(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

On skull damage Bleed would make it infinitely more interesting.

I could live without Stone though. I just want any hero class to have 50% mana start with the Fire tree. Right now ALL hero classes are revealed and NONE of them have those 2 simple conditions combined. Mechanist used to have it until they swapped out Fire for Guardian, but kept Wind. Bit of a fail there.

I would gladly trade Death tree for Arcane tree in this Slayer class.

I agree that nearly any effect on enemy (or ally, although -some- builds could exploit that) death is pretty weak.

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What what what?

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This update is FAR more elaborate than I was expecting! I’m incredibly hyped for this update, it’ll give a lot of interesting changes for newer players.

From what I can read in the image, we get:

  • Every fifth Explore battle is now a mini boss.
  • You can push the difficulty far higher now (level 55?)
  • Difficulty increases the amount of gold gained (was never a helpful amount before), the number of Mythstones gained (looks like that’s the thing for the Mythic Battle on the right), and the number of Tokens gained (I see that it won’t take too long to get the 9 tokens needed, but building up the Elite Level of several troops will likely take a while.).
  • That Boss Chest has me incredibly hyped. If that chest gives a guaranteed Arcane I would be over the moon! I would infinitely prefer taking on a massively powerful boss for traitstones over killing the same whelps over and over and over and over again.
  • Again on the chest but I imagine it might be a good source of Souls too, the team mentioned wanting to improve that.

I am so hyped for this update OMG I’m incredibly excited for Monday now.


Did some more digging, found more info on Mythic battles specifically:

New Explore

Are you sure you want to hurt Salty’s feelings?

I am a horrible person

This text is the tutorial text directly from localization data.

  • Choose difficulty level 1-12 More difficult runs will drop more gold, traitstones, and Mythstones
  • Play 4 Explore battles to unlock the Mini Boss. Each battle has increased chance for Arcane Traitstones
  • Fight a Mini Boss for this Kingdom and earn Mythstones. If you have 100 Mythstones, it will unlock a Mythic Boss Battle!
  • Spend 100 Mythstones to fight the Mythic Boss. A Mythic Boss will always drop an Arcane Traitstone and a Medal.
  • Receive a Medal for defeating the Mythic Boss. You may equip the Medal, or use it to Enhance a troop.

So, at difficulty 6, every 20-24 battles gives a guaranteed Traitstone and a Medal.

I don’t have any data on the new Explore droprates, or the difficulties, or the effects of Elite levels, but I’m still really happy with this update overall.

And for the people who like old Explore, who knows? Maybe they’ll make Difficulty 1 something fun.

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Am I the only that thinks they’re making Gems of War needlessly complicated?

At some point, I feel like I need a dictionary just to move around from activity to activity.


The joys of game-as-service with quarterly updates. If they don’t add something new, they risk losing older players. If they do add something new, they need to make sure older players can’t simply blitz the content by virtue of their larger amount of resources accumulated.


I agree completely. Even as a veteran player I sometimes need a dictionary to figure things out when moving from one part of the game to another. I imagine for a new player this must be even worse. It might even seem so daunting that new players are turned away from the game after playing a very short while because to the crazy complexity introduced in the past few updates.

Publisher probably doesn’t know what NPE stands for. The devs do!

Just realized all 5 blue factions are going to come out before any of the 6 brown factions come out. Gems of War RNG is great.

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It is great to see active development in the game. But looking at some comments, I can only imagine how devs must be thinking. Several veteran players had been asking for something new to do, and when there’s an addition to the game, they start thinking about how badly it affects the new players. Honestly, if a player is absolutely new to this game, these updates do not exactly affect their decision to continue or not. But if an old player starts an alt account, that’s a different situation.

Let’s have a go before we hastily judge the effect of 4.6. In all honesty, us human are always resistant to change and quick to judge.


I’m just happy the new mode has a tutorial and explains what all the knobs and dials do.

