Things that make you angry while playing GoW

no comments :rage:


Dracos 7 casts G Wars today , 6 lethal hits.

25% ofcā€¦ not Gw Aiā€¦

Never seen the like.

Ever single damn week Iā€™m one sigil short for the class event and have to spend 250 gems if I want the orb and every time I do I get a Valraven in that battle.

What do I get for the 250 gems

I really needed that


Yep, greens are far too common :joy:

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Yep, way too common


I can play too.


That is exactly why I stopped completing class events a long time ago :sweat:


This room being added to Delves.
Just makes it more annoying and grindier.
The opposite of what the devs should be going for.

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ā€œWhoa PokĆ©mon Masters is fun, but Iā€™m getting behind in GoW. Iā€™d better catch up.ā€

Gow: ā€œThere was a problem connecting to the servers.ā€

ā€œThat sorts it!ā€


I canā€™t seem to log in either but the server status on the forums says things are fine

All I wanted was 1 copy of this


In the end I ended up with this and I still donā€™t have Avelorn to mythic



You must be crazy spending so many resources chasing a copy of a legendary that wonā€™t really make much difference to the troopsā€™ stats. You should have waited for next mythic or soulforge or Forest of Thorns week (whichever came first).

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Itā€™s vital to Life and Death, the team that no one in the history of the game has ever lost a match to.


*Posts a thing that makes me mad about GoW in a thread about things that make me mad about GoW.*

Forums: ā€œYouā€™re stupid, thatā€™s stupid, why are you doing this stupid thing why arenā€™t you smart like me?ā€

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Off topic but bumper stickers make me angry. Yea I know. :man_shrugging:


I donā€™t care about the extra stats as I donā€™t even use it on offense I just donā€™t like using troops that arenā€™t mythic and I have it on my GW defence team. Iā€™m not bothered by the resources either I still have plenty left and it gives me a reason to do challenges for the gem keys and arena for the glory keys.

You are right though. Itā€™s a terrible idea to waste keys like that on a legendary troop when itā€™s so much cheaper to use event keys or craft it.

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Or use a small blue orbā€¦

I would rather spend the keys at the moment. I still need 3 minors for Zuulā€™Goth.

Todays AB. :roll_eyes:

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Todayā€™s AB :-1: