Since when is it ok to call people cheaters

Well you have your info wrong. No one contacted me. I contacted one of your members asking why they moved. They told me I was not allowed to join tie. I proceeded to tell them to piss up a rope and they spent 1000’s of gems on a class they already had maxed. They also already had Zuul and I did not. I had zero reason to mess up tie. I was just going to join it. I did finally stop and let a 2nd person that was up join that person. You should really not listen to fake News. That’s what it is Fake fake fake. If you want to prove me wrong then show me those pm I got. They do not exist.

So it looks like there’s a “gang” of Xbox players who want to tell people what they can do, and what they can’t… or at least there are such people who like to tell other people what they can do and what they cannot :rofl:


Are you basically admitting to collusion? And that you more or less threatened a player?

Barge into a tie? As if any players have the right to tell people they have to ask? Then when he doesn’t respond to messages, he learned that he HAS to play ball? Wtf is this the mafia? You NEED to pay for protection or else?


No, he is explaining what happens when you don’t play the rules commonly accepted by society. Like when there is a queue at a store and you insist on moving to first position, even when other people point out they’ve been standing in line for hours now.

It’s actually the other way round, getting sent messages about how the event is being coordinated by those participating is a Good Thing, not a Bad Thing. You can play along and wait in the same spot as everybody else is doing, getting the same benefits. Everybody wins. Or you can insist on shoving your way past, at which point all the others who have been waiting patiently for the event to end will start moving too, past wherever you decide to stop. You lose, because most of the others could still go on for hours if they wanted to. They only stopped because they reached a civil agreement on how far to stretch, one that even allows those with not quite as much saved up gems to get first placement rewards.

I believe it’s called common sense.

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This reads like a highschool clique.

Let’s say I wanted to join a tie. Who do I contact? I have no idea. I don’t even recognize most of the names on any given leaderboard. I have no idea how to contact them. So because I am not popular enough to know the right people, I can’t participate?

I wouldn’t say commonly accepted. I have seen some interesting “rules” for this game imposed by players that don’t exist on any other game I have played.

I have never tried to join a tie before, but if I did join, then saw the tie moved, I would rejoin and think someone else is breaking the tie and that must be why everyone else is chasing more points. I never would’ve thought that people were just purposely excluding me, and that I had to ask someone for permission to join. I had no idea that was a thing until recently with some of these forum comments.

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I was referring to real life, you are expected to “play ball” in a lot of situations.

This is about consoles, there seems to be a built-in way to contact other players. As far as I understood it you get messaged by the organizers if you get close to the agreed on tie, you can also reach out yourself.

I had the impression it’s rather about refusing to communicate instead of asking for permission. If an unknown participant shows up, doesn’t show any inclination to stop and doesn’t respond to any messaging, the others may get nervous enough to start pushing the limit. Sort of like seeing a car in your rear mirror barreling towards you at full speed while you are waiting at a traffic light, at some point it starts to feel safer to get out of the way. Some players may get scared earlier than others, depending on the options available to them to catch up.

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On Xbox you can join ties without talking to anyone (I have), and some ties are more trusting than others — they won’t reach out to all involved or approaching comers, in every case, or move due to nervousness. In my experience, most moving-ties don’t happen until some initial “bad actor,” either on purpose or due to ignorance, break the tie rather than joins it.

It’s not all that easy to “make contact” on console — not everyone plays with their gamertag — but it is always worth a shot if people want to make contact, btdubs.

But it’s entirely dependent upon who’s involved in the tie, and who’s approaching. Some have been playing for years and have grudges — cooperation breaks down when people get too competitive or hate each other enough to refuse a win-win; some just want to see the other guy lose



Check out @rojo comment. It seems that’s it’s not the case, as at least some of tie-making players “refuse” other people to join a tie… so… is it a gang or not ? :laughing:

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Depends — would you consider guilds, or “former guilds/guildmates” a “gang”?

Group of people, sure. Working together, sure — sometimes at the exclusion of others (only one guild can win Wars, for instance — so why wouldn’t a guild, if they could, keep all the orbs to themselves and their allies while forbidding them from all their most threatening competitors? Not my style, but :man_shrugging: Not everyone’s like me or thinks like I think with regards to what it means to “beat” this game).

Double post to add — there are watchers on the wall, most of the time; if a known tiebreaker is on the rise, the alarms are often sounded

I consider any group thats working together to secure some lucrative resources for group members and forbid access to them to people outside of the group as “gang”. Especialy if such group is closed and doesn’t welcome new members.

That’s why I also hate politicians - they tend to work as gangs :stuck_out_tongue: And especialy if you review history of Middle/Eastern Europe after 1990 you can see many examples where politicians were working hand-by-hand with criminals… so yeah, that might be influencing my point of view.


