Stellarix is stupidly overpowered. Change the 3x back to 2.1

I edited to clarify: too strong for fairly balanced PvP that does not use Elementalist and Wand of Stars. I understand people playing level 500 delves may need an uber team. But when you are facing Johnny from Kentucky who just wants to have fun on his lunch break you shouldn’t need to be set up as if fighting level 500 NPCs in a delve.

It is fully possible to have PvP have it’s own rules. Things can be weaker, restricted to “anything goes” areas, or even banned if need be. Just removing heroes outside of the Spire could fix a lot of headaches. There’s an entire thread of ideas that can fix the PvP mode itself. Nerfs don’t need to be the only answer. And any answers made for PvP don’t have to affect the rest of the game. I have not asked for the entire game to be bricked. Nor do I think changing one or two things (especially inside of one mode only) would brick the entire game.

PvP can be fixed.

I love this idea. Hero classes could be restricted in PvP by color/type and not allowed if they aren’t level 20 yet. It makes logical sense, IMHO. I’ll add it to the Fix PvP ideas list in a bit.

Depends on the area and why you “need” elementalist. As examples, Snap freeze is a very common low level ability if you need that freeze for a head start. Tidecaller, Corsair, ect. Purify on your leader is available from early game, just look at Priest. There are options. Really. I did fairly well in Mystic Blood Frenzy with SpiritWalker. Very useful against magic spam.

But leaving things like this is not helping. Since the dragons were updated in January, the numbers of players have kept dropping. I think it’s less troops and more gameplay that people are taking issue with. The heavily promoted yet poorly executed PvP has been a major sore spot for many players. PvP needs to be fixed up one way or another, especially if they are going to promote PvP heavily in app stores.

Dragon update thread for reference: Cosmic Dragon Rebalance

And the charts since that time:

Chart source: Gems of War - Steam Charts

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