(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)


I’m not mad, angry or even upset in the slightest. Do I care if I’m ignored? No, has no impact on my life or game. Do I care if a few players can’t figure out basic strategy and cry OP because they lost a couple matches? Yes, because Troops are being made weaker, shrinking the pool of “useable” Troops and (re)creating the “meta”.

That affects everyone, not just me.

Quick question, you clearly claim to believe you have enough knowledge on the given troop(s). (That being Great Maw and Mercy for this discussion.) And yet you have not only never used said troops, but also have never encountered them either.

How can you claim to knowledgeably understand these troops mechanics and issues in that case?

While being a console player does not negate your opinion, I’m curious to know why you believe yourself such an expert on troops not yet available on your platform? You have yet to play with or against them, so saying they’re perfectly balanced in this situation is akin to someone claiming to know the earth is flat.


Ok so you’re not mad or angry or upset . . . and yet you’re still “whining” as you called it. If you can beat any team with commons and rares what difference does it make what they do with nerfs and buffs? I can see your point but I took offence to your insult to the community. Instead of putting people down since “they can’t figure out basic strategy” why not create a thread and share your knowledge. Help instead of insult. Everyone has favourite troops and when they change for what they think is for the worse people voice their opinion. It is a forum and that’s what it’s here for.

You are entitled to your opinion. I absolutely do not deny you that. But remember everyone else is too and this should be a place where they can voice it without ridicule and insults.


I have made my case several times on how to counter Mercy/Maw, but because I’m not screaming OP the community doesn’t listen, which is fine by me.

As a console player, I’d to actually ACQUIRE a Troop before the community gets it nerfed into oblivion.

How do I know how these Troops work? One’s a transformer, the other is a mad Devourer with 24 Mana to charge. It Devours on Skull damage? Entangle it. Does anyone realize that 2x Gob-Chompers and Great Maw is dead by turn 2?

I have done the same, even went to the lengths of showing what teams are good even though they cost single digit mana.

Ah. So it’s all speculation on your part, gotcha.

Well my spoilerific thread is getting a little off topic. So I’m going to kindly request that if anyone has anything more to say on this particular subject, we’ve got a handy little private messaging tool to the top-right.

We’ve also got another topic mentioning the new troops here:

So if you must discuss in a spoiler based thread, that one’s taking members.
(Though it really should be a new topic altogether.)

Exactly @killerman3333

I hope everyone on Consoles uses Mercy/Maw, it’ll be quick not having to change teams. This is why I love the community’s “meta”, makes my game easier and much faster overall.

One day we will agree on some troop having or not having to be nerfed, i know it!


Fortress gate?

On Great Maw: Devour makes me wonder when and how this mechanic will finally be looked at. Personally i find a little irreal as the devouring troop gains all status, except magic and buffs, from it’s meal. And all of that while removing an enemy troop and adding the points to your own. That’s why it’s so popular, because it has a great value, it’s reliable even with a single cast and it gets much more value out of stronger troops.
Devouring a troop and gaining half of status seems to me as a sensible balance change, you still reomves a troop in a single cast and possibly in a skull match and the advantage gained is great, not overwhelming.


Actually quite a sensible idea.

Yep, I also think it’s a good idea.
However I’m not sure about the Black Beast (is there something else that devours an ally?). The whole problem with Devour might be because of that - at first it was a sacrifice of an ally (BB), so it should have been powerful. When it became destroying opponents - not so much.
Perhaps another solution is to make it more flexible, like the BB gets 100% of devoured troop’s stats, Maw from spell 50%, but Maw from trait only 20%.

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I agree on Black Beast’s suggestion, on Maw 50% for cast and for skull hit too would retain the awesomeness of a legendary trait i think.

I understand the 15% devour trait is an issue where multi-skull matches are concerned and sand shark does not have that trait but he does have a 25% chance to devour with his spell. However those that target certain troops have a 40% chance with their spells are not seen as op. What makes devour cross the line when it is only mentioned with maw but not sand shark ot the hard counters?

Maw’s third trait is glitched. The troop is broken.


If they fixed his third trait would he still be broken?

The monster would be fixed. Still would be a threat, but a far less imposing one.

That is good to hear, i always wondered why people complained why devour was op without citing the other devour troops. Now i know it comes down to maw’s third trait being bugged.

There is also the camp that believes Mercy should not be Empowered when feeding a troop thst can devour.