Stellarix is stupidly overpowered. Change the 3x back to 2.1

Unfortunately, that’s probably impossible to implement (outside of a cpu patch forcing it to stop matching 4+Gems after # such consecutive matches). And the cpu already does not go for extra turns 100% of the time. Otherwise, Extra Turns are a result of spell effects (typically gem creation/conversion) for which either the spell generates an Extra Turn or it does not, and you can’t impose artificial limits on that.

True, but it presumes that players (at scale) actually create proper counter teams. If the common consensus is simply to get your own Wand+Stellarix team to best the Wand+Stellarix cpu, that will only ever reinforce/entrench the prevalence of those teams in the PVP pool to begin with.

Stellarix mirror match on blood frenzy isnt the best way to beat stellarix. Their stellarix is much better thsn yours. It aint stellarix thats the problem

Queen beetrix is stupidly overpowered and needs a nerf!

See how that works. Green day isnt dominated by stellarix on defenses. Its dominated by zuul 2.0 and beetrix.

Theres always a meta. 20 wins today so far. All my losses were due to something OTHER THAN STELLARIX! its hard to kill their ctharr or beetrix before they take off.

See? Pop goes the stellarix and if it casts it cant touch me. Its wand/ctharr/queen bee/ leprechaun that are the terrors today because beetrix is known to cheat and always get extra turns in ai hands

Troops that are near impossible to get should be OP. That’s my 2 cents anyway. Carry on.


I still have people in my endgame guild chasing diamantina. Let alone stellarix

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While I agree with you, why does Hoard Mimic suck so bad???

I mean. Stellarix is hard to get. Hoard mimic is impossible. Ergo hoard mimic should be empowered and have a skill that devours all four troops!

This stellarix cast twice and didnt kill me because it couldnt hit me. Medal of seasons let my hero barely take two casts. They didnt get another turn. Its funny watching stellarix cast against submerge

If matchmaking were better, a (pulling random numbers) level 500 with severe troop deficits would not be picking from 3 stella teams, ever. Problem solved.

I think if blood frenzy is aimed at end game (I would be fine with that), it should be explicitly said so. Otherwise, everyone missing troops is going to keep crying for nerfs.

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I agree on you with Stellarix being hard to get. I only get blue or yellow cosmic dragons all the time, but never the red one. So no chance to get Stella, no matter how much I try.

But I got 2 hoard mimics back to back with just doing 2x explore 12 just a few days ago. Again, that happened already a while ago.

TLDR. Don’t nerve anything, use what you like, have fun.

I do not have hoard mimic but I know someone with more than 20. I know another person that has mimic and barely plays but no wand as crazy as that is.

You know if there’s anything that needs nerfing its wand. I’d say most of my losses are due to something the wand did. You can lock stellarix down, but wand gives the ai a get out of jail free card. Stellarix really isn’t in every team. Wand is.

Something I absolutely despise about this is the feeling I get due to confirmation bias. It sure seems like when I use wand I get screwed by it a LOT and it doesn’t make a match. Which is an instant loss. If I can help it I always nuke the ai wand first because I truly feel like it rng cheats for it.

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Wand is the needed counter to Elementalist which is the needed counter to looping teams.

There will always be an element of RNG to winning a battle. And a “cheating” AI (whether that’s true or not, it certainly feels like our wand misses more often than the AI wand)…

I’m still against game wide nerfing and pro working on the mode that’s the actual issue.


The problem to me is so many things have been neglected and now there’s really only a few “top” things.

I dont know how you fix it. But i dont want nerfs either

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It’s not about how you can possibly win against Stellarix. Stellarix shouldn’t have been buffed. Even Diamantina seems pale in comparison. They should reverse the buff and add easy, medium and strong enemies in PVP for more variety. At the moment there is no variation in the color regions because everyone is playing with Wand and Stellarix. I also want to use real defense teams again, I don’t like my attack team being the defense team at the same time. That was a bad idea.

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No, it was a great idea!

Maybe there is a problem in PvP play design, not Stellarix, no?


Global Nerfs for a troop/class/weapon are very rarely a good idea, and more often than not break other parts of the game and/or tend to leave players having to spend more time/resources to achieve similar targets (Journey troop being a prime example of a bad decision to nerf a troop to pacify PvP/GW, so bad that devs are still trying to mitigate the consequences to the Journey event months later).

GoW ‘difficulty’ tends to be pitting us players against enemies with increasingly higher stats, thus giving us tools to punch above our weight is essential.

Tools like Stellarix (I currently have zero cosmic dragons, if that matters), Classes like Elementalist, Weapons like Wand of Stars…

A personal example would be this week’s World Event:

If I didn’t have access to the Elementalist Class, I would never even bother to spend time/gems in chasing rewards against increasingly large opponents. It’s just not worth my time/effort. (Sidenote: if my score becomes 6 digits, I may need a microscope to see the Collectibles column numbers :stuck_out_tongue:)

Same thing happens in Underspire: without the tools to help me slow down the higher-level opponents until I can take them down, I wouldn’t invest time/gems in the mode.

The lack of tools was also the reason why PF was so punishing before Potions: enemies with huge stats, and us stuck with one or two hands tied behind our back.

What is happening in PvP (especially in Blood Frenzy areas) is that now the opponent has the stats advantage AND access to the tools, thus unbalancing the scales in a frustrating direction.

So while potential solutions may abound based on different points of view, hopefully mods/devs will be clear on the fact that globally nerfing our tools to pacify a particular game mode is just going to have a domino effect in participation in other modes.

:crossed_fingers: :vulcan_salute:


Oh no, seems like elementalist is the only way to get those high points in events. I wonder what if instead we rework those events difficulty as well along with elementalist nerf? What if the game could be about something more than just 1.5 classes… I had a dream.

Please leave Stellarix as is. WoS could need a buff though. It just failed 3 times in a row in a battle twice, so I almost lost. :thinking:

Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you. We need people shouting this from the rooftops! :clap: :clap:

I wonder if a solution might be to limit blood frenzy to the kingdom restricted areas? Because, I really feel that the actual problem that needs solving is blood frenzy, itself.