Ah, didn’t now you could contact people on console. I’m thinking mobile/PC where unless that in game name is also on discord, I’d have no idea! That likely explains why Xbox gets more ties than we do. :sob:

I still think that’s on the “group” to contact the newcomer and not vice versa. If the newcomer doesn’t respond but joins the tie, that should still be OK. There’s many valid reasons why they won’t respond.

This makes sense. Nervousness due to someone new getting close, eh, just wait and see unless it’s close to weekly reset. Maintain that black list of people who purposely break the tie.

Glad to hear most moving-ties are because someone broke it, and not just because someone didn’t ask someone to please let them join.

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Because it isn’t feasible. It just takes a single player to make a 30 player guild (plus their allies) keep paying, by repeatedly pushing the limit. If they insist on winning that bidding war their competitors will have an easy time to grab first spot for the next months. It’s really in the best interest of everybody to cooperate.

I’m having my doubts, they wouldn’t have anything to gain, only to lose. Not going to pick sides here though, not a console player, I have no idea what really happened.

It’s totally feasible — that’s why it’s happened in the past :joy:

Not pointing fingers or naming names, but there have been top players/guilds past-and-present that simply spend more because they can afford to, and thus price-out “the plebs.”

Large ties (meaning cross-guild and/or numbering 20+ people) are a relatively recent phenomenon as more Xbox players have been willing to make it cheaper for everyone — the Jonathon Nash solution the “pretty girl” problem :man_shrugging:

You can’t.

Not in-game, anyway — most players’ in-game names do not match their gamertags. So reaching them is effectively the same process as any other platform: shooting a message/search into the dark on discord. You can take one additional shot, hoping a gamertag does match an in-game name, but it’s just as likely to turn up empty.

The tie that was ruined that time was ruined by the 2 people that moved. I was nearly 2000 points away. I stopped to figure out how many loses I needed to take when I looked at totals I noticed 2 ruined their own tie. I actually couldn’t believe it. Their solution blame me. Make up that they tried to contact me. I eventually did contact one of them myself and was given complete and utter nonsense as to why I was not allowed to join tie. I have broken zero ties in the past so they had no reason to think I would this time. Some are known to do it for spite but that’s not me. After she did this I did make her play for a couple more hours as punishment. I spent a bunch of gems because this was like first tie I tried to join. She was doing it all the time so she likely had to get out the credit card so the big winner was Gems of War. :joy:


Did someone hack your account or maybe you bumped your head?

You usually have solid info/comments, but this one is a tad dumb.

Comparing a store queue to an open event? Telling people they must abide by some arbitrary queue that some fools decided was some unwritten “community rule.”


Edit: Also, if I see this happening on pc/mobile, guess who is breaking the rule.


Nope I was not contacted at all. I had no clue who was running the tie and I’m not going to try to contact 20 people to see who is running it. That’s stupid. No one should have moved unless I was a lot closer. The 2 that moved jumped the gun pure and simple and no one contacted me. If you have evidence that disputes that fact please share it. I contacted one person asking why they moved. They said because I was not allowed to join :joy::joy::joy:. So they should explain to the 20 people why they have ants in their pants not me. The funny thing is that person had 2 Zuul already and there was no other boss troop to craft. I would not have tried to join tie if I had the troop. The only reason I tried is because I was missing one power orb and thought since I was off work that day might as well get it so I could craft it. Some one that does not work decided that they needed to prevent me from crafting it for :woman_shrugging: why. For the most part people that work have no time to join ties and certainly no time to watch it so that people like that don’t start moving. When this happened I had 2 options. One was to stop where I was and let them look like fools or charge ahead and make them play for a couple hours and make them get out the credit card. I chose option 2 because I felt bad for the other people that they screwed over for no reason. So at least it cost them some real money.

Hi all, great discussion going on here, just a reminder that there’s a separate category made especially for this topic to help people find these kinds of posts if they need to:


You have your tie confused I guess. Trux was not in the tie. I know who was and one of them is not in your clan anymore because perhaps he quit game. The other one is not a He. There were none from my guild in the tie so try again. As far as playing dumb now that’s funny. You were not involved but injected yourself anyway so who is playing dumb? It certainly isn’t me. You are going off 2nd hand information and they are basically a liar and I would tell them that to their face. The other person that moved also said I was contacted and I told him to show proof and he quickly changed the subject. He knows it was nonsense. I’m not the guild master either so you even have that wrong. You are really not up on your facts. I really have no clue why this at least 2 year old stuff is being brought up. It has nothing to do with folks getting called cheaters on forums. If a tie happens I am happy for all folks involved. If a tie gets broken I will not lose any sleep over it and I most likely won’t be affected by it in the slightest. So go have yourself a happy evening.