Stellarix is stupidly overpowered. Change the 3x back to 2.1

Wow, great understanding!
I wish you were the one reporting to the development team.

Kafka - please include Dwuemka’s response in your report.

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Even tho iv put on here picture evidence.
Of beating the so called OP unbeatable master race of troops/class combo

With dryad,honor,Yao GUI,crusher. Sentinel class.

It’s overlooked, by people with agendas.

Anyone of my level or higher, if you can’t beat it, il train you.
As your obviously seriously bad at this, seriously easy game.

I won’t even charge, for you needing help.

Seriously this forum :face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow::face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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I do believe most issues would be solved with a combination of more opponent team variety and a significant stratification between easy/medium/hard opponents. But if you guys don’t think that’s enough, please consider changes that ONLY affect PVP modes. Or limiting the AI opponent’s looping to a finite number of turns. Limiting the number of times that AI can loop would at least cut down the amount of time you’re just…waiting for it to end.


Noone sane would tell it’s unbeatable. Beating stela teams is a heavy RNG beyond game skill point, that’s what being said. Your actions matter only until they got their turn.
If you can’t stop them turn 1, you just as well dead. It’s nothing but imbalance

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The anti-nerf posts have a lot more likes than the pro-nerf posts.

@Kafka please DON’T nerf Stellarix. A lot of people will get very upset and possibly quit if Stellarix gets nerfed after all of the time, gems and/or money they spent to get it.


I’ve not personally seen anyone get banned for having a different opinion. I have seen people get banned for being insulting while doing it.


Hmmmm evidence again.
Im confused maybe I’m playing a different game.

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How much more evidence do you all need.
Before you accept iv debunked everthing.

I’m using doomsayer, and smashing the so called OP team
Guys accept defeat.
I can do this all day.

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The point is that if you are lucky enough with the board is that you can take out whole opponent team with 4 Plagues as well.

Perhaps the point is not as bad as what I said above lol

I think that nowadays people are losing 20-30 % of their matches. Before everyone had 90 % if not more winning rate in PvP, some even above 95 %.

Then it is maybe that it is the same rewards as before, and while people losing more they also get less rewards than before.

It is kinda a lot now for many, and I like the devs taking their time on this and not jumping on a solution right away. Let’s see what they come up with.

I gotta agree with the majority tho, as it stands, this is not the PvP I wanted, Wand of Stars, Stellarix, Beetrix and a handful of other troops is nearly in all the matches.



It’s because egos are hurt.

Losing more
Winning slower
More time taken to win.

I’d prefer the truth, these are the reasons really.
They loved the easy PvP easy books for a month or 2.
Now it’s harder.

The truth is better, than blaming opponents teams troops classes.

It’s nothing to do with the opposing team, iv proved it, with evidence.

The biggest problem as I see it, is that it is no fun to face the same teams/troops all the time.


Ok and ino people see what I say as argumentitive.
Because I state the obvious.

But it’s the obvious I can’t help it, isn’t there lots of regions, if you get bored with troops in one, then go to another.

Ino ino , il get replies, but why should I lol.

Ermm because it’s the game, and your moaning over samey teams, see what I’m saying.

No one is forced to stay in one region, people stay in one region for speed . But again it’s cake and eating it.

Put up with it, or change region.

But it’s a poor excuse to non stop say troops and teams are unbeatable why there obviously not.

Just to add, this same team thing, it’s like everyone has forgot the old PvP , it’s called selective memory
Chalcedony teams
Seekra teams
4 bombs
Brown elemental team
Goblin teams
Leonis tower, EK teams
Rope dart rabbit team

Non stop over and over in the old pvp

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No matter what changes that are coming you are always free to challenge yourself with creating teams with not the best troops and so on - to see if you can win. The game is what you want to make out of it, really. Nothing will be taken away from you.

It’s a chicken and the egg thing. Since the last offensive team used becomes the new defense, defenses build to take out those “problem” teams will then start to proliferate in the opponent section. And then the strategy shifts to how to kill the team that kills the Wand/Stellarix team. Lather, rinse, repeat.

What needs to happen to help facilitate this is to have a better ability to switch teams to counter specific threats and a quick ability to change back to the “usual” for the “normal” fights.

Right now, it’s a pain to swap out to a counter (though many many counters exist) and then have to switch again for the next fight. So instead of actually countering the opponent’s team, there’s a lot of trying to outrace it and then the complaints ensue that outracing a buffed team doesn’t work. No kidding and even an endgame account isn’t going to have a huge win rate if you’re trying to fight speed with speed.

There’s plenty of fixes available that don’t involve a nerf. But if all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail.

Plenty of these comments are hammers.

Youve clearly ignored all the in game evidence thats been posted and a thread of stellarix counters that have very good success rates.

Methinks you got your team one shot and are upset about it. So instead of doing the work to try to get better and see what you are doing wrong you want the devs to fix it for you by nerfing the troop you arent interested in learning how to beat.


Agreed 100%.

Nerf stellarix is not the answer.

Changing it from “defense is your last attack” to something else is the fix


Its not even longer. Against stellarix you either lose fast or win fast.

I would argue that this statement is largely true but only in the modes where we are fighting player made teams. So my question is what happens to the rest of the game when we balance it to pvp? I’ll answer the question, myself. Journey happens.

This dev team does not seem to have the “bandwidth” to do a deep balance pass. My guess is they would love to, but there are not enough hours in the day.

The primary issue with pvp right now, other than it being painfully boring, is that the blood frenzy areas are between ‘pretty frustrating’ and ‘too close to impossible’, for those not at or near end game.

A cynic could argue that blood frenzy areas are for late gamers? I’m not a cynic. I don’t see why this could not be solved with better match making.

I have every troop. For someone that doesn’t have zuul 1 or 2…i imagine stellarix is nigh impossible to beat. I kinda feel blood frenzy is aimed at end game

If you push up on this very thread.
Iv shown pictured evidence of beating stellarux.
Without meta teams.

Can you see my posts showing my easy victories over stellarux ?

Throwing out words like impossible, when the word should maybe be a bit difficult.

Unless I’m the only one that can beat the op teams with bad teams, maybe I’m god.