For Delves, we had to read the patch notes and forums threads.

I saw a SS of this when I first woke up courtesy of a guild member.
They read it as “trophies are being added to Explore mode to offset guild members now only doing Explore mode and no PvP outside of leaderboards and tier 1”.
I now read it is as “PlayStation trophies are being added”.

@Saltypatra here or on your preview stream. If you AREN’T adding real trophies to Explore can you express why trophies are reserved for PvP, arena and guild events? On the developer side, would you rather guilds not require trophies?

And I assume Explore will now award 2 Champion XP given the increase in Difficulty.

(The rest is more a feature request and I can make an official post later on this week.)

I really wish there was more of a window for hero XP. Like certain modes should be 1 XP, 2 xp, and 3 xp.
And it’s more based on the time it takes to complete a battle in the mode. Such as…
Arena should be one hero XP per battle.
Where things like Delves should be three hero XP. A lot of classes are a big risk to use in Delves. But for efficiency sake. Players should always be trying to earn XP for their heroes.

So we had levels, then traits got added and now another power level on troops?
And the new resource has an alternative use as well?
I try to keep an open mind, but I can’t say this sounds appealing to me.

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Not only that but apparently you will only be able to enhance troops with medals once you have fully ascended, leveled and traited them. That probably won’t be a problem for older players, but for newer ones that are nowhere near fully ascending their troops this is going to create an unfair gap that will take long time to catch up to.

Depending on how big of an impact this will have and how often will I be matched against people who enhance their troops while I can’t do the same I might just quit the game.

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That doesn’t feel like much of a gap to me. You only really need to enhance your four most used troops, which can be fully ascended, leveled and traited reasonably fast by using orbs.


I think what mitigates any gap (which I think will be minor enough to be insignificant) is that older players are going to have to give up things like trophies in order to grind these out. New players are going to need traitstones and by virtue of that need to grind explore. So technically new players will get “paid more” to do this, and by the time they need to worry about the endgame players they’ll already have more whatsits than they know what to do with.

Also keep in mind just how dramatic a gap needs to exist these days. There’s only one uncrossable chasm: the time between when you have “no meta teams” and “at least one”. Once you cross that river you don’t think very hard about defeating level 100-200 parties. That’s a lot of stats other players could have before being “unbeatable”.

As for the earlier part where players don’t have meta teams, yet. I already don’t get why more players don’t quit there.

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And even if it were true that only “finished” troops can be enhanced (not sure where that info came from—Salty stream?), if the boosts for enhancement are small then there isn’t much to worry about. If the boosts aren’t small, then PVP/Guild Wars becomes harder but scaling content gets easier. I don’t see much cause for freaking out either way.

And that’s assuming you can only enhance finished troops. If you can enhance troops any time, then the entire argument is irrelevant.

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I’m not the type of person who can use one team over and over hundreds of times for PvP. I like variety, I have more than 10 teams that I use for PvP and regularly switch between to keep things fun.

It’s not easy fully ascending a troop when overwhelming majority of orbs you get from chaos orbs happen to be useless growth orbs. Maybe I’m just unlucky.

Because I weren’t so stupid to need meta teams to win. You can create non-meta teams that can win most fights, including those against meta cookie cutter teams. Even now most of my PvP teams aren’t meta ones and I do just fine with them. And I keep experimenting and creating more teams.

However good deal of times (especially when it comes to 3 trophy enemies) I’m matched against enemies whose troops have up to 20 more HP and armor than my troops, along with higher magic which I find annoying. And now those players will be able to increase the gap even further.

For some context I’ve been playing for about month and a half and I’m close to level 1000. But I still consider myself a newer player considering how behind I am compared to a lot of players I face in PvP.

I got information from several sources that that’s how it’s going to be. Medals will apparently give +8 armor or HP and +4 magic globally when equipped, so I assume using them to enhance troops might give a noticeable boost as well.

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