(!) Spoiler Alert (!) -- [Any Details Provided are Subject to Change] (Part 1)

Well, since I started using Queen Mab I’m almost happy to see empowered troops in the enemy line-up. Almost, as I don’t always fire her before the enemy has a chance to use that mana.
On the side note I’m totally happy with enemy Fast troops :wink:

Mab might actually be scarier than Maw-Mercy, its just not as straight-forward simple in the hands of the AI. Needs a little more board manipulation and some degree of setup, but you then nuke their entire team to death without giving up turns.

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I don’t think she is scarier than Maw, but she is amazing in invades, though not any faster overall than true damage AoE.

In my opinion she is better than Maw-Mercy (or pretty much anything else right now) in the hands of a human player - I play her combined with Valk, Mercy (hehe) and another Mab and don’t remember losing more than one troop in 100 or 200 fights (and that one troop was very rare), while winning very fast.
In the hands (?) of AI I’d rather put 4* Maw. It’s completely stupid, but just because of that it doesn’t leave room to ***** up much. No, I don’t use such stupid team ;).

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I’d much rather see teams that can be extremely strong if played well (e.g., your Mab team or the boar rider endless turns team) as opposed to brain-dead OP teams like Maw/Mercy teams.

A skilled player will always have an advantage, and it’s fine to reward them for their skill.


The thing is the best option for defence is using the brain-dead OP team as AI is pretty much, well, brain-dead…
I don’t even consider this Mab team on defence. I fought something similar already (Gorgotha-Mercy-Mab-Mab AFAIR) and it was a bit annoying, yes, but not really dangerous played by AI.

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I don’t think it’s “bending”, it’s more like taking their loyal customer’s opinion into account for some changes. If they don’t listen to any request/suggestion what is the point to have a channel where we are supposed to voice our opinions?


Look at Sheggra for an example of not only bending, but downright breaking.

In fact, it splintered so bad several people lost their eye(s) because they forgot their safety glasses.

I don’t see any real problem with Queen Elsa because on defense she’s got no sense of timing.

While she may be powerful in the hands of the player, the same can be said about other loop teams, like Giant Spider - Green Seer - Boar Rider or Alchemist - Valkyrie - Banshee. These teams can loop near endlessly yet there’s no apparent cries for nerf.

Mab’s the same, except far more expensive. Why shouldn’t you get a faster team looper if you can afford to do so? Hell, they recently increased Bat’s staying power and he’s already being used for fast invades. Mab just makes looping fast, easy, and safe, but the time spent for said payout seems worth it to me.

As for Mercy, she rarely if ever gets much outta me. A 4+ that leads to nothing is the most she gets turn 2 anymore, so she’s not a huge pain. If anything it’s Maw’s multi-skull glitch that needs fixing, or even his third trait in general. Maw’s the only one I got beef with, and I still beat him 80+% of the time.

Otherwise, throw as many counters into the game as lower levels ask for, because they’re the ones that need the boost. And once they get a better grip of strategizing they won’t need them either.


And i believe they will, at some point, rework Broken Spire, Sheggra included. And not to rub it into your face but while the whinning for a nerf ended in a bad result, some more “whinning” could help in rebalancing it.
Let’s just avoid use the word “whinning” to address opinions that are not ours, it does no good to no one, maybe some nerfs were not needed, or could be done in better ways to keep the balance, but the game keeps going on and things will surely change and evolve.


To be honest i don’t think the latest nerf to Sheggra was initiated by community demand in any way. I can’t remember reading a lot if anything about Sheggra being a problem at that time on these forums.
The nerf seemed to be just a consequence of Sheggra being the only spawner that still fully scaled with magic, when all players magic went up with the 1.09 patch and the introduction of more magic kingdoms.

That being said, i absolutely don’t think Sheggra is useless or even bad right now. Though i also don’t see her becoming too strong if she still spawned 4 more Skulls.
So if you think Sheggra needs a boost, make yourself heard, present your argument, so that the Devs may read it and investigate for themselves when they find the time.
But do it in a reasonable and sensible way.


I’ve given up suggesting anything. Only so many times a person can be ignored and/or dismissed before they “take the hint”.

I’m high-level, sound strategically and know the little nuances to the game and it’s mechanics. I’m at the bottom of the priority list since I require no “hand-holding” or support of any kind.

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@taliaparks you’re better than that, don’t make it personal and don’t sulk because people disagree with you…

I’ve not been in this thread for a while - just scrolled up and your last three posts weren’t to ‘suggest’ anything useful but to be rude about others.

Saying ‘don’t nerf’ because it’s giving into whining isn’t fair on the devs or the views of many equally high level or strategically sound members here.

Saying ‘don’t nerf’ and giving reasons, like viable counters or that you’re not meeting the troop at all, etc, like @gouki does a lot would be more helpful. Others may not agree (I very likely won’t!) but put a view the devs can think about.


I wonder how many of these revealed troops are more than a week or month old.


I was talking about suggestions to the developers.

I couldn’t care less what 98% of the community thinks, they have proven themselves ignorant and willing to complain at the slightest whisper of a Great Maw’s flatulence

Yes i am aware, i was simply trying to get this thread back on the topic of spoilers and not on the current chatter of how the devs handle suggestions.

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I don’t care how they handle things, I was answering someone else’s question on why I don’t make suggestions to the developers.

That is fair. I do not see the reason to be upset about the current spoilers as we do not know how long they have been worked on. I know that the devs have been working on the purple imp for a while and yet i do not see it here but i do know it has been in development for at least a month maybe 2 or more, and i know that the cards above that mana drain might have been created some 6 or 9 months ago. The devs have said that they plan updates months in advance and we can see this with the last 2 updates and the next 2 updates. This probable includes troop creation as well so to say they just bended to the will of the players is to say a coincidence was done with purpose.

I think this is anger being focused incorrectly and rudely on the people that voice their opinions and sit back and wait.

The community is not ignorant.

There are over 10000 players of this game world wide. More and more of those players are finding the forum and using it to their advantage. You yourself must have benefited from the knowledge in these threads. Just because your voice was not centre stage out of all the voices sharing experiences, knowledge and opinion does not give you the right to belittle anyone on here from a brand new player to someone with thousands of hours in the game. Bad form.

If this was true . . . why are you so mad? Why insult people? As I said above . . . Bad form.


You suggest a level of foresight they have not displayed. Hell, nobody can predict how the Troops will be used by the community.

I don’t even blame the developers for being so reactionary, they have to assume the whining is legitimate and act, they can’t investigate and see that the player(s) themselves are to blame (bad strategy, using the same team and expecting the same outcome, low level/not progressed enough).

You can beat any team with the right strategy. I take down the teams everyone uses (what you guys call “meta teams”) with 4x Common or Rares. Nothing is truely OP, because nothing is unbeatable.