Stellarix is stupidly overpowered. Change the 3x back to 2.1

I find the kingdom restricted blood frenzy FAR more tedious than the color ones. At least on color you lose or win quickly.

Of course it would be more tedious. But it would also prevent any combo of Stella, Takshaka and Wand. This would allow the people who can’t beat these combos in blood frenzy, to avoid them and allow people who are sick to death of things being nerfed for pvp, to play in peace.

When you ask for a nerf it also Nerfs the attack team. Then when you get that nerf you will find something else that needs nerf and the nerf rabbit hole is endless. The issue is folks should take a loss from time to time and move on instead of getting upset and Throwing their hands in the air. You likely still win at 90% rate which is pretty good. Removing the expectations of winning 100% of all battles is better than nerfing. I think what needs nerfed is expecting to win every single match but I digress.



The Wand of Stars by itself can be an endless loop win condition. The wand is what powers the whole mess. Turn 1 or Turn 2 stellarix. Looping forever wand and stellarix. It’s a serious problem when coupled with the already over-used Geomancer class.

Honestly, nothing should make more than one star at a time. A single star can get you an extra turn if it lands correctly. A whole bunch of stars at once is what is causing the issue.

While we’re at it, hot take: what if Wand of Stars only used 3-4 colors instead of all six? It really shouldn’t be able to self-refill within one turn. Less colors but keeping the cost would slow things down. Also, it wouldn’t be in every single color.


As an addition: Wand of Stars is not that hard to get: you just need one copy of The Lovers, 100k souls, and 10 Celestial traitstones. The cost is very doable if you use Necromancy while grinding. It really does not need to be the be-all-end-all weapon.

When it’s to the point people are saying things like “Lemme guess, You don’t have it?” as a reason why something should not be nerfed, that’s a clear sign it needs a nerf. The mindset that you need to use something to win means it is running the meta. And yes, every time someone says “Just use Elementalist/Wand of Stars” that is exactly what they are saying. That it’s required to win (unless you luck out extremely or have some obscure counter most don’t have access to).

I actually have always loved PVP. I played a ton in it’s old form, enjoyed the upgrade with themes, and was having fun. But this has been boring, repetitive, and frankly polarizing to the point you see only two things: the same Wand of Stars team and people struggling to beat the Wand of Stars team. Haves and Have-nots. It’s not fun.

I think the real reason many people don’t want to nerf the combo because they are using the combo. They don’t look at any other perspectives because it works for them so it has to be “good”. Yes, people are upset by this combo over-running PVP . But sometimes, they have a reason to be upset. It’s not always “they changed it so it sucks”.

Someone else gets it. Thank you for trying to see the perspective of other players.

Also, to answer your question, balancing is a process, not an end. As new troops are added, sometimes old ones will need to change. Right now there is way too much emphasis on Elementalist, Wand of Stars, and Stellarix. The combo is what gave rise to the pain. One alone may not be a problem, but put together it is.

Looping is OK as long as it gives both sides a chance to lose. Troops like Queen Beetrix don’t deal much damage and can have their loops fail. This gives both sides a chance to win. Having the entire board explode multiple times every turn then following it up with an instant kill attack on the same turn is not fair or fun. Elementalist, Wand of Stars, and Stellarix combo often comes with instant-kill or high damage troops in toe. Losing one or more troops on turn 2 is a serious disadvantage.

If I had to pick which was worse, Stellarix or Wand of Stars, I’d say Wand of Stars. Every single Wand of Stars / Sterlarix counter team suggestion I have seen so far still contains Wand of Stars. This says a lot.

Even if you fixed Wand of Stars and Stellarix, you still need to fix Elementalist. Honestly, Elementalist is over-powered. It’s a mid-game class that overshadows all others. I feel that this class alone leads to many unfair advantages. I’m fairly sure no other class, even fully leveled, gets that much use due to it’s insane abilities. Unless Elementalist is fixed, expect more Elementalist related corrections to happen.

Also, as a PVP fix, Tokens should only affect you while attacking*, not defending*. From what I see, people are stacking a lot of tokens on then going offline. They get infinite boosts this way, where I have just 5 fights before I run out. If it’s other things giving people 200+ health and obscene stats, pardon me. I’m only level 1300-ish. But if I’m right, then this is yet another unfair advantage that needs correction.

Thank you for your consideration.


you mean Elementalist right? think this is the first time I’ve seen anyone bring up Geomancer as a problematic class

Yes, I meant Elementalist. I have Geomancy on the brain. Fixed. Also derp.

Seriously: afflict Stun, Freeze, Burn, and Entangle when matching 4+ gems when mixed with things that explode the board like Elemental Stars = pain machine. If it was just one of those at a time, it would probably be nasty but overall livable, but all…? And all it costs is a few quests and an orb, no class levels? And you can auto-freeze one opponent at level 1? Overall it’s just too powerful way too fast, especially as it’s only a mid game class.


