Well, let’s talk soul farming really quickly.
First, you need soul generators. You can’t get much more than 4 souls without one. Pharos-Ra is the S-Rank one, but it’s a mythic. The Dragon Soul is your A-Rank soul generator becuase it’s so dang good. The most popular newbie soul generator is Valkyrie, because she’s also a really good blue mana generator. Sol’Zara is interesting, but forces you to either keep her dangerously underleveled or play at higher difficulties. Dark Troll’s probably a half-decent generator, and would pair well with TDS. The rest… aren’t really worthy of note.
Next, you need things that increase your soul cap. Pharos-Ra is the S-Rank because Necro Master increases it by 150%. Troops with Necromancy only boost it by 50%. This is part of why Sol’Zara is attractive: she both generates souls and has Necromancy. There are a lot of troops with Necromancy but I feel like people mostly focus on a few. Aziris and Warlock come to mind.
The best teams use multiple Pharos-Ra to take advantage of Necro Master. There are very, VERY few configurations that work since you’d also like to win relatively fast. (Though since each PR is worth 3x Necromancy troops, you can afford to be a little slow.) (Also I only have one Pharos-Ra so I haven’t experimented with 2x teams to have opinions.)
Most people can, at best, afford 1 Pharos-Ra. Now, if you put P-R on your team, you’d like something that generates/explodes gems so you can feed it. TDS is a decent choice here. It doesn’t have Necromancy, but it is relatively fast to fill, explodes a lot, and generates souls. That’s 2 slots, which Necromany troops do we want under it? Well, Aziris is very attractive. 1) It can force skull matches to help end the game faster when you reach the cap. Plus: it has Magic Link, which will fill both TDS and Pharos-Ra faster. This is a very effective soul-farming team and we only need the Troops menu to see it’s there! Note we lose a Necromancy because of TDS, but since Pharos-Ra is worth 3x Necromancy we’re still at effectively “5 troops with Necromancy”.
What if you don’t have Pharos-Ra? Well, the suggestion to use 3x Aziris makes sense. This’ll still loop fairly effectively and operates at 3x Necromancy.
The standby alternative used to be Valkyrie / Warlock / Warlock / Warlock. This also gets you 3x Necromancy, but I find it awkward and slow. It was advertised to me as “fast”, citing that the Warlocks could one-shot most Explore troops. That… wasn’t true until I was well past level 1,000.
So my observations are:
- Traitstone farming is where you want “fast”. When soul farming, sometimes slowing down wins is acceptable if it boosts soul yield.
- The Dragon Soul is one of the most useful mana + soul generators.
- If you don’t have a Pharos-Ra at all, there’s not an impressive soul farming team.
- It’s easier than ever to build this kind of team now that you can filter by “Generates souls”, so if you can prove me wrong we both win.