The update is here!

I asked Nex. Naturally, his secrets are locked in a vault somewhere in Krystara.

Well put. And frankly, coupled with what @megamanx wrote, expect the gap between the poor and the rich to widen. Newcomers will drop out. The long time players who have it made will hang in for just a while longer depending how active their guild is and the level of camaraderie they’ve built over time.

It is very dangerous to write off a game feature as something meant for newcomers only. And lining up the console with PC (as @TaliaParks suggested ) is as well since both economies are meant to be different due to the device players have time to access. A player with a smartphone can spend countless hours compared to someone who can’t take their console everywhere they go. Sure, you can sign in at someone else’s console, but how many schools and workplaces allow that? o_O?

Tasks should not have been regulated in this heavy handed way to four a day. Frankly, that should be applied as to how many guild tasks can be completed per day. I guess we’ll have to wait for the next patch then. :worried:

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Just started the game and all tasks are negative -1/20 is it normal?

Btw just saw the imp nice

Any tips for the best hero class???

A Guildmate donated 400000 Gold yesterday and now the Game says weekly 0 really nice ~.~ This Sunday resets suck too

Your comment on limiting the number of guild tasks allowed each day makes so much more sense than what they have done with the daily tasks.

The daily tasks were nothing relative to what a good 30 member guild can grind out. They’ve just taken away a fun extra. Very disappointing


Well, no more traits for Arena. :sob:

Gone are the days when I would trait that troop to duke it out against such foes the game slapped me with. :head_bandage:

Patch notes are up for anyone who wants official information on what we’ve added/changed: Hero Class update hits consoles, bringing new content and plenty of bug fixes

Actually you can use your console from anywhere assuming it is xbox and you have windows 10 or have a psp linked to your ps4.

Don’t you need to be on your home network to stream xbox to Windows 10? Neither of those options are at all practical. What is practical is facilitating console and pc to both continue on mobile; or neither :wink:

I would love to transfer my X box data to my phone. Even if it meant I couldn’t play it on my console anymore

It doesn’t matter if they reform the guild tasks. The fact of the matter if you can get the same amount of gems doing one treasure hunt.

They may as well have completely removed the tasks.

Valid point, but there are many players who don’t want to do treasure hunters. The tasks give them alternative goals they can work toward which are regularly refreshed.

I’m at work and haven’t had a chance to check out the new update for myself yet, but I will say I’m disappointed that there were not any new achievements added with this update. I game for achievements; this is one of the rare games I’ve played after 100% completion because I find it so fun. I would love for some long term achievements (1000 invade wins, 5* a kingdom, stuff like that) for people like me to be added to this game. Will probably make another post after I check the update out for myself to provide additional feedback. I like how the devs here are very responsive so I’m hopeful that constructive feedback will result in some positive changes - I’m seeing a lot of complaints about task changes so perhaps we can give some alternatives to meet in the middle between what it was before vs. the major nerf the update seems to have brought.

I’d say most achievement hunters would be upset if a small update came with achievements that greatly deviated from wjat was there or caused them to lose their completion. Correct me if I’m wrong? Wouldn’t say no to some interesting non grindy ones myself

It depends on the achievement hunter. Some people hate updates that add achievements, some people love them. The reasons behind this are many and varied.

Pros of new achievements:
-If you like a game, it provides an excuse to play the game longer. It’s a painful decision to stop playing a game you still find fun just because the achievements are done, and yet many people such as myself do so anyway. Gems of War is an exception to the rule in that I’ve found many other achievement hunters who want to keep playing the game after it’s been completed. This is because the game is great! Yet, there’s still a part of me that feels like I should quit the game because all the achievements are done.

-Trueachievements is the premier achievement site now, and when a game includes a title update, the new achievements generally have a very high “ratio” assigned to them. This represents the true rarity of a particular achievement amongst all players who have started the game. Some people such as myself highly covet high ratio games/achievements, and a new title update with achievements, even if easy, would undoubtedly result in some very high ratio achievements due to the calculation formula TA uses. Achievement hunters will likely view this as a positive.

  • There will be many more players returning to the game to get the new achievements, which will likely translate to more $ from purchases in-game.

Cons of new achievements;
-Some people dislike new achievements because they have gotten rid of the base game, and it causes them to need to go back and re-buy the game. In the case of Gems of War, this isn’t an issue since it’s a free game and it’s digital only. At worst, someone would have to re-download the game.

-If you don’t like the game, you aren’t going to want to play the game even more to get more achievements.

-As you mentioned, you lose the completion. But, the completion becomes that more impressive once you complete the new round of achievements. Games like World of Tanks have released something like 7 or 8 title updates with new achievements, and they’ve managed to bring a lot of people back to the game each time to finish them off. Personally I find that game a bit tedious and the achievements are particularly grindy, but overall I think the reception for new achievements has not been that bad. I think with a game like GoW the reception would be far more positive since in my experience people enjoy the game far more than the grind that is WoT.

Overall, as a seasoned achievement hunter who greatly enjoys this game, I would consider it a net positive for this game to add achievements both for the achievement community and from the perspective of the devs to bring in more money. If it were me, I wouldn’t hesitate to add 100 new achievements to the game to make me want to play this indefinitely, but even 5 or 10 per update would be great. I’d happily provide a list of good achievement ideas if the devs are interested.

If the devs REALLY want to bring an influx of interest in the xbox version of the game, they should contact trueachievements and run some sort of contest to name an achievement. I guarantee you there would be a large influx of players with the visibility such a contest would provide.

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True that the fact the Base game is free to play solves a major issue with updates including new achievements but I still think it would be harder to regain interest with long grinds such as 1000 invades etc., more interesting ones would be great though. Any ideas you’d like to share?

Unfortunately, adding new achievements/trophies is a surprisingly complicated process – and it’s especially complicated for a free-to-play, multi-platform game like Gems of War. As a result, it’s unlikely that the game will receive new achievements or trophies any time soon.

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I’ve heard similar before, It’s a shame Microsoft makes it such a frustrating process for something that seems like it should be easy. I was encouraged based on you guys adding a few in the last title update. My advice would be to add a lot when you ultimately decide to. I’m curious why some games like World of Tanks seems to be pumping out title updates left and right with achievements if they are doing anything different.

Anyway, I look forward to the day you ultimately do add new achievements, and I’m hoping it will be sooner rather than later. Like I said, I could probably come up with 100 easily. I’m at work now and just moved so don’t have internet to my computer at home so I won’t give a long list of ideas now, but I will when that’s all resolved.

PS4 update please?

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