The anti-meta is the new meta...and it's even more boring

December 17th is the latest they have ever done for a preview video before the holidays.

If they don’t have one out by the end of this weekend, it is safe to say they likely will not be able to get the patch out.

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I don’t really choose how much armor have the AI team… Apparently, it wasn’t clear but my example is about when I use Bone Dragon during Invade.
Sometimes it happens that you can cast Bone Dragon and the only troops remaining have only 21 Armor or less. But even 21 Armor means 15 skulls. So it’s maybe just that I am unlucky.

And I’m level 1000+ and always take the 3-trophies battle for your information ;-).

Ah that explains it. Bone Dragon on offense is kind of meh. It’s on defense that he’s the issue. I could field a bunch on commons on my invade team and they’d still have 45-50 armor or more. One bone dragon cast is a guaranteed kill and depending on the board reset could be an extra kill or even two.

It’s similar to the RNG cheese with Maw before he was nerfed.

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Except by Rasper’s Plunder idea, that i liked a lot, i don’t have a lot to say about this problem that doesn’t boils down to my old idea, be it a new mode or not: New PVP mode suggestion: Weekly Bans

Some “perfect imbalance” for the troops is kind of the goal, but while it can’t be achieved fast enough for many reasons simply making some restrictions in the teams that people can use on each week would provide enough variety i think.
Making it fully random as suggested before would take too much freedom from the players and leaving it for some sort of “developer’s build team” would demand too much work since we get new troops every week. To use these new troops it would require new builds from time to time. So my idea, theorically, would involve some code that put some settings to disable certain troops from the server’s database side, something that could be planned/selected to be launched together with each weekly pvp.

It would also shake things a little on the forums as people would discuss more team’s compositions based on previews of what will be disabled for the coming week if the devs notifies us about it as soon as they reveal the new troops coming. :slight_smile:

Here’s to hoping 2.2 helps out!

if you balanced your defense* team to something in middle team score i think you would find more balance in the enemies you face
something around 6,5k would probably do, try it maybe?

That’s really hard to do when all of your troops are mythic and fully-traited.

Why not just track attack teams over a period? If attack teams decide the strength of the enemy yiu face, this could be based on a random one of your last ten attack teams, for example.

Honestly, I think there is a bit of observational bias going on here. When I first started playing, I would sometimes change my defense team to a Level 1, untraited Peasant. When I started on PC, it was just as the Queen Mab meta was dying. I even ran the classic Mab deck myself and would constantly match up against a mirror deck, even while my defend team was a single troop. When I was at level 80 or so, I was already matching up against fully-traited level 1000s with all kingdom bonuses. I don’t think your defense team has any bearing to your match-ups when invading. I think the true reason that you are matching up against that many one-man-armies is because a good portion of the community has opted to alleviate the boorish defend meta that has been griefing players lately.

However, I don’t think there will ever be a clear-cut adjustment to abolish such a meta and I think that is a good thing. Some players want to set up their defense team in the best way possible with the tools they have. When Courage was first release, I made a team that was/is somewhat popular before I had ever faced it in PvP. It was Manticore, Courage, Bone Dragon, Courage (all fully traited). I had immediate success with the team, but one day I came across a mirror team in matchmaking. It was dreadful. I realized the frustration potential of this team and variations, so I changed my team to a different composition that was somewhat challenging, but not quite as annoying. The thing is I don’t expect everyone to do this. The beauty of the current system is it allows players unhindered freedom in choosing what they see fit to defend their fort. If every team that you play can be steamrolled, then you aren’t really using strategy, and the game is nothing more than a one-dimensional match-3. Sure, I may bitch and moan on the forums from time to time about things I don’t like, but, all things considered, the current system in decent shape.

Players, especially at the end-game, adapt quickly to change. That is the very essence of a meta in gaming and cannot be killed. Troops get nerfed, traits get changed, but still they prevail. For a while, I did jump on the single troop bandwagon. Nevertheless, with the new update I chose to create an Undead team that is a slight threat, but also assists the attacker in their journey to obtaining their weekly event goal. I will likely be continuing this in the coming weeks in an effort to spice up the flavor of others’ fight in PvP. This is the way that I want to play my game, but I don’t expect everyone else to follow suit, though I know some others have done the same.


That’s what I did too. And as soon as I got KOS his 3rd trait, I even removed Bone Dragon from my team.

For me, it all comes down to what you said about teams being annoying. If it were truly about wins, it would be one thing but we all know that defending in this game, in terms of wins and losses, is a joke. It’s more about how much we can grief people that invade us.

I refuse to participate in it. I have a 4xUndead team this week and next week, my defense will be made up of Event troops again.

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I believe that the one-troop defense works sole by giving you more easy revenges. Since your defense team has a lower PvP score you’re more likely to get faced against a weak opponent. In turn, the attack algorithm gives an advantage to Revenges, so you’re likely to see some easier teams than you otherwise would. And that would still only affect a faction of the total matches you’re served.

However, I don’t think it does anything more than that. There’s no way the PvP score of your defense team is directly calculated when finding a team for your attacks.

Are you saying that the easier fights are revenges? If so that isn’t true.

Yeah, I’m saying it’s all observational bias apart from Revenges.

I agree with the OP completely

I have to say I’m a bit disappointed by this event system because I guess I was hoping that there would always be an event directly related to defense. Like put up a defense team that includes this week kingdom event and gain a reward or event point for every match / person that invades the defense and a bonus for winning.

That stacked with the stat bonuses could make for a really interesting and dynamic pvp system in my opinion.


This is a great idea. I wonder if that’s possible with their current system?


it is not. every week you get a fresh 2 or more units who are lv1 untraited, if you continue leveling them all is up to you but dropping 1-2k team score using one or two such troops and two fully traited mythics isnt hard

edit, seems like that subject is not important anymore, since:

yeah im planning to do that as well, more enjoyment for everybody! :slight_smile:

for now my 4 undead defense looses horribly xD

this deserves a feature request

Yes I said similar somewhere else (can’t find link as I’m on mobile): if an aim of events was to push variety in PvP defences then it needs to reward players (with Snotgems or otherwise) for doing so - and perhaps match the weekly event troops that are boosted, as players may be setting those as defence.

Another idea is to:

  1. the bonus from “Week of …” is applied only to Invade team
  2. add a similar bonus to Defense team and only on the troops concerned by the Snotgems event (so for example this week, Undead have +25% stats)

That sounds viable to me. Means that if the types are the same (i.e. points to Dragons, also hunting Dragons) then they wouldn’t stack on a defense team.

Agreed. Defense teams generating snotgems would have been the perfect solution if done right. For instance 1 snotgem per invader killed … so people don’t have to worry about teams not winning. Even losing with the weekly-event team can generate some benefit.