[Reported] Underspire: Endless corridor

You count from the start to gate or from gate to gate, we call that main path.
From the main path, you count to the boss. Any room from main path you count as 0.

Pictures to illustrate this? Please?

I personally dont think they need any help ruining things for players :joy:

A lot of you guys think like is impossible for them to know that information unless is posted here. There are some bugs that may be fixed without any bug report that may prove they get the information from other ways or using the same way we do to get that information. Since already happened before, they may change the game if they feel like it, so be ready to let it go any information.

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Well, noā€¦ But they sure jump on any help they can get. :sweat_smile:

From where?

Since itā€™s out in the open already anyway, itā€™s not counted from the starting point or the keystone but from the path between keystones.

I recommend joining a gems discord. There are usually way more people helping out there.

Also, dear devs, this is information everyone could figure out for themselves so no need to change anything because itā€™s ā€œunfairā€. (Itā€™s not. Unfair would be to change everything now so some people would need to spend 2k gems or something because thereā€™s no rhyme nor reason - just saying.)


I will not sit idly by with important knowledge while thousands of other people could benefit. The Discord community knows I keep no secrets (anywhere, ever). If I have a chance to help anyone in this game, I take now. I donā€™t worry about what could/couldnā€™t happen. Anyone can join the Library. The information there can help Noobs to Endgamers. GoW Info Library


Where did the idea come from that Iā€™m asking people to withhold information from players? I never said that.

Iā€™m always trying to help players as best as I can.

This is what Iā€™ve been saying: Share a discord link like you did so people can join (for example).

We all know that no dev will. That would mean interaction with the community and thatā€™s not something they do.

But carrying info here is detrimental to players. We know itā€™s true. We have experienced that before. I wish it wasnā€™t the case.

Anyway, too late now. So itā€™s a moot point.

We can only hope that changing the underspire is either too complicated/too much work or that devs will understand that if it gets more random and difficult and expensive, it will kill the mode theyā€™ve worked hard for.

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People have openly discussed this on Taranā€™s Discord server, and Iā€™ve seen people on there express similar sentiments: that they think itā€™s safe to discuss it there because no devs will ever join. Funny thing is that Kafka has been a member of that server since 2020.

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This feels like it needs a bit of explanation.

Kafka isnā€™t a dev, as in person responsible for changing the coding. Kafka forwards bug reports made in the bug report section of this forum to the persons responsible for changing the coding, because thatā€™s part of her job. Kafka may of course visit other websites, even privately, without being required to act on anything found there. There isnā€™t really any incentive to do that, quite the contrary.

Iā€™m well aware of Kafkaā€™s and the other CX staffā€™s positions and roles here. People commonly referr to all of them as ā€œdevsā€, and rarely differentiate between them when they talk about Infinity Plus Two staff members. So I do the same when responding to their comments about ā€œdevsā€.

For example, look at this thread. Thereā€™s no differentiation. People are talking about the need to hide information from the ā€œdevsā€. Which devs? The CX staff, which arenā€™t ā€œdevsā€? Or the actual designers and programmers, which people complain about constantly about never visiting the forum?

As for the other websites and communities, they probably should officially visit and monitor them. I doubt they do now, for lack of time and resources. There are incentives for IP2 and GoW, since there are plenty of bugs that are never reported here. Isnā€™t there a major ongoing one with certain troops and summoning? I see it discussed everywhere else, but donā€™t recall finding a bug report here when I looked for one.

The only example Iā€™ve seen is the design of the Boss Dungeon, except the technical explanation we eventually got actually made more sense to me. We donā€™t have to like that they wanted the doors to be randomly assigned with no meaningful strategy on the playerā€™s part, but for everyone unknowingly picking a luckier combination we also had players unknowingly picking unlucky combinations, soā€¦


I may be overly cautious but that just left a sour taste - it couldnā€™t go on as it was because certain combinations (was it 1,2,3,4?) could never result in a perfect run. So in that sense I get it.

But the comment on this thread about how itā€™s unfair that some people have figured it out and others havenā€™t and the hint that that may need changing is basically the same thing. ā€œcool, you figured it out, now weā€™ll change itā€

Difference is that the only thing they need to change is that paths can be extremely long. There shouldnā€™t be 10,15,20 or more rooms in a row.

But if they leave it as is, people who pay attention can still figure it out without being told.

No one has better chances because of some tools, or no chances if they donā€™t know that a certain combination doesnā€™t work.

Worst case here is that they run into a dead end.

Only thing needed is that paths need a room limit.

(Spelling this out not necessarily for you but for whoever of the cx team or maybe devs reads this).

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CX people report to the devs. So even if none of them at least skim over the forum, itā€™s still giving info to the devs via cx.

So hiding info from cx hides it from the devs, too, right?

And there are good reasons for keeping some things to ourselves (the players, not everyone to themselves).

Yes so weā€™re on the same page. Fourdottwoone seemed to imply weā€™re not hiding it from the CX staff, and that it didnā€™t matter what Kafka or any CX may see or not.

I think what 4.21 meant to say is that Kafka or anyone else may not have the same incentive reporting things from a separate source like a discord server.

Not sure, though, and not sure if thatā€™s the case either.

And guild war score breakdowns.

Iā€™m still catching up in here but the information as promised:

From reset today, dead ends in Underspire will not be longer than 6 tiles.
This is the way it was always intended to work - there was a bug which meant that a dead end could try to fill the entire map.

There are changes coming to Underspire in a future update which will see this number changed again - the details will be in the patch notes for the update those changes are in.


is this the only change? no other unexpected changes?


So long as that is the only change, good, as for the future changes, i would hope there would be less branches in general, or an easier way to identify correct paths somehow, as i had the MOST unlucky underspire out of the ones weve had so far, i normally finish around 90-100 rooms, but this one took nearly 130ā€¦ thats an extra like 600 gems over what it was costing me on average. Please give us info on what those future changes might be as soon as you possibly can.