(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

He looks kinda hungry to me. I wouldn’t be surprised if he likes to roll with a pack of Wargare and likes to eat his enemies.

Spell: Deal X damage to an enemy, boosted by Wargare Allies. If the enemy dies, devour a random enemy.
3rd trait: Allied Wargare gain 5 Attack and Magic.

His spell is too much like a Super Saiyan version of Kerberos’s one…


I don’t know what the Ice golem does, but that art… I am already interested in building a team just for him.
At this rate i will need many more slots for my teams. :grin:

Is the general consensus that this coming week will have a common and a blue/brown troop?

What do you mean?

Things have changed.

Next week will have a Red/​Yellow Ultra-Rare and a Yellow/Brown Ultra-Rare, from Leonis Empire.


Now I am complete…

A complete what?

your wish has come true :grin:

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I’ll have every troop traited.

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*until they release new ones.

New ones usualy come with arcanes for themselves (except legendary and mythic troops that aren’t do often).

This is true. I should have stated troops released for glory, they never contain enough trait stones to fully trait anything over common rarity.

Hmm, that sounds good! (does that replace the Glacial Peaks event or pushes it one week down the road?)

Glacial Peaks has been delayed a little later than originally planned.

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thanks for making sure it is working!

Do this event need an update? :slight_smile:

@Lyya Do you know the arcane colors for the Darkstone event yet?

Common Green, Epic Blue/Purple.

and the Khetar event?