchemist, sparkgrinder

Ok. I have seen a similar variation using Star Gazer, but that one can get nasty fast as well.


and you can guess the rest

Situations like this makes me almost jump out the window.

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I often find myself infuriated that more people aren’t using the phrase “slobber knocker” on the regular. Well played, @killerman3333.