The (Un)Official Console Weekly Event Thread Part 1 (Closed)

Ah ok so Not tomorrow this means . Thx

Arcanes? Please i have good amounts of arcanes.
Runics? Bahā€¦ā€¦do a challenges and i get arcane , arcane and arcane .
Cue bender saying oh you need Runics ? Sure heres an arcane hahahahaha sigh off to do maps Cue bender saying oh you need Runics Sure heres an arcane HAHAHAHAHAā€¦
ā€¦ā€¦ā€¦Sighā€¦not mad, not angry .ā€¦Arrrrrgh.ā€¦_ā€¦Throws controller .

How important is Crimson Bat for Khorvash teams?

Crimson Bat is needed for all and any true damage teams and itā€™s as simple as that.


Definitive :thumbsup:

Yeah maw used to be my favorite troop, now itā€™s that BAT baby!

Valor makes another 9 troop city. 14 traits and all at level 20 will 5 star it.

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For kingdom power 3 you could have 6 troops at level 18 and the other 3 at level 19. No need to use traitstones then.

Begs the question though, wouldnā€™t everyone on consoles just be better off saving all resources til console catches up to pc? Why ā€œwasteā€ all those resources for 9 troops or less when a lot of the kingdoms will be much easier to star up later. Thereā€™s really no rush on console to do anything otherwise. You can win pvp easily without needing 5 star kingdoms.

What team are you using with Bat? Do you find his traits especially beneficial if he isnt in first position?

Planning on introducing Khorvash?

The only trait that is particularly useful if he isnā€™t in first position is the 2nd one, but I donā€™t run him in first position. I usually kill the entire team before he would even have a chance to deal skull damage. I run him in-






any of these teams have been working great.

Iā€™m a wealthy duck with souls and traits lol

The hourly tribute adds up quick, I even set an hour timer to hop on and grab it while watching tv. 1 star doubles tribute, 3 stars doubles tribute chance. 5 star is more end game for the extra +1 stat.

14 traits is key, it letā€™s 7 troops 3 star and 9 troops 5 star when all at level 20. Occasionally there are troop refunds and I respec them.

I probably average 4 kingdoms giving tribute, think my highest was 9.
14 3 star
5 5 star
Rest 1 star, all level 10

Yeah but even still players that are wealthy are still kind of ā€œwastingā€ materials on certain troops that really arenā€™t that useful. My advice to all console players would be to hold off from fully traiting troops and wait til console catches up to pc. Not to mention there are several very good troops that havenā€™t came to console yet. Obviously the wealthy have the option to do what they want with the materials they have, I would just advise to wait.

Only problem I have with it is that I cant justify using anything but other true damage troops or mana generators.

Khorvash will replace Maw?

Crimson Bat
Crimson Bat
Crimson Bat

Works great with Batā€™s 3rd Trait

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Indeed. Id recommend the majority aim to get 9 troop kingdoms (or even wait till they have 10) to 3 stars by levelling them with souls and picking off the first common traits if necessaryā€¦ prioritising glory kingdoms if possible.

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I rarely change my team, and they are already fully traited. You donā€™t earn bank interest hoarding traits or souls. But you do get nice tribute bonuses for spending them to star a kingdom.
Not sure how it adds up over the week, but I bet I get at least a 1000 glory.

Actually this is an on-going game so if you spend those materials now youā€™ll just have to replace them later. The logical move for most players is going to be to save those materials for later when console catches up to pc and then even later. This is less a message to you since you clearly are doing something otherwise, but more a message to other players that are considering spending wasted materials on these ā€œless thanā€ troops coming out. SAVE YOUR MATERIALS. 3 months til console catches up to pc hopefully.

Id say it is closer to 2000 or more. Im getting around 1000

Indeed. Iā€™m only buying 6 Valors. There will be more Arcane Bloods coming soon enough.

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