(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

But imagine what the 4th grader that drew this will be able to do 8-10 years from now. That will really be something one day! :grinning:


Zilopochtli almost got buffed

Spell Description: Deal [Magic + 5] damage to an Enemy, boosted by Purple Gems. If there is a Storm, deal double damage. If the Enemy dies, create 12 Skulls. [2:1]


Spell Description: Deal [Magic + 7] damage to an Enemy, boosted by Purple Gems. If there is a Storm, deal double damage. If the Enemy dies, create 12 Skulls. [1:1]

1:1 makes sense, +2 base damage. good

Spell Cost: 24 to Spell Cost: 25

… Do you not want me to use this troop?

Shade of Zorn:
Deal [Magic + 5] damage to an Enemy, boosted by Red Allies and Skulls. If the Enemy dies, summon 2 Fists of Zorn. [4x]
Mana Cost: 24
Trait #3: Zorn’s Fury
Gain 4 Mana when I take damage.

No one likes SoZ and SoZ got help with its 3rd trait for mana. Zilopochtli has a slightly higher damage output for a higher mana cost compared to SoZ.

I’d want to pay 20-22 mana for Zilo’s ability, considering its just damage if it doesn’t land a kill. This Blue/Green/Purple troop that relies on Yellow mana for its 3rd trait doesn’t make much sense to me otherwise.

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This has to be it.

For the rest of us, all these weapons use the following formula:
Remove all [one color] gems. Deal [Magic + 5] damage to an Enemy, boosted by Gems removed. If the Enemy is from [one kingdom], deal double damage. [3:1]

These have the benefit of being useless outside of their events unlike mixed weapons. These do replace useless event troops for this purpose.


Maybe it was intended for this mythic to actually play nice with the Stormbringer class; the class that matches its kingdom and type. The other Suncrest mythic (Phoenicia) certainly doesn’t. Plus they might be overrating the third trait. Need to wait and see if it’s actually any good. I must admit though, getting 12 damage just for regular matching yellow gems does sound appealing.

Taloca on the other hand does 10 damage with any 4~5 match not only yellow, they both deal extra damag with storms of any kind, and personally comparing the team I use there is the issue with “Chipotle’s” colors:


Both troops are manablocked except for Blue, but in some situations I fire my Nimbus Bow and get a lot of yellow gems to fill both Finesses I would still get some mana for Taloca, but “Chipotle” wouldn’t get anything aside from blue…
Now if his spell would deal True Damage if there is a Storm, then I would certainly make some teams with him.


Hello people good night. Tell me, do we have good spoilers for Update 4.9?
(I couldn’t see the live, I have been a little busy)

Mostly various shop changes, there is a post somewhere about it.

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What about the gameplay part? Any news? Arena? Treasure hunt? Battles?

Thank you @Redi1

Good points, it’s hard to make a case for next week’s mythic being an improvement over existing Stryx options or Umenath, who is very similar (except Umenath boosts her own stats, scales to the opponent’s stats and has 40% mana start due to being Divine). It’s hard for me to see why they nerfed the third trait, the old version would have facilitated getting kills (at least against non-stealthy targets). Now Zilopochtli’s third trait is probably worse than Taloca’s. It’s a candidate for weakest new Mythic of 2020 (it’s between Zilo and Will of Nysha).

Also in next week’s huge new content release schedule, Solari is another mana-giving troop, in the vein of Tuliao. Unfortunately 3-6 mana per troop doesn’t move the needle much. I would be excited for a better version of Solari, that does some decent damage and/or gives significant mana to troops. Oh and I wish the devs would let go of this undead/daemon status effect gimmick assigned to many Whitehelm troops, it really needs to be buffed substantially to be of interest.

Finally, we’ve been hoping for some new soul-based troops, and lo and behold, enter the Depths of Sin. Unfortunately, none of the troops here has the critical Necromancy trait, meaning that nothing here will stick for soul farming purposes. Infernal Machine relies on random skull generation, which ensures it’s too risky to use outside of the delve (and probably too risky to even use in the delve). Tartarus gives soul teams a scaling single-target option that also generates souls. He could actually be of use, if the mana-generating of Necromancy troops was better. Unfortunately, there isn’t a single reliable mana generator with the Necromancy trait.