Excellent Class! What is wrong with it?

There must be more like Elementalist and/or properly buffed old ones!

what they should nerf is not stellarix, they should nerf “EXTRA TURN”.

like, “no troop allow to cast more than 1 time within a turn”. that mean, 4 troops max 4 cast. you can stop opponent, but not looping forever by casting again and again.

moreover, add cool down time for summoning. same, max summon is 1 time per turn. or even longer cool down (1 per 2-3 turns) if summon is still annoying in future. so no more infernal king infinite re-summoning again.

Also, please remake journey, it sucks. intention of looping make the game either gamble for luck or boring. not every player like marathon in real life.

“nerf extra turn” wont affect goblin teams much, they can still cast 4 times and make you painful like silence, but they have to wait for next round. that make the term “turn” more meaningful.

I agree with Marbles, Elementalist class and Wand of Stars are overpowered. Please fix Wand of Stars. Maybe that would solve the Stellarix problem. It happened several times that my entire team was destroyed by just one Wand of Stars weapon because it got endless loops in combination with skull damage.

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No, no way! Elementalist, Stellarix and Wand are absolutely fine and there is 100% no need to do something with that! Great design, perfect acts, proper effects.

If someone is struggling with the game, is unlucky etc etc etc, well…sorry for that. But to nerf something because someone just can’t win, it is too much.

Maybe there is something wrong with the player, not with a class, troop, event.


nerf elementalist is far more easy in this way. just add randomness, 4+ gems match only add 1 of the 4 debuff to random opponent, not all 4 at a time.

also, please remake entangle. make it ALWAYS debuff the top troop. you can solve it by change your own troop order, cleanse, bless. how come they allow physical skull damage only by top troop, but entangle (only against skull damage) will cast to random opponents. think about this, you are one of the 4 troop, when your tank fight hard, but the caster randomly cast entangle to somewhere but not the top troop. what do you think? missing? stupid teammate?

ok, fine. dev want uncertainty. then limit entangle to top 2 troops. we still can keep cast on the 2nd troop and getting angry, as randomness most of the time not on our side. dev, happy with this adv. version?

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PvP, right this minute (7.4), is repetitive and not fun. Very very true. Prior to 7.3 I didn’t find it particularly fun, but it was inoffensive. In 7.3 I found it to be a lot of fun. Grindy, sure. But I was enjoying it, a lot.

Stellarix and Wand of Stars existed in 7.3. Its the mode itself that changed with 7.4, not the weapon, not the troop. So fix the MODE!!! Because… you know what else isn’t FUN? Trudging through events and everything else, without reliable ways to mitigate boss scaling, just to balance pvp.


Exactly. Everyone was fine with Stella and wand before this last PvP update. Change the mode, not the troops and weapons.


There must be something wrong with my versions of Wand and Stella because they fail to loop for me…a lot. However, the AI loops a ton. Instead of this nerf talk, how do I get the AI versions of them???


I just had a team without Wand of Stars (was replaced by Petgnome), only with Stellarix and two other units and Stellarix looped so badly that my team was immediately dead without me being able to do anything about it, which reminded me that Stellarix is extremely overpowered. I’ve already lost dragonite gnomes and pet gnomes because of Stellarix and the talismans are always gone too. It would be good if you could at least keep the talismans when you lose a battle.

Could you please provide more details?

Your team, location etc?

Regarding Stellarix, it is not overpowered, it is a decent troop. And insanely gem expensive.

My Diamantina was around 67K+ gems, Stellarix similar. So, for that amount of gems, l would like to see a proper troop, swift and lethal.


These troops needs to be great because of this reason. I remember someone did not get all 6 gem dragons even after 50 egg tries. No way that these people or any other that is maybe luckier getting them deserve a regular Mythic which is useful, but nothing special.

If any of these or Stellarix (That is in focus) will get any nerf it will be an epic fail, it is as easy as that.


To drive my point home. This is 1 turn into a match against a 90vp blood frenzy stellarix tak. When you get first turn, very rarely is your wand not full first here. I dont even kill stellarix first here. Wand is a bigger threat. Stellarix color days are where I play the most becaue the matches are quick! Sometimes I, GASP, lose! You know what I do? Do I go scream to the devs to nerf what beat me? Nope. I back out of the match and try again. I’m 226-56 this week. Losses are like five seconds long, and don’t penalize you. You just want the days of zero losses back.

My point is: stop crying like a baby and get better at the game.


Well. Ai wand of stars is privileged because i swear that pos doesnt miss matches

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:rofl::rofl: (Ten characters duhhhhhh)