[Reported] Underspire map reset

This compensation should include real money, since many of us paid for stuff …

We either need a solution or a course of action to take today (to play the new map or to wait) while we wait for an issue resolution. Not even rushing, just limited on time based on how the daily torch system works.


We especially need info on whether the map will get lost again on the next daily reset. It wouldn’t make much sense to play today if this is a recurring issue.


It is in my notes as something to follow up on with the devs, but this issue was initially reported prior to reset and after updating - so I don’t believe it is linked to daily reset.

But will share more when we can.


My map hasn’t reset. I feel left out :disappointed:.

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Actually the first report happened immediately after reset …

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Help same problem for me!! All my progress is gone and I am back to start!!! I made a lot of progress the last two days and I want my progress back!! I cannot redo all those battles. I spent TIME. I spent extra gems too…and bought lanterns. This was the week I was going to finish the whole Underspire!

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Same problem here.

I did not open Underspire since yesterday - I am guessing it happened after the version Update I did this morning.

You’re wrong on this one - it has very much to do with daily reset.
There are players saying in this very thread they played after update but before reset without problems and progress was gone on daily rollover.


On Daily reset my progress gone!

I assume this is only affecting players who updated before daily reset, at least so far? I didn’t update until now.

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Yes, l updated before reset.

Same - updated an hour or so before reset.

So, I spent 300 gems on this, plus a lot of time.

Just send me all boss rewards, and double up on boss number 6.

I don’t feel like starting all over again on Wednesday. I have other things to do as well.

This update really hasn’t been tested at all, has it? I’m sure this makes people really want to spend more money. We all love it when our progress gets reset. :roll_eyes:


I bought enough torches and lanterns to finish the whole event with double rewards on each boss. And intended to buy more if necessary. And also planned on buying the Pass+. Now I’m not even going to play US again.


I bought lanterns like every week. Just give me the double rewards and that’s it. The first 2 dragons are not necessary, I already collected them on Monday and Tuesday. Send only from the third onwards and that’s ok.


Will you compensate packs of torches which were bought before the update? Yesterday I had 30+ battles there (2 packes every day = 300 gems). Now I’m at zero point.

There are reports that say Underspire worked just fine prior to reset, even after updating:

The update dropped around 6 hours before daily reset. I imagine there would have been a very audible outcry if all maps had already disappeared at that point.


Me Launched game version 7.1 first time On the third day = underspire progress not reset