The non-soul oriented new troops will be useful in the delve, at least. Deminaga is fast, but random gem creation+a quarter mana for each troop isn’t terribly exciting (probably better than Solari, though). Ironjaw is an above-average tank for delve purposes that won’t see any use outside of it. PS: the faction weapon is another random skull generator, not going to bother with it either.

Worth noting Deminaga only does it for Purple troops, while Solari does it for everyone. Still would rather run Tuliao though.

True, good catch.

It’s worse.
Taloca: Match 4+ of any 7/8 board’s elements¹: 10 Damage.
“Chipole”: Match 1/8 of all board elements: 12 Damage.

¹: Six Gems, Skulls and Blocks, but the Blocks don’t match/move.

The devs could honestly make this mythic deal true damage in the trait and spell, rebalancing the damage output of the later, and then it would be good and make sense. Because undeads manipulating/draining life’s essence is not simply a theme, but a tradition².

²: Opinion completely unbiased of course.

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My main problem with Zilopochtli is the theme of this mythic group is frankly bad do far.

For examples, look to infernus and champion of anu.

The Infernus swaps focus on 3 things:

1)splash damage
2)One way status buff/debuff on 4+ match
3)Board control

Of these criteria, we have some troops that can be built around while still being universal troops. Obsidius, Mistralus, Aquaticus and obviously Infernus can be quite useful even as a seemingly random addition. The latter of whom got nearly a half dozen nerfs combined in one update both directly and indirectly.

Champion of any is a great example as well as the troops behind him.

This group is only unified by the third trait as a passive buff as the fight drags on. While not niche troops exactly, they do require teams mainly using one color to be effective. Of these, Will of Nysha and Champion of Anu feel too slow, but a skull wall that can damage and stops and enemy’s spell is nice while a troop that hits 40 AOE on the first cast and goes up each time is not bad by a large margin. Champion of Gaard is perhaps the best wall in the game, at least unstunned and Scorpius is one of the best instakill troops in the game.
Bard lets you pick multiple options and while not the best talent trees, is able to be slotted almost anywhere.

Then we have this new mythic.

I’m convinced this line is the shade of zorn line. A group of single target disappointments. Umenath is ok, but is only ok as it has a decent setup for skull bashing. Too me, she is a budget zuul, and webspinner is a potent and more widely useable skull basher. Of these troops wulfgarok has a better kill condition, has impervious, and a troop wide 4+ buff working with his team setups.


I was doing some more datamining and found this interesting string was added to the game’s files recently. Would like to hear speculation on what you guys thing this is, I’ll provide mine.

Datamined Text, Subject to Change

Thanks for purchasing the Elite Pass for this Campaign. Here are the Elite Pass Rewards for the levels already completed!

Maybe this is whatever shop content was left unfinalized and could not be included in the preview stream. It could simply be referring to a rework of the Path of Growth, or it could be a feature that has a lot of potential.

Maybe they’ll return the old Snotstone system as a longer Campaign event, with a free tier and a paid Elite Pass tier? I’m imagining it being a system quite similar to the Battle pass seen in other games. I could see a paid bundle where you have to work towards the contents in exchange for better rewards for the money spent being a VERY popular idea.


This sounds like a terrible change to GoW if it was a thing :frowning_face: but is what is expected from live service games these days…



This does appear to be the trend in games these days, I see it showing up everywhere. A free event, somewhat long running, that gives out rewards and extra rewards if you buy the premium “pass”. Could be good if implemented carefully, but usually, to get you tempted enough to spend money, the perks for paying are good enough to give pay-to-play players a significant edge over free-to-play ones. If they make the premium rewards not too impressive and the price appropriately low, it could be ok. If not (higher price, higher rewards), it could lead to frustrations for players who can’t/don’t want to spend money on it.

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I’ve always felt the best model for free to play games is this: Everything in the game should be attainable by grinding for free. But if a player doesn’t want to grind, then there’s an option to pay to get the same rewards.

Personally I did that with traitstones in a much different version of GoW than what we see today.

And why I hate the Faction Assault model. Even if you pay, you still have to grind. Otherwise those extra sigils are just a waste.


I can’t see Faction Assaults ever changing though. They were implemented as a way to deplete gem stashes for end game players and also tempting them to sink gold into hoard level at the expense of guild tasks.