(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

new date
Stonesong Eyrie
Friday, Jul 05, 2019 - Sunday, Jul 07, 2019

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This could be problematic.
We get a new Delve Kingdom and a new Mythic - Champion of Gaard on the same day?

Why is that an issue? People didn’t have to spend those gems on the Delve event however long ago, so they should still be sitting around for when the event does happen. If they spent all those gems in the meantime, they’ll just have to live with a slightly reduced chance of Champion of Gaard (or slightly fewer sigils purchased for the Delve event).


Math tells me that this has had to of happened before. The odds are what 3/5 that a 3 day gem sink will coincide with a New Mythic release?
There’s soooo many topics to be a straw man about… This would be an unnecessary one.

Will the next Delve Kingdom be pushed back because of this to compensate?

What would there be needed to compensate? The current Delve and Vault event were swapped around due to unforeseen circumstances, all other scheduled events remain the same.


Assuming we get Chaos Shards at a stable rate per week/month/etc (regardless of what said rate is) there shouldn’t be any complications. And we do. So…

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PLEASE do not release a new update during Guild Wars. It has NEVER gone well when that happens.


So what’s the schedule for next week? What event do we have and expect?


It appears that is exactly what’s going to happen. :roll_eyes:

Guild Wars won’t be changed or touched in this update.
And yes, it’s coming.

I always said push it at Monday reset or a few hours earlier. :+1:

“Hey, why are there suddenly solid blocks dropping in on the board instead of gems and skulls?”

Not really complaining, just pointing out that updates usually had some interesting side effects attached. Support can’t roll back GW battles lost due to bugs.


Not this time. It’s been rigorously tested.
There will be no critical bugs, I assure you.

Hello @Kafka nice to meet you :open_mouth: :rofl:

It won’t matter if it’s Monday… usually there is nothing to look @ for on Monday during GW

I also quite distinctly remember a post-patch GW Monday where I couldn’t for my life get my defense teams to stick, they would always revert to some pushover team I had been using to help with some previous weekly event. I may have invented a fairly large number of new swear words that day. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Lol 10 carac

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yup seeming like I was right since tarens world changed their dates