(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

Isn’t October 3 a special day in the Full Metal Alchemist universe as well? Seems conveniently timed, this release of information!

You’re correct @Grundulum! It’s also a special date in the Mean Girls universe too…



Mirrored Halls seems to have two sources of summon and one source of damage. Hard pass!


I’m excited to try full-doppelganger teams, to then build my own team on the way to the boss :laughing:



Of course, the million dollar question is… did you like the first Fullmetal the best or Brotherhood?

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By far the manga, so Brotherhood if we are going anime.

In more Gems of War related content, who is excited for the Gray King release tonight?


The Mirrored hall faction team is definitely unique but I have no clue how effective it’s going to be. I wonder which troops are best to copy? Is there like a good healer among the enemy teams in delves to mimic? If there is, maybe you could just heal and heal and let the enemy team reflect themselves to death.

Or maybe you copy Sacrificial Priest and hope the opposing delve team copies that and kill themselves. You will have to survive the scatter damage though.

That and Wild Court troops. *nod*

Best thing to copy is probably going to be something like Glaycion - doesn’t care as much about stats because Doomskulls, and if the AI copies it off your team you can always trip it up via board manipulation. Hard to call at this stage though (and we don’t know that the dungeon will even have Glaycion as a possibility).

Hopefully in all these scenarios it is still coded to properly count as a full faction team.

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Boss troops have their own separate ID in the game files. They’re not a “levelled up” version of the existing troop.

Right, so you’d never have them in your collection. Thus, summon = their base rarity, but max level of that rarity (assuming the caster has enough magic), transform = always level 1, neither having traits. Same as summoning or transforming to a troop you don’t currently have.

You only need to have a starting team containing four faction troops for it to count. As an example, Primal Rift’s Alderfather can summon a Treant; doing so and completing the battles with a non-faction troop summoned first slot still counts. That’s the primary strategy to reach Level 300.

I see your point now, that makes sense.


Yeah, I’m hoping all the copying doesn’t mess that up. I’m guessing the game just checks if you started the delve with the appropriate faction troops and it counts no matter what your team at the end was. It’s probably why people could 2500 Primal Rift with a team full of Treants.

I really doubt you get to keep the copy inbetween rooms

Also: if everything is Reflecting left and right, is it safe to assume that the Instakill Bug (Rope Dart, Megavore, Trickster’s Shot…) is being resolved by the time this drops? :crossed_fingers:

Yesterday was facing a lovely Cedric/Egg/Key/Greed defense, and the only non-stealthed troop was on 4th slot with Reflect, while all my Rope Dart could do was play a staring game… :sweat_smile:


Why wouldn’t you?
If I kill a troop with elspeth…I keep the Knight the whole delve.

I know it’s hard to believe… But this Faction might be easily doable (without counting on too much luck) to get it 2500 without Potions. You know… The way every Faction should be.


Indeed: if my lvl 20 Doppleganger can become a lvl 500 Doppleganger in the first room, it’s on!

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Why wouldn’t you? It’s a transform.

Same as how if the Bag turns you into a Road, it stays for the rest of the delve.


You’re most likely right. I probably just interpreted it wrong.

I wouldn’t mind using a Draakulis or Xathenos covered by Reflect…


I’m not going to pretend I understand the full rules/mechanics, but from every instance I’ve seen, the player gets the short end of the stick.
If the enemy level 2 hag transforms one of your troops, you get a level 2 toad.
If the enemy level 100 hag transforms one of your troops, you get the max level you own.
If you transform one of your own troops, you get the max level you own, or the level the original was, whichever is lower.
If the enemy transforms one of their own troops, they get the level the original was, or the level of the troop you used to transform, whichever is higher.
If you transform an enemy troop, they get the level the original was, or the level of the troop you used to transform, whichever is higher.
The same applies to summoning (no surprise, since transform is basically destroy+summon)
I seem to recall reading somewhere that summoning and transforming was linked to the magic stat, but I’ve failed to spot any pattern there so far.
Transform really strikes me as one of those mechanics made for the AI and not for the players.:unamused:

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Yeah, on enemy death is a terrible condition for a single status effect. I’d have preferred if it was “Frenzied Strikes” (or something more cleverly named), causing Bleed on 1-4 random enemies when dealing skull damage (so it has to be in front, can’t be entangled, enemy can’t have barrier). If it MUST remain on death, it should at least add 3-4 stacks.

And if they’re that afraid of Bleeding, I think it would still fit thematically to add an immunity to it to the Undead type’s Undying trait, since skeletons/ghosts don’t have blood…

And it’s a little disappointing that the class doesn’t have the Stone talents. Doesn’t get bonus armor for Dwarves, and AS a dwarf, doesn’t get Fortitude :confused: