(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

He comes with Arcane Forest (green/brown), matching the colors he uses.

My bad, yes you’re right.

It doesn’t…usually… but stormheim giants is ‘feasible’ without the bonus. With bonus, it becomes interesting.

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Somehow I was making this same mistake (or a similar one): I kept looking at the thing on Tarans and thought it was a mono-blue common. Which I don’t do for the others!

I did that too :open_mouth:.

I’m chalking it up to great minds thinking alike, and leaving it at that :wink:

In the meantime, the lineup in store next week looks to send September off with a bang. What we have is a 3-course meal for players:

Appetizer: Corrupt Magus is the most exciting rare-level troop we’ve gotten in a while, giving players a 9-mana aimable curse to pair with High King Irongut. Gruz we hardly knew ye (Corrupt Magus is faster and does more damage than the sorry Darkstone Legendary). The event troop Ahrimas has more damage potential, but without the curse is limited to early-player utility outside of events (where he’s still one of the better epic-level single-target damagers).

Main Course: The Wild Court faction, with Wendigo specifically being a great addition. Passive Hunter’s Mark has long been one of my favorite hero class abilities, and getting it on a strong AoE damage Legendary troop that boosts on Hunter’s Marks is going to be fun. Let’s also not forget the bless all allies on enemy death, which gives players a major tool against any/all status effects.

Desert (which the unlucky will be forced to skip): The Gray King will at the very least be a good, unique Mythic to throw into the mix. He provides significant, boostable true damage and crippling status effects to whatever enemy troops the player chooses. I’m hesitant to label him top tier this early, as I think his color-based spell effect will impose hard decisions at times between optimal board control and troop targeting, and Undead typing will limit his speed. But he’s going to be pretty good, and I’m excited to see what kinds of teams people come up with using him.

(I will say, I’m not thrilled with Undead’s type-based stat booster being bound to a Mythic. Yes, Wulfgarok set the precedent for this, but Wargare are more niche than Undead.)

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New spoilers!


  • Upcoming Mythic: GenieQueen! Salty will definitely love this one.
  • Guardian of the Fields has no spell yet but it’s an ultra-rare that starts with 50% mana.
  • All the other changes are localization and colors, which I personally don’t think are too helpful.


  • The Slayer class has traits now! Grudge (Gain 1 Attack when an enemy casts), Bloodlust (Gain Enraged when an enemy dies), and Brutal Strike (Inflict Bleed on all Enemies when an Enemy dies.). Fireblade makes this class at least an interesting concept, but a lack of 50% starting mana and a lack of other useful talents makes me sad. Brutal Strike is pretty bad though, why do the devs overestimate Bleed so much?


  • Nothing interesting in the weapon or kingdom or pet changes.

Additionally, one point I want to make:

The thing I’m most excited about in Wild Court is that we finally get a ++Green -Red banner!

they’re probably balancing around newer players and assuming its always 4 stacks of bleed…

I hate on enemy death, personally.


Except its +Red-Blue, isn’t it? :confused: (EDIT: and Amanithrax has the combo you’re wanting?)

Yeah the Slayer trait would be disappointing if that’s all it is. In fairness, I have no idea how viable it is to get 3-4 stacks of bleed on an opposing team with the troop options we have (let alone if such a thing is actually worth trying for), so maybe it’s better in practice than in theory?

Okay, new revelations. Looks like Taran’s World is missing a couple things (I contacted him about it). We also have the following info:


  • Doppleganger: Transform into an Enemy, and Curse them. Stealthy.

  • Copycat: Create 10 Gems of an Ally’s mana color and summon a copy of them. Air Link.

  • Glass Golem: Explode a Gem, give a random ally Reflect for each Skull destroyed, gain armor. Armored and Mana Shield.

  • Mirror Queen: Deal (Magic + 4 + 6 x Reflected Allies) to a single enemy, with a 50% chance to summon that enemy. Trait puts Reflect on a random ally on 4+ matches.

These effects make for fun troops but an abysmal faction experience. I really hope something gets done about this. I really want to know what happens if you use Doppleganger or Mirrored Queen against a Boss troop like Zuul’Goth? That’d be interesting!

Additionally, information on 4.6.0 is in the game files. I put this in an expanding box and strongly encourage people to wait until Monday when the preview stream hits, it’ll be cooler to learn about them then.


Are you sure? You’ll make Salty cry! :sob: :sob: :sob:

I'm Sure

Okay, here goes:

Tokens, Badges, and Medals are three tiers of a new set of items. Equipping them applies an effect similar to traits and talents.

Keep in mind there are a LOT LOT LOT of unknowns (Must the Hero be on the team? Is it available in all game modes? How are Tokens obtained?) so please keep your thoughts of “this is overpowered!” to a minimum and take this info with a grain of salt (since it is preliminary).

Three Tokens combine into the corresponding Badge, and (SPECULATION) Three Badges combine into one Medal, so 9 Badges per medal. (Like that they’re using the SoulForge for more things now!)

Here’s a list:

  • Token of Gaard: Combine 3 to make a Badge of Gaard
  • Badge of Gaard: +2 Armor for all troops
  • Medal of Gaard: +8 Armor for all troops
  • Token of Yasmine: Combine 3 to make a Badge of Yasmine
  • Badge of Yasmine: +2 Life for all troops
  • Medal of Yasmine: +8 Life for all troops
  • Token of Cedric: Combine 3 to make a Badge of Cedric
  • Badge of Cedric: +10% chance to Cleanse each Troop when my turn begins
  • Medal of Cedric: +40% chance to Cleanse each Troop when my turn begins
  • Token of Aranaea: Combine 3 to make a Badge of Aranaea
  • Badge of Aranaea: +1 Attack for all troops
  • Medal of Aranaea: +4 Attack for all troops
  • Token of Anu: Combine 3 to make a Badge of Anu
  • Badge of Anu: +5% Starting Mana
  • Medal of Anu: +20% Starting Mana
  • Token of Nysha: Combine 3 to make a Badge of Nysha
  • Badge of Nysha: +1 Magic for all troops
  • Medal of Nysha: +4 Magic for all troops

So we have 6 types; one for each skill, a Cleanse, and a starting mana. Depending on how the three slots we saw on stream can be used and in what combinations, the latter two will likely be the most useful.

A lot of other data is available in the localization files, but with very little context:

These descriptions cast a LOT of doubt on how the system works. We don’t have numbers or context. I’d recommend not getting too crazy with your assumptions or critiques until Monday.


I’m patiently waiting for 5k gamerscore so they can do away with Achievements.

Can we just take a moment to appreciate how great the “Full Medal Alchemist” achievement title is?


I’m kinda not wanting to see this in delve format, at all.

I guess just resummon and reflect everything, since there’s not much of anything except obnoxious between those 4.

No, because full metal alchemist never made an sense. It was like a haunted suit of armor wasteland magic weird Japan just don’t get.

“Full Medal Alchemist” is great, but I think I like “Medal not in the affairs of wizards” even better.


I’m pretty sure anything that summons or transforms a “copy” just summons that troop ID to your team, with the same stipulations as normal summoning and user transform, as this is how every other summon and transform works, including stuff like Sunbird’s spell, Infernal King’s trait, etc. For summoning, you’d then get a base rarity level-capped (assuming you have enough magic) version of them with no traits enabled. So Boss Zuul would be immune to lethal damage, but your “copy” wouldn’t be. For transforming, they’d then be level 1 with no traits at their base rarity. In both instances, you’d get your kingdom bonus stats tacked onto the troop’s base stats. This is the most likely outcome because it prevents adding a lot of code to handle these special cases.

The spoiler stuff on the new features looks interesting , unless it happens to be a hard time gated with a very low effort barrier and zero influence system to guide what you get, which I hope it isn’t, except deeds exist as a constant reminder that this is a possibility. If it has a high effort barrier instead, it means I’ll be falling behind, but I’m fine with that, unless its absurdly high (read: dozens of hours of grinding start making headway in the system, it could take years to “finish” and I’d be fine with that too). I hope they stand by their stipulation for energy systems that they won’t make their way into explore.

@UKresistance excuse you Full Metal Alchemist is an absolute masterpiece. (To be fair, it makes a lot more sense if you read the manga than watch the original anime. It has consistent, nuanced and evocative storytelling. I think it’s one of the most amazing series ever made in terms of overall narrative design and execution.)


It isn’t like that as far as I can tell.

We’ve got spoilers in the spoiler thread now lol. Someone mention Inception and we’re set.


Yeah, I don’t want to be that guy who complains about every pure faction delve (I’ve done 5 so far, and others are doable), but…

It seems almost mathematically impossible to clear this without potions. The sheer amount of damage that you have to do to reflected troops means that you need to resummon at a much faster rate than the AI does. I guess I’ll save up and do this one with potions.

The fullmetal alchemist pun makes up for it.

@Saltypatra I probably just need a proper introduction to full metal alchemist series.

But more importantly, we all appreciate the obscure puns and jokes.