Soul Harvest

They made their valuation clear: lying (a hard cap is not a ‘decreased chance’) to customers is worth it, even in such small cases, to squeeze profit (even if it is through activity/metrics).

They know they can get away with it, seeing how even Weavergate is winding down compliments of Sirrian making an appearance (not actually changing anything, but just to appease the playerbase)…

…and the past few weeks have demonstrated that even the new mods are ok with working for a company with this philosophy, which are all important factors for new players to set their expectations accordingly
:man_facepalming: :relaxed: :vulcan_salute:

PS: Guildies who do not frequent the forums were less than thrilled to see the universally hated Lycan gems reappear out of the blue without in-game notification, so good job there too :man_facepalming:


I agree it is poor communications, but their statement was technically correct: reducing the chance to zero (or possibly an infinitesimally small non-zero number) after 2 cards is a “decreased chance”. I suspect claims of lying have more to do with the recent bad taste in the mouth from Weavergate than this specific case.

Having played this game for a couple of years, I for one was certainly very alive to the probability that the odds would not change linearly but instead suddenly plunge to near-zero or zero at some point.

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Why does the recipe for Trick and Treat need gems not diamonds? Do other weapons need those too?

or Lyrasza’s Lair…

So has anyone found the Devil post reset


Not yet, about an hour in and ~100 battles later only Keepers for me.





No devils to be found day 2. Now we begin the lengthy process of:

Devs ignoring the problem
Finally checking the code and confirming all is good must be just bad RNG
Claim it’s working as intended to avoid embarrassment
Fix the problem

Hey devs, can we please just skip to the end of the process this time please?


Same here after grinding for more than a hour no The Flesh Horror in the battles. Really disappointing since it is like that for everyone as far I can see so far.

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The chance to appear will reset at daily reset was a typo - It was meant to be ‘Weekly Reset’ :persevere:


Maybe the chance to get third copy and so on is 1 over 9000 (battles)!

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I’ve not seen any yet and guild members reporting the same

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I should have check the forum before starting to hunt for “The Devil”.
Wasted a lot time to find it.
Get angry again.
What a great way to start a day!
What a “fun” game!

***Also “No comment from the devs for almost a day” makes it even better


Are you surprised they are silent?..that is the only thing they are good at these days.


I don’t know why they do daily reset at 6pm Australian time, when they probably knock off for the day

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Ahoy community,

Unfortunately our spell checker introduced an error into our announcement. The last line should have read:

His chance to appear will recede each day at daily reset.

Note that the chance can go negative, meaning those who already received their maximum of two copies yesterday will find that at least one of them has been removed from their collection after playing today. This should have been obvious as working entirely as intended. As a show of good will we’ve reset the Rewarded Adds cooldown timer for everybody now down a Devil, so they can gain an extra free reward. We feel we are being generous, and this is going to be our final response to this issue.

Disclaimer: May contain traces of sarcasm.


@Jeto @OminousGMan @Kafka No flesh horror since reset, please do something!


Have they even visited the forum the past seven days? The announcement posts are automated, bug reports don’t seem to have been processed at all.


One would think a 24-hour service would have people dedicated enough to care about at least peeking for any abnormalities outside of office hours…

…one would be mostly wrong @IP2
:blush: :vulcan_salute:

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You are all going about this all wrong. If you claim that you have pulled 100 devils, then they will take notice and look at the code immediately. Again, if the issue is not in the player’s favor, the priority is extremely low.