Stellarix is stupidly overpowered. Change the 3x back to 2.1

Main point we don’t need nerfs or buffs.

We need one random kingdom in PvP.

We’re the 3 opponents are easier wins, but less VP.
It’s fair that way.

Then there’s always an option for people, that want to win 4 or 500 games in a row.
Against easy teams, but less VP.

You can’t have your cake and eat it.

I’m fine, and you? Not like anyone bothered by those silly rewards after 2 books.
Journey is a problem because lack of good troops, not because you can’t click 1 card 100 times anymore

Oh no, I can have both. Imagine, just a year ago we had no wand, no Stella, no cries about pvp being that bad (except early calcedonia). And game was fine.
Weird thing, it only started with those 2 troops, despite you calling shifting meta etc.

The games moved on.
And there not going to change back for you.
Sorry you need to accept that.

If you want good VP, then fight hard teams.
Your post, has explained the real reason behind the complaint.

You want it easy like before, but before you didn’t get books.
See the difference.

We have all slept since the update, forget the past.
The game never gets reversed.

You are still able to play defender on an Atari, if you like the past.

Or Stella is nerfed as it should be and game moves forward from that too!

I haven’t got Stella.

But the guys that got it, they might like it the way it is.
There opinion is equally as valid as yours.

A simple comparison.

Given the difference in rarity and ease to acquire, it’s a very safe assumption that a high percentage of active players had Journey troops. A nerf across the board for very easy to obtain troops are going to be felt equally across the base.

A nerf to Stellarix which has a significantly higher cost (and again cost being time and/or money and not necessarily money alone) has a significantly smaller owner base. If you nerf something that a small part of the base spent a disproportionate cost to acquire, you’re going to have 2 problems.

First, you’re going to ruin the ROI of those that paid the cost. You’ll have a smaller than Journey but much more aggrieved group that won’t be able to get the time/gems/whatever back.

Second, you’ll also nerf the desire for newer players to acquire the troop. That’s going to harm retention and the long term base. How many people want Stellarix vs. Hoard Mimic? Stellarix has practical use and drives engagement. Hoard Mimic appeals to collectors only.

There’s also a reason why Stellarix was buffed early before anyone had reasonable expectation to have acquired it. A troop with an acquisition cost this high is not one you’re going to want to change in the future. It would be a poison pill essentially for the overall economy of the game.

There’s also a certain irony to p2w arguments. GoW is built on a foundation where, as you upgrade, the actual cash requirement goes down. It’s why there’s paid campaigns and paid Kingdom Passes and new PvP shops etc etc. The gem income from upgraded kingdoms can and have been enough to buy every Dragonite offer. The p2w concept is actually at its worst in the early times where the gem income isn’t nearly as sustainable.

You’re never realistically going to see any kind of meaningful nerf to a troop of this ilk. It just doesn’t make sense. Like it or not, FOMO is doing exactly what FOMO was meant to do.


Just a little proof.

My opponent
My victory
I used sentinel, and 2 under used mythics.

They used the OP. Elementalist, wand,Stella.

Many didn’t care about PVP a year ago (I certainly didn’t). People care now because there are actual rewards that are useful.


You missed/skipped my previous question, so I will repeat it again - do you expect to win every single battle?

As I try to understand your issue with the Wand/Stella combo, could you provide some additional information, please?

Your level?
Do you have Stella, Diamantina and/or Wand?
Completed factions?
Levelled pets?
Kingdoms’ levels?

Thank you!

I chose my team I used at level 600.
I just beat , 2 Stella, wand, lep.

With titan, crusher , Yao GUI, dryad, honor.

Explain this, if PvP is so hard.


Wrong question
Do you expect to being ripped apart by a 1 single left troop who can fully refill itself dealing massive aoe damage if you don’t freeze it or silence it (unexistant kind of debuff except for the brown day) or submerge yourself?
Thats the right question to the point of the game.
There are 1400+ cards and we only need like 10 of those for various teams, but 9 of those effectively include Stellarix. Back those days game designers knew what balance is.

