Things that make you angry while playing GoW

Shahbanu can be used to get 1,000 attack, life and armour. I have also known it give 1003/5 in a stat, but stop there. No further magic works at that point.


Shahbanu hard cap, it’s not gaining magic despite Lord of Storms and casting on itself and magic being awarded.

Pretty sure that has been changed recently, as I’m sure I’ve seen Magic at 1k before. May have an old screenie.

Gavel and Shahbanu are not increasing now.



Finesse not gaining magic matching 4 or 5 gems.

FWIW, Finesse is still gaining armour and life even though magic is at 1,000. :slight_smile:

There you go, everyone maxed :stuck_out_tongue:


Looks promising for a win…


As long as you’re not up against a Life and Death / Orbweaver Spider Spam team and you’ve forgotten to switch back to the regular Medals from the Event Medals and suddenly there go your troops… :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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I do remember it. I’m just not mad about it, since it’s not a thing anymore. I don’t hold grudges. Lol. Honestly, I don’t get mad playing games. At least if I find myself getting mad, I find another game.

The Arena revamp comes close to making me mad, but since there are so many different things to do in the game, any anger over one mode is eclipsed.

My thoughts about something like the medals, it’s just in the category of things I find a little annoying and which I would fix, if I had the power to do so. Like a fly buzzing around a silent house. Lol

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I honestly think they are not capable of this level of incompetence and are just trolling us.


Unfortunately I basically believe they are. They can prove me wrong at any time … I’m waaaaaaiting…


If the devs had their own card, the first trait would be incompetence.

We are way passed the “they are just trolling us” part.

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I think it would be SUPER Mongo →
trait #1 Add random stat point to random troop type. (changes every battle, gets rolled at the start of the battle)
trait #2 Immune to random status effect. (same as above)
trait #3 When matching 4/5 gems apply a random status effect (can be both- negative and positive) to any of the troops (ally or enemy).

Spell → similiar to Mongo:

something random happens OR something more random happens OR something even more random happens

This basically, needing to get the other Legendary, but that is a lot rarer to pull, its like a kick in the belly after eaten a lot of pork. Its hurtful man.


A troop staying freezed whole match because of opponent class skill is a bloody joke.

Losing a level 500 delve, because the devs still don’t understand or care that doing level 70 delves is not a thing in this game. No second chances to complete the task today.


My wife finally gets to craft the Doomed Blade, this should be a good thing right?

It was until she needed forge scrolls to lvl it. Now she has to wait another year for the scrolls because of this lazy, boring world event?


Oh goddamit. :frowning:

6 Cedricks vs 0 heart of rage. Equal drop percentage my muscular buttocks.

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I am almost crying thinking of it here im sitting, not joking.


So let me ask you. I struggle to see why this was done this way. For me it looks nowadays that changes like these is made only because to frustrate players and make their days sour. Let me hear your input about it, I cant be the only one thinking this.

Because the only thing they really care about is profit. Gameplay & player enjoyment have taken a backseat to “game economy” for months.

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This week’s event is easily one of the worst events I’ve seen for this game at large. Being tasked to craft a team with 3 limiting parameters on troops and hero weapons is already garbage, if not amplified by the only viable team with the medal given being mirrored by the legendary boss battle. Having the enemy team have three times the skull damage because fighting the team 5 times puts them at nearly level 200 is, frankly, a trashfire of a mechanic when I only have that troop to synergize with the event medal. It only gets worse when the enemy isn’t limited to just dwarves from the two kingdoms, meaning every possible battle they have the weekly glory troop for 65% skull resist and/or another one or two stoneskin troops. Plan your events ahead of time, people! I’ve played this game way too long for this sort of poor planning to be the challenge. Maybe make your game fun and challenging, not impossible.

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Finally a decent glory troop this week, think I’ll try out that 65% damage reduction in the event…

Oh wait…

But tell me again how the devs can see passed their noses.

it’s really not that difficult. I think people need to up their theory crafting here. I coasted through with blade/bloodhammer/apothecary/stormbrew and that was just my lazy early week crafting. (I’ve beaten level 300+ Bloodhammer teams). This also goes back to my point in another thread that these events don’t require many tiers to complete. In fact 4 of the last 5 weeks had world events that could be completed by everyone in the guild doing 0-1 tiers. I understand many buy well past and use them early in the week but a difficulty spike would be expected in that case.

I’m curious to know what player is playing these world events for anything other than the guild rewards or making a massive LB climb for a power orb or major orbs. I’m guessing it’s the same player that chooses to torture themselves in the arena for no reason.

Yeah, that team still plays out like garbage, taking incredible luck to kill the randomly generated stonekin troops at the top, unless you’re attack stat is just that much higher than mine. If you honestly didn’t buy any of the tiers to get substantial buffs either, I really don’t know what wizardry you got there. The point I made was that having the same endgoal as the ‘streaking’ AI, aka infinite skull matches, but with a quarter or less of the attack power and no access to stoneskin troops is utter trash. Theory crafting doesn’t exist if you got 85% worthless troops and 15% viable troops that are at 1/4 power in comparison to the competition at lvl 270.