(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

Given Yue-She’s type? (Beast/Mystic) I see potential synergies there with a team of Mystic troops, especially if you combine it with a Nightweaver Hero to further take advantage of the extra Purple gems.

Mind you, it’s not as effective a synergy with something like The Mydnight Queen because both convert red-to-purple as part of their spell and that’s simply a clumsy conflict. But that’s the sort of thing I’d look towards, moreso if “red” was replaced by another color – if it were “green” or “brown”, I think there’d be something there. (Not blue, because MQ converts blue to doomskulls.)

In my opinion, it’s a lackluster Legendary as it stands now. Partially because of the synergy you’ve already pointed out between Ishbala and Qilin, but also because a significant number of these double-converters already do red-to-purple or the other way around.

But there’s potential there if we could get the developers to listen to us and tweak a thing or three prior to release.


Totally fair, but I’m still looking forward to running a gimmick deck featuring 3x Yue-She and Amethialas. Purple storm start, magic gain with purple matches, up to 9 purple gems created on 4+ matches, and +5 to purple mana with the right banner. :upside_down_face:


That’s what happens when there’s a limited design pool of colors and people don’t want to fill out cycles. The design team just goes the other way instead and make near identical clones, because a certain color is better at doing things than other. Doesn’t work well in this game, but sure.

Just like Foxglove largely making Forest Guardian redundant to use, I doubt they’re going to change anything here.

I welcome (sarcasm) our 3rd red to purple, yellow to skulls troop (Alderfather/Nimue/Yu-She). We need more yellow to skulls troops after all.

Granted, this troop is one of the better skull converter troops. It has its own Purple Link to fill faster and a 3rd trait that can help it fill faster or can proc from its own skill. … the extra turn should happen first, so there “should” be no risk on its use. The extra purple spawned can help setup its next cast too if it gets placed nicely. Then it also enchants all purple allies which is strong and gives magic + 1 life and 4 magic to purple allies for even more benefits because why not…

Heck, they’re probably doing this on purpose to pair Moon Rabbit and Yue-She together to create a Shentang team with way too much life.


Manticores not manicores or maybe Mediocre would be more apt

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Usual work in progress stuff. A typo. Spell copied from Scorpius for now.

Still weeks before mostly everything else about this troop is finalised.

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AMD cpu class

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Maybe… or maybe just a different coder. Seems like theres a lot of oddities all on this one troop.

It’s not a “copied spell”. What you see is something that the developers have botched before; they’ve named the spell without yet specifying it, but the name of the spell already exists in the database because it’s the name of a spell from another troop.

You might recall how something similar happened when the Cosmic Dragons were a pending release and listed on the spoilers pages. Six of the seven dragons had spells matching what they were now, but the original name of Solarithus’ spell matched the spell that S.O.L.A.R. uses and therefore the database pulled S.O.L.A.R.'s spell from the database instead.

We’re due a major database/spoiler update in the near future, likely when everything from the upcoming campaign populates. Either this weekend or more likely early next week, enough time for those of us chatting in these spaces can pick apart everything that they’ve botched but far too late for the programmers to fix whatever they eff up. I suspect the King of Manticores will have his spell updated at the very least, even if the development team can’t be bothered to fix things like mis-spellings.


so they still havent changed “Royal Venom” yet. plenty of time though.

however, the spell is likely this:

In a world of Bless, this troop seems pretty weak, but maybe people like it. Could really use some Curse help.

It also depends on the damage output and mana cost.


If Mantichoras could curse and poison when he matched blue gems, he could help with the weakness of bless and impervious like you mentioned. (Immortal Scorpio already has that identity though) He will probably just deal true damage to 3 random enemies, but if he dealt double damage and drained 14 mana from poisoned enemies, he would feel like a mythic.
Leonis desperately needs a powerful troops to make that kingdom stand out more. I think it’s too late to change that though…

The upcoming season of decay gems (which don’t really do anything and will act like stone blocks) is probably a time to take it easy and wait for the arrival of guild wars. For better or worse.:scream:


Yeah i quite like the combination of drain and true damage. Could make a nice tag team partner for Scorpius.

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22 mana, impervious, ice storm. Kinda ok. Wish it was a 1.25 magic or something but…

I’m not high on the troop. Mana drain doesn’t really help with those fancy pvp zones with giant gems, dragon gems, potions etc.

But, I don’t hate it.


Yeah i can see this sneaking into teams… but in a support for true dmg teams. Just dont think it make it as a goto for Meta builds. But well see :slight_smile: any guess on what the new gem does “Withering” sounds like “anti- enchant” - 2 mana per round maybe…

decaying was in the spoilers thingy a few months back. i forget what exactly it was, but i think it was some kind of armor damaging thing


Yeah, I can’t remember exactly, but I think it’s -1 to all stats or something. Tried looking back for it, but can’t find it. Guess we’ll see for sure Monday. Shame they didn’t add it to the hero gem guide in-game, when they added them to the game, like 2 updates ago.




Ah, it IS armour. I knew it was something about reducing stats and didn’t sound very good. Thanks for finding it.
Yeah, that really sounds naff as hell. Oh well, guess it’s better than summoning gems, anyway.

Weird… well whatever they were smoking when they dreamed that one up was definitely good cheese.


Decay gems will basically be “stone blocks,” which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. I’m getting tired of annoying effects from heroic gems sneaking their way into every game mode.

And for Mantichoras, he will pair with Emperor Korvash most likely in a Leonis Empire team and set up Arachaenan Weaver in all monster teams. I honestly think that he should deal double damage to poisoned enemies instead of draining up to 14 mana from them. And make his final trait poison and freeze when matching blue gems to go with the ice storm and make it more impactful. Cheers.:beer:


The new mythic will run sweet with takshaka as it’s also true damage, gives blue storm and takes green mana - and drains the opponent takshakas