(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 2)

I could see using her with Auspecia. Very few people like Auspecia, but she is fun in the right team.

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If I’m reading the spell right she does ~100 damage per cast. That means in pvp you would have to cast her 4-5 times. In a gw match would be 5-6 times so I doubt I will ever use her. I get that you may have times where you can use her to get an extra turn but that doesn’t mean you can loop her spell. Tesla does more damage and is only a legendary and will imo be forever the queen of split true damage.

Tesla doesn’t share colors OR have any looping potential whatsoever :man_shrugging:

Furthermore: Queen Bee only does about 100 base true scatter damage. It’s enough to make her an extremely effective finisher.

Because — no — I do not risk looping her. Not in Wars, where every cast is a potentially lost turn. The AI can get away filling-and-casting-immediately on a Guild Wars defense, but the smart Guild Wars player won’t risk it on offense except as an absolute Hail Mary.

I do frequently loop The Gray King, however, and this spell works the same way, so…

…I’m fairly confident this troop is loopable (with one major caveat, which is why I’m speaking in the conditionals of “might”s and “maybe”s and saying I’ll need to test her out assuming she isn’t changed before she’s released, which is that I noticed for the first time this says gems are removed rather than destroyed, which could make it harder to refill her than The Gray King)…

…but, that said: if she can be reliably looped, then her spell might even be better for my purposes than The Gray King or Queen Beetrix (purple and green day, respectively; neither blue or red days are relevant to me, for this troop), because it damages everyone regardless of the color(s) used, meaning it only needs a half dozen casts or so for a guaranteed wipe the likes of Gobtruffle — even fewer if I’ve killed a troop already, and importantly in comparison to the goblin: getting stronger each cast if ever a troop falls, as the damage consolidates and compounds rather than gets thrown away to an empty slot.

Submerge stops it, but that’s a rare thing to see anyway, and a dispelling class removes it altogether as a factor, too.

So all of that’s just the roundabout way to say again: I’m excited to try it :laughing:


Well this is interesting. Four new Vault gnomes that are musically themed, huh. Usually when Taran’s has groups of four troops they are a delve faction. Vault delve maybe? They have the 20% chance to run away as opposed to the higher percentage on the other gnome troops which makes me think they’re actually intended to be used. Especially since one if a tank, one does spell damage, one is a mana generator, and the final makes skulls. It’s hard to tell without rarity, mana colors, or traits what vehicle they’d come in on.

Yes, this is incredibly likely. When asked in the Q&A, the lead devs mentioned this is what they were planning after the initial 34 factions released. Pointless right now, except to give them buffer for whatever future plan they have. They said they might also release a kingdom for Vault, Primal, etc.

A Gnome Faction should be easier to complete Pure Faction though. Just wait for the “Run Away” to trigger.

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New gnomes :slightly_smiling_face:

And then you realize the shortest path to the boss room requires you to visit all rooms and only contains teams with at least 50% skull reduction. :smirk:

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Honestly, they should make Vault it’s own kingdom, so you have an occasional chance to use event keys to get those tarot cards. If they announce that when these gnomes are released (whenever that is), It’ll be great news.

So it looks like this maybe the next faction after Dark Court / Ghulvania. It is the faction associated with Dragon’s Claw. That leaves only Blackhawk and Broken Spire (probably last).

They have still yet to change Mithrilion’s first trait. Sort of stupid if they don’t.

Also: Dark Court being all mana drain troops is still a godawful design. Entirely different problem.

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Didn’t they already say the new gnomes were going to be a new Warband?

Weird, if these troops were acquirable both ways…

Unless it came up in a stream, I don’t remember the words “gnomes” and “warband” appearing in the same sentence anywhere.

Especialy if your gnomes are the ones that run away… sure great PF experience :frowning_face:
You’ll avoid casting their spells at all costs… and boss room would look like: “just pick all skulls and wait for them to run away”


A new gnome that doesn’t cost 100 vault keys to get one copy?

Yeah that doesn’t track with anything they’ve done in the past that wasn’t bug related.

Aren’t Warbands supposed to help new players? I’m having a hard time picturing a team where each troop has a 20% chance to run away to help much… :thinking:


Haha, yea, that’s what I was thinking when I said that. And really not that different from what we have already. Look at Werewoods where you really are chancing your run if you cast any spell…

I will cast my front troop if it’s like 1-hit from dying… I will cast my Torbern, if that allows to finish last troop from enemy team (or in other dire situations, where Torbern cast gives you match4 and that’s only way to prevent enemy team from matching skulls).

I can’t real imagine a situation, where i’d risk losing a troop by casting spell. If anything i’d rather prefer that troop to tank some skull damage and die… not just flee from battle. But that’s maybe me.

Is The Burrow Warden going to be our 1000th troop? Is that why it’s showing very little info? Maybe it does something special. :upside_down_face:

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I’m excited to see what the dev’s will do for the 1,000th troop. There’s also an interestingly-named ToDLegendary with no other info tentatively out in October. I’m trying to recall if we’ve had any Tower of Doom related troops released before, and I can’t think of any offhand.

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Maybe they will replace doomed weapons and from ToD #X there will be no new Doomed Weapons, but doomed troops with their spells similiar to doomed weapons → will hit harder when Doom is on enemy team