Yeah i can accept that, but i had a more “Holy cow” (Haha! You got caught on my reponse trap! ) image of it on my head.
Yeah, a bull with some wings…
You’re leaving us? Bye Felicia.
I was going to put the song ‘In the arms of an angel’ here but then I remembered. You’ll be back, stronger and tougher then ever, So…
Here’s Arnold saying that for you
To be clear – I’m not leaving. I’m just trying to explain why I’m not as active here as I have been, and that I don’t know when I’ll be able to devote the same amount of time to the community again. I’m still here.
You’ll be missed, @Lyya!
Cue repeated sighs of relief around the global community.
I had been wondering, you’d gone quiet(er)… shame…
Best of luck with your external circumstances, and we hope to see more of you again. Just no baiting me. In small text or not.
Oh, don’t worry, that won’t stop. I’m a master baiter.
You’ll go blind.
Click to see next week's troop.
(Retrieved 2017-02-27)
Dragonian Monk
Ultra-Rare / Dragon’s Claw / Mystic Dragon
Spell: Meditate (11 Brown/Yellow) - Destroy Gems in an X shape. Barrier a random Ally for every Yellow Gem destroyed. [1:1]
Traits: Mystic Bond / Warded / Fast
Requires: Minor Wind, Arcane Mountain Traitstones
Max stats: Attack - 18; Life - 24; Armor - 15; Magic - 0 (When fully ascended and level 20)
Flavor Text: Assume the Crane Stance.
Will arrive in 7 days (2017-03-06).
Interesting. That could be a LOT of Barriers. Mind, would have been better synergy/planning/design if this went on a Giant troop, given the obvious synergy with Jotnar…
(mild complaint: a chance missed to make a nice combo even better)
giggity giggity giggity goo.
Very comparable to Soothsayer. A bit slower all around and less flexible, but the barriers (average of just over 2 per cast assuming equal board distribution) could be nice, and dragon typing helps it get along better with TDS.
this guy, Kryst, TDS, new triumverate. Also, immune to deathmark? take that wraith!
Yes, but we should also allow for standard RNG habit of trying to trigger the Barrier on the same ally repeatedly… Hit four yellow? Yay, my third troop gets Barrier four times… while the first troop’s life hangs by a thread…
Incidentally: this new one and Jotnar would both be far better if devs fixed how Barriers block skull damage… One Barrier should block all attack damage in one attack, no matter how many skulls were matched…
That would be perfect. And Shut up all BD users. Till they discover a new way to stop barriers
Tomorrow is Dragon’s Claw
It will bring the Kingdom to 10 troops at last, making 7* possible.
Bonuses will likely be +25% for dragon claw and +25% for dragons, so everything will get doubled up. No clue what event stones will be from.
In other news, I’m trying to keep up to date and adding things to it. Put a 3rd tab with information about Suncrest and added next week’s troop to 1st tab. Since I don’t know how to delve into the data file this is dependent on what others post here (unless someone would like to message me how to look it up myself…)