[Reported] Underspire: Endless corridor

But it is winnable by investing gems and figuring out the patterns yourself. You don’t need others to tell you if you just look at a finished underspire map and look at the emerging patterns.

It’s not like it’s impossible. It doesn’t need extensive testing. One or two finished underspires should be enough if you pay attention.

Yes, everyone can get the info, if not through other means then by figuring it out themselves.

Yes, you can.

Invested doesn’t mean that info is hard to aquire, just that there is even an interest in doing so. Either by figuring it out yourself or by using one of the many resources.

But many players don’t want to do either. Those are the super casual players.

You’re not one because you’re already here. That is more than the “just let me play, I don’t want anything else” players are interested in.

I didn’t say invested in the community. Invested in the game is enough.

Players figured out the patterns, not by illegal means but by observation. You can do the same for yourself.

I’m not talking about any class of “elite” players.

What’s currently happening is that everyone gets punished, and I mean literally everyone, because a few players min/max everything (devs are in the wrong for doing that).

Several nerfs to the vault? Because of the devs using some hardcore players who min/maxed for measuring, everyone is getting less now. That especially punishes newer and less hardcore players.

Also, don’t get me wrong, I’m not blaming the players.

I’m blaming the devs here because it’s just wrong to
A) punish everyone because of some overachievers
B) use overachievers to measure outcome
C) implement patterns and then are considering changing patterns once we figured it out

In terms of dungeon, okay, I didn’t like it but I can sort of understand taking the seeding away (or changing it?).

But for underspire, everyone can figure it out. You don’t need other people to tell you.

It helps but it’s not necessary.

Instead of taking it away for everyone, and costing everyone more gems (because you should know that’s how it would turn out) they could give other players the necessary hints to figure it out if they really cared about fairness (they don’t).

I’m a little mad (not at you, of course, or at any player) so maybe I’m being too sarcastic and not stating as clearly what I mean. So I am sorry if you thought I wanted a secret society of elite players or something.

I love that we’re helping each other.

I’m mad that the devs/CX thinks that this is something that needs to be punished.


They don’t have “spies” everywhere. But presenting our findings on a silver platter, of course they’ll take that and run with it.

We should at least make them work for it instead of waving “please punish us” flags around on the forums.


Only people that did something wrong gets to be punished. Hiding info that could help others would make us look like cheaters, only trying to use what we find to ourselves. I don’t know why you are so attached to that, it’s not the first time they change things in their game, not gonna be the last. With the findings, we judge if we keep playing and help others.

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Literally all of this infor for Underspire AND Dungeon were incredibly public, and very easy to find by googling it. It just doesnt get posted on THESE forums specifically because the devs will “fix” things that dont need to be fixed. Im worried their “fix” for this issue will be to say that ok, the keystone can be at the end of that 20 room path. Would ANYBODY like for that to happen? No. And thats what im worried about

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Let’s say that happens, people would stop playing the mode right? For them, it would be wasting the work they put in that, for us, we would move on. It doesn’t seem to be the end of the world, even if you stop playing the game because of that, finally learning.

didn’t stop the devs from not adjusting the weekend arena events at all


My level 240 guild is a group that plays every day, a committed bunch. I shared the info on Underspire strategy with them and was met with a lot of shrugs. Many of them are just doing the free torches and getting to miniboss 1 or 2 and they are fine with that. There is so much stuff competing for attention within the game that people just will not be able to dump gems into everything. If they sink gems into anything, it is trying to complete world events and trying to pull mythics.

My main point is, making it harder will not make people invest more gems because it is fair. You’d pull in a lot more gems/day if there was a low cost guaranteed level of reward daily that players could scale, like dungeons or holiday events - it’s close, but not quite the same. If I give you 50 gems/day, will I get to a miniboss? Or some sort of consolation prize, like 10 diamonds with each torch pack or something. A lower level daily commitment with some minimum guaranteed outcome will net you a lot more fish. Only please leave the scaling option because some of us will spend more. The reward choices now are mostly good (boss rooms 3 and 5 are weak) and adding some deeds would be awesome.


That’s exactly what I’m trying to say that gets misconstrued - don’t post it on this forum.

Don’t know how some people read that as “hiding information from everyone”.

In an ideal world that would be true but unfortunately we have to deal with reality.

Humanity didn’t come up with sayings like “no good deed goes unpunished” for nothing.

Arena was used before and it is simple, just a bunch of randomness, it seems to me more work was into underspire even with teasers.

In reality is their game, for them to ruin or have sucess with it.

Astute observation. We already know that.

Did you learn that is crazy too?

Seems you feel attacked for some reason because I said it was crazy to me that we haven’t learned yet to keep stuff to ourselves (as in between players, not everyone to themselves if you didn’t get that).

I don’t know what you want from me and I don’t care about going in circles anymore.

I’m sure it has become boring for the people expecting anything new on the topic.

I will be perfectly honest here: I do not trust the developers to “fix” the under spire issue. Why?

Let’s look at two of the most recent changes.

•They “fixed” dungeons and made the randomness of trap doors objectively worse, and oh yeah, no update on the targeted dragon request (they added dragonite to the new stage rewards with shiny keys and under spire, but that is NOT addressing the random dragon egg frustration).

•They “fixed” challenges for the weekly kingdom into horrible player and enemy team compositions that they have to adjust on a weekly basis. It also heavily relies on very high kingdom levels and luck. Time and money wasted on a mode we didn’t even ask for.

If they “fix” the under spire and make it truly random, this mode will be a frustrating gem sink that will drive away even more players. Every solution they come up with for this game have one thing in common: more gems, more money, and more time wasted on aggressive micro transactions.


It is an attack, towards people that are trying to help. Time to let it go, eventually this game will also end.


No, it’s not.

It’s just asking to not share it here for devs to read and use against all players.

I wish you’d let it go but you keep attacking me just because you don’t care to read what I’m writing.

There’s a difference between “don’t share info openly on this forum because devs will use it against us” (which is what I’m saying!) and “don’t share any info at all” (which is what you pretend I’m saying).

You’re delibarelty misconstruing what I’m saying.

Please, by all means, let it go. I don’t know how much clearer I can make what I’m saying to get through to you.


I just want to say that their claim of “not everyone using other sources of information to guide them through under spire,” is pure BS. Unfair to them? They choose not to look up detailed information and guides. If they continue to waste time, money, and gems, it’s their fault, not ours. Not the people who actually want to help others.

We live in a world where we have access to information in many ways. If you want to learn to play the game better, it’s out there. We shouldn’t be punished for it.

We’re actually trying to find new ways to have fun with these horrible, new game modes they deliver every patch.

But I agree with the op. We shouldn’t post helpful information here. It’s just a big flashing light for them to shut down. Remember when we posted a helpful guide on dungeons? Yeah, that went really well…:face_with_symbols_over_mouth:


It’s not the first time you do that kinda stuff here, if anything, you want this.

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This is not true. I am looking at my current map and it’s 10 tiles to the 1st boss.