(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

The Regular badge actually relies on your activity to remain accounted for.

This is actually explained in the badges Granted link.

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Zelfore got in before me but here’s the quote:

Unlike other trust levels, you can lose trust level 3 status. If you dip below these requirements, whether from flagging or the passage of time, you will be demoted to Member. However, in order to avoid constant promotion/demotion situations, there is a 2-week grace period immediately after gaining Trust Level 3 during which you will not be demoted.

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it’s a bit 0, because i can’t acces anymore to my post, if I’m less active on the forum…

Remind me what’s supposed to be in 2.0 again?
Guild revamp?

PVP isn’t 10 characters apparently.


Also a new kingdom. Not sure they’ve said anything else. I assume there’s other stuff though.

My big hope is a bunch of balancing adjustments; really need to rain buffs upon unused troops so the meta stays fresh.

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At the very least, we have a new mechanic coming our way. The third trait for the Mechanist class won’t stay “Armored” forever.

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Yes, and not rain nerfs.

I wouldn’t mind seeing a couple of nerfs. But there could literally be a few dozen buffs and I don’t think it would exhaust the possibilities.

I’m not expecting too many balance changes, as that seems to be being covered before hand, week-to-week.

I’m expecting a max of maybe 10 troops alterations on patch release, maybe? Maybe a couple weapons too.

Yeah, I’m hoping.

@Lyya found some weapons in the game data - they appear to be parts of the same weapon, but also Class rewards? What two new classes would be so interlinked? I’m wondering but not coming up with anything…

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This looks like it’s supposed to work together…are we going to see a dual wielding class?

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Considering how many troops have such a trait in their art work i could see that happening

My guess is that they’re not class weapons at all, but rather that the associated mastery unlock cost (1001) is intended to represent “Hidden” rather than “Class Weapon” and that’s why neither these unreleased weapons nor the class weapons are present in the “All Weapons” view. I doubt that 1001 specifically means “Class Weapon” as there’s no such associated text string. Which is to say, it’s as likely that the two epic weapons in the data files are future store purchases, or abandoned entirely, as it is that they’re actually associated with a class at all. I wouldn’t read too much into it.

Most of the other (legendary) unreleased class weapons look legit, but I will remove them from the DB tonight via blacklist since the devs have asked in the past to keep unreleased content out of the queries. (I just wish there were a programmatic way to do this…there probably will be, if the class weapons ever become browsable in-game.)


Does anyone have any clues to share regarding the event troop for the coming week?

Thanks! :smiley:

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Nope, fresh download tomorrow

Yeah I’ve been having a minor fit about not knowing anything lol.


There have been no additions to the unreleased troops in the data files. Now that the devs know we’re poking around in there, I assume they’re being more careful with what hits clients early.

There are still some troop pictures that we might see used this and/or next week. Who knows.