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Im top10 pvp weekly
I have no issues with the troops or winning.
Stellarix is overpowered and there are no reason why it should ever be like that. Period.

Nonetheless, you haven’t answered a single question. It says a lot.

Regarding 1.4K+ cards…maybe those should be buffed, no?

And finally, how do you image the balance for all those cards and mobile game in general with the RNG at the first place?

Nerfing Stella is dangerous…

It’s one of 5 troops that players save for months to be able to get (Ctharassque, Diamantina, Enraged Kurandara, Stellarix and Zuul’Goth) and that you can’t just get in a lucky chest drop. I would assume that everyone spending Gems in the dungeon shop everyday and farming Dragonite Gnomes are trying to save up to afford it. Many players don’t have it yet, and to nerf the big bad troop that someone has been pouring all their gems into for a long time will be massively demotivating. Personally I’m 1,250 dragonite away from getting Stella and I’d be really frustrated if it gets weakened before I ever get a chance to use it.

It’s very different than nerfing a new Friday mythic troop that people spent keys to get. Sure it’s frustrating when those get nerfed but Stella is behind layers of Dungeon RNG, Gnome chasing RNG, Dungeon shop spending, and Cosmic Dragon Egg RNG. Its power is what makes it worth dealing with the massive investment that is dragon eggs as we still don’t have a way to craft specific missing dragons.

It’s the payoff that justifies an awful lot of investment and grind. As demonstrated it has real counters in PvP, and outside of PvP the complaints are minimal.

Nerfing Stella will feel very different than almost any other troop out there, for good reason.


Exactly! Name me another mobile game where the cost goes DOWN as you get older as a player! Ive maybe put a few hundred dollars in this game. But at no point have i ever felt the NEED to spend because i might fall behind.

Whyd i go 80-10 on red day? Someone got ripped apart. It wasnt me…i only had 10 fights out of 90 where i had to retreat.

My endgame guild has players still dupe walled from diamantina. Let alone stellarix

I finally got my last cosmic. If they nerf stellarix after all the gems ive spent trying to get it between spire and dungeon (which is easily in the 10s of thousands by bow imo. No i didnt buy them. But if you think about all the gems you spend between dungeon and spire that seems a good estimate)…that might be it for me and this game


After all the money, time and gems spent on this expensive troop I will be upset as hell if it is nerfed. Will leave GOW for sure.


Chalcedony and friends at least required a full team of their matching Troop Type to loop indefinitely, meaning that you could defeat (and/or Transform) any one of them to break up the loop.

Stellarix theoretically has the potential to refill and loop itself even as the only Troop on its side. (Just for giggles, try it sometime and see what happens, because I obviously can’t.) Consider that if just one of those Elemental Stars pops with spellcast, that’s +4 Mana from the star and maybe 4 more Mana from the diagonals. But if all six chain together and everything explodes at once, that nets 18 Mana (+4x3 from Elemental Stars, and +2x3 from Umbral Stars) plus maybe 10 more Mana from all the destruction, and suddenly Stellarix is either ready to recast outright, or will be in 1 more turn.

Again, it’s not strictly the (ahem) stellar DPS that makes Vulpacea’s starry new dragon OP, it’s the Gem Creation / Mana Generation – and the Wand of Stars combo protecting you from Freeze (or Elementalist) which would normally break up the looping.

As a simple nerf, maybe reduce the Gem creation from 3 Elemental + 3 Umbral Stars to 2 Elemental + 2 Umbral Stars?

Again, if you define “buff” and “nerf” as “more variety” and “less variety” respectively, then a targeted nerf to an objectively OP element may very well buff the metagame as a whole. Currently, the top tier metagame seems to boils down to “just do the exact same thing they do, only faster/better/stronger” which isn’t a healthy variety of options